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Hard drive cloning

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You have multiple ways to clone a drive

option 1: use an hardware cloner like this: https://www.startech.com/nl-be/hdd/satdock2reu3 to clone the hdd to another hdd, you don't even need a pc for this. 

option 2 (free): if you have an pc you can use cloning software (like hdd raw copy tool) that makes a image of your drive (cluster by cluster) and then copy the image back to your new hdd. (you can store this image file on a nas somewhere as backup) here you can find hdd copy tool: https://hddguru.com/software/HDD-Raw-Copy-Tool/

Option 3 (free for now): use fatxplorer beta to take the content off the first drive and store it on your pc, then format the 2nd drive and put the data back. https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com


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