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Homebrew Games: BattleBlocksX

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BattleBlocksX (formerly BBX) is a game similar to Tetrinet.


  • 2 to 8 players (4 human max).
  • Skins.
  • Eating 100% works.
  • custom soundtracks.

User Guide:

This game is Tetris with weapons. For each line you clear, a block with a letter on it will appear in your field.

These lettered blocks are weapons and can be used on your opponents or on yourself (some of them are good).

When you clear a line that has a weapon in it, that weapon will go into your inventory.

To use the current weapon on an opponent (or yourself) you press the button that appears above their field.

Here is a list of all of the weapons and what they do:

A ADD LINE Adds a line
C CLEAR LINE Clears a line
UP FAST Speeds the up falling block
DOWN SLOW Slows down the falling block
N NUKE Clears entire field
B CLEAR WEAPONS Clears all weapons from field
F FLIP Flips field upside down
S SWITCH Switch fields with another player
R RANDOM CLEAR Clears up to 10 random blocks from field
G GRAVITY Sucks all blocks down to the bottom filling in all holes
Q QUAKE Randomly Shifts each line to the left, right, or center
O BOMB Ignites any bombs currently in the field causing the surrounding blocks to blow up into the field
I CLEAR INVENTORY Clears all of the weapons in the player's inventory
<> SWAP DIRECTION For 15 seconds, when the player hits left on the game pad, the shape moves right and vise versa

A quick start tip, yellow weapons are bad (offensive) and should be used on opponents while purple weapons are good (defensive) and should be used on yourself or a teammate. Flip and Switch are green since they could be good or bad.


A/B/X/Y - Use weapons above their field (on an opponent or yourself)

Right-Stick - Change current weapon




Thanks goes to everyone who has beta tested:

  • kl0wn - found a bug in the menu system that caused BattleBlocks to crash and exit to the dashboard.
  • Alien_Inv.
  • jsz.


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