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Homebrew Games: Aftershock Pool SX

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Aftershock Pool SX

Aftershock Pool SX is an original homebrew pool game for the Xbox. It features solid gameplay, and a nice table editor.

There is no AI, so grab some friends before you play.

User Guide:

Game Types include 8 Ball, 9 Ball, Cut Throat (3 players), Red Vs Blue© and Mini-Golf-Pool©.

This game ships with no music so you'll want to have custom soundtracks.





  • Thank you Gamedev.net samples for help with the physics.
  • Thanks Xantium.
  • Thanks Iriez.

Greetings to lantus, jsz, kl0wn, crashover, ken0sis, hsdemonz, h3inrich, cheesyman, blak101, hulken the swede, xarann, Odb718, giantnewb, uberjim, me33 the leet haxxor, wishi, and my best friend freakdave.


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