Popular Post Dark Destiny Posted February 26, 2024 Popular Post Posted February 26, 2024 <-[ Download Archive ]-> Collection Of XBox Installer CD's & DVD's [ Available Installers : 57] Just a small collection of installer disc's I have collectet over time which I think is nice to share. When downloading any of these please bear in mind that they are mostly EOL (End Of Life) and probably heavily outdated! > >> I do not offer support for any of the EOL builds << < ~ OGXBox Cerbios Disc ~ Versions available : 1 Spoiler ~ OGXBox Cerbios Disc ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 .7z MD5 2.4.2. 3.24 GB 01 ac3849dce5b023c2dc47f18752d9ac35 a4a5efcb9f61d086b82d236e6fa4a9c6 Description Spoiler This is disc started as a simple flasher made to make it easy as possible to flash the Cerbios. Now it's a fully grown installer which is up to date by this day. It not only provides every public available Cerbios bios in different flavors, it now also provides evey needed dash, app, option, you name it, you could ever need. You have the option to launch this disc in 4 different modes: DHCP + BFM (Boot From Media Cerbios) bios. DHCP with your own bios which you have on the modchip/tsop. Static IP + BFM (Boot From Media Cerbios) bios. Static IP with your own bios which you have on the modchip/tsop. This disc also offers you the freedom to flash your bios with either XBlastOS, EvolutionX, GentooX or ResctooX! You have the option to go from a softmod to a TSOP flash for NTSC & PAL users. Or you install/update to Cerbios Softmod or Rocky5's softmod. This disc offers you even more like the latest Team-Resurgent apps up to date to this posting. As well as: The XBox Preservation Project Apps Cerbios Intro Maker CISO Custom Cerbios Splash Ram DeLimit XBMC4Gamers Emustation Artwork Stuff and many more... UnleashX in a special version only available on this installer, Rocky5's latest XBMC4Gamers dash with additional skins and XBMC-Emustation build. There is also the option install/reinstall more apps (if needed). And like you may know from the OGXBox-Installer this disc here provides every repair option you can think of. Finaly and most important I think is, that you now can use this disc on a stock (!) xbox using the included MU/USB-Stick Endgame launcher. That way you can simply softmod or flash your TSOP and setup your HDD easy as it never was before. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier & Mega This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (if available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ OGXBox Installer 2021 ~ Versions available : 1 Spoiler ~ OGXBox Installer 2021 ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 1.9.3 2.99 GB - dce8b8d05b08eefb9a69751b935f1dab fb9ae16084ea1d07ed17da36e08aaa95 Description Spoiler This disc has reached the end of life (EOL). Use the Cerbios Disc instead. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier & Mega This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ Lord FiREFUCKeRs X-Disk ~ Versions available : 7 Spoiler ~ X-Disk ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 1.4.0 347.65 MB - 23aff8225b34cbab0f6d62d946c59917 226e73633cbd201036a4253badf92c85 Description Spoiler X-DISK v1.40 Lord FiREFUCKeRs (German) Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ X-Disk ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 7z MD5 1.6.0 393 MB - a2ad5ee76b88dd73fa507efce2cfb487 a01643d37b84329fd7fdfd6269aa6860 Description Spoiler X-DISK 1.6 EvoX (German) Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ X-Disk ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE DATE ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2.0 382 MB 24.02.2021 0de4b84d9c709dab38a5305502fdbef3 031937a6384819c2da08c852bb40aaab Description Spoiler X-DISK 2.0 EvoX - 24.02.2021 (German) Hi, bin grad wieder frohlich am XBOXen basteln und habe desswegen auch mal wieder meine X-DISK aktualisiert: +Cerbios: MD5s eingetragen, flashbar in Raincoat und EvoX +XBMC: heute compiled: 3-6-DEV-r33046, sind auch schon MD5Hashes für Cerbios drin. +Readmes und Nummerierungen im Installer aktualisiert und gefixt +UnleashX: Skin X-Panel als Default DAS MACHT X-DISK FÜR DICH: -Installation von mehrenen Dashboards mit den wichtigsten Anwendungen und Emus auf Knopfdruck. Egal ob auf neue Festplatte oder als Upgrade einer bestehenden Installation. -Installation von einzelnen Dashboards mit oder ohne Apps & Emus. Egal ob neue Festplatte oder Upgrade. -Starten der anderen Dashboards von jedem Dashboard aus -Wechseln des Standard-Dashboards auf Knopfdruck -Flashen deines (Mod)Chips/TSOPs -Festplatte formatieren: Einzelne Partitionen oder volle Formatierung -Festplatte auf Werk zurücksetzen: Platte wird formatiert, partitioniert und M$-Dashboard installiert. -Festplatte locken/entlocken (für recycling im Retro-PC) -Livemenu: Starten der Programme ohne Installation (als Preview oder zur Systemrettung) -Backup von Bios/Eeprom -Erweiterte Installation für Profis. Zusammenklicken der Wunschkonfiguration -Simple Tasks für Einsteiger BEI X-DISK MIT AN BORD: -Dashboards, jeweils die aktuelle Version: -AnodX -EvoX - Avalaunch -UnleashX -MxM -UIX ("frisiertes" M$-Dashboard) -XBMC Alle Dashboards sind vorkonfiguriert und mit Skins - bei EvoX sind über 250 (!) mit auf X-DISK. -Alle benötigten Programme zum Backup von Spielen, DVDs und zum Systemmanagement. -Mediaplayer zur Wiedergabe aller gängigen Formate sowie Live-Radio aus dem Internet und DVDPlayer zum Abspielen von DVDs ohne DVDKit -Emulatoren der bekanntesten Konsolen: SNES, NES, N64, Sega Megadrive, Sega Mastersystem, Atari VCS, C64, Atari 7800, Gameboy Color und viele mehr...(insgesamt 11 Emus) -Alle aktuellen Biose von Xecutor, EvoX, Ind, CerBios u.v.m. ****README 1. *** Erforderlich: - XBOX mit Chip oder TSOP Flash - Festplatte mit F: und oder G: Partition (Optional: Kabel, Sata-IDE Adapter) Info: Mit Glück kannst du die originale Festplatte in deiner XBOX mit F: formatieren und hast dann zumindest Platz für X-DISK Installation. - Bios mit korrekter Searchlist (alle auf X-Disk sind getestet) - DVD-R 4,7 GB. CD mag auch gehen, hängt von deinem DVD-Laufwerk in der XBOX ab. Tip: Brenn Geschwindigkeit auf möglichst langsam stellen: z.B. 4x. Meine Favs: Verbatim DVD-R, 4,7 GB, SL, auf 4x gebrannt. 10er Pack gibt es ür schlappe 5€: Affi-Link: Verbatim DVD-R 4,7GB CerBios Versionen: CerBios (UDMA 2|ATA/33) Mode des original M$-Bios: 33,3 MB/s CerBios UDMA 4: 66,6 MB/s CerBios UDMA 5: 100 MB/s Leicht zu erkennen: UDMA Mode definiert die max. mögliche Leistungsfähigkeit (Speed). FunFact: M$ hat die damals aktuellste Hardware verbaut (ATAPI-6 mit UDMA 5), der Kernel läuft aber nur im UDMA 2. Warum? Die Antwort ist meist bei solchen Fragen: Zeit und Geld. Info Kabel: Wikipedia: ATA/ATAPI Ab UDMA-66 (UDMA 4) wird das feinere, 80-adrige Flachbandkabel verwendet, bei dem jede zweite Ader auf Masse gelegt ist, was die Signal-Adern gegeneinander abschirmt und die höhere Geschwindigkeit erst möglich macht. Je nach SATA-IDE Adapter kann es auch mit dem 40pol. original Kabel funktionieren, dann aber nur im UDMA 2 Mode. Info Speed: Wie fix deine Spiele laden hängt von MEHREREN Faktoren ab: Aktiver UDMA Mode: s.o. Festplatte: Ca. 1 Dutzend Faktoren die den Speed beeinflussen. Richtig gemerkt hab ich es bei den WD Green Modellen, da dauert das Booten schon merklich länger (wenn das Dashboard die Spiele indiziert) SATA-IDE Adapter: Hier gibt es dermaßen viel Müll auf dem Markt. Angefangen von 7€ bis über 20€ Startech. Die Billigdinger sind eher Bausätze zum selbst nachlöten: Viele sind DoA, aber was schlimmer ist: Viele laufen erstmal und dann friert die XBOX ein. Für ca. 12-14 € bekommt man brauchbare Adapter aber wer für sich selbst die XBOX baut: Gönnt euch den StarTech, da gibt es keine Überraschungen. Ich selber nutze für meine Umbauten die Mittelklasse. Hier gibt es auch defekte Adapter. Ich bestelle immer Batches und sende die defekten einfach zurück. Der StarTech Adapter kostet mal eben so viel wie 3-4 Billig Adapter, aber funktioniert. Bei ALLEN anderen Adaptern sind mehr oder weniger oft defekte Adapter an der Tagesordnung. Affi-Link: StarTech Adapter auf Amazon SeekTimes: Jede Datei muss der Platte gesucht werden. Das Bewegen des Lesekopfes ist bei mechanischen Platten wohl der größte Zeitfresser. Egal wie schnell deine HDD lesen kann, wenn das Spiel aus vielen kleinen Dateien besteht, ergibt sich daraus die hohe Ladezeit. Workaround: CerBios (Compressed) Iso Images. Statt der x kleinen Dateien hat mir hier 4GB große "Brocken". Im Idealfall kann hier also die HDD Vollgas einlesen. Tradeoff: Die Images musst du mit Repackinator händisch erstellen. Ablauf: Bios flashen: 2023 Empfehlung: CerBios Platte (IDE-SATA Adapter, Kabel) einbauen. x-DISK booten. [b]Info: Ab 250GB NOTWENDIG: Der Umweg über FatXplorer oder XBPartitioner. Das Formatieren mit Evo-X wird irgendwann zum explodieren des Dateisystems führen. Der Installer (Evo-X) formatiert F:128GB & G:256GB mit 16k Clustersize->ergibt eine max. Partitionsgröße von 256GB. 8GB OriginalHD + 128GB F: + 256GB G:= 392GB <- Das ist die max. HD Größe für den ALL-IN-ONE MODE! --- HD kleiner bis 392 GB:[/b] Mehrmals "A" drücken (ALL-IIN-ONE Mode): Formatiert HD & installiert Dashboards, Apps, Emus... --- HD grösser als 392GB: Start->Live Mode->System Apps->XBpatitioner Reboot Start->Classic Mode->3)Install/Update->3-1.1) Kaffee trinken. Befüllen der XBOX: Der hauptsächliche Grund für das Umbau-Gefrickel ist: Starten der Spiele ohne DVD von HDD. Dazu muss das Game irgendwie den Weg auf die Platte finden. Es gibt da mehrere gängige Methoden: Über Netz per FTP (EverGreen) Easy und funktioniert, aber kann bei heutzutage üblichen Datenmengen mehrere Nächte dauern. Der FTP-Server von XBMC ist stabil. Checkt vorher ob nicht Auto-Abschalten der XBOX eingestellt ist. Direkt mit FatXplorer (Der Standard 2023) Schnellste Methode. 1 TB ist in 1-2 Stunden befüllt. Nachteil: Man muss die HDD in einen PC oder ein externes USB-Case einbauen. Vorzugsweise USB 3! Danach Partition mounten und rüber kopieren. DVD Dump via UnleashX, DVD2Xbox...(Naja) Abhängig vom dem mittlerweile rund 20 Jahre alten DVDs und DVDDrives kann das funktionieren. Aber selbst wenn es funktioniert: Das dauert... Kurz: DVD ist langsam und fehlerträchtig. -Emulatoren: Auf F: findest du den Ordner "Emus". in den jeweiligen Ordner des Emulators findest du einen Ordner "Roms" (o.ä.). Da kommen die Roms rein. -Spiele: Auf F: (und G:) ist ein Ordner "Games". Hier die Dumps reinkopieren. Falls Du Backups von deinen DVDs erstellst: UnleashX und DVD2XBOX sind konfiguriert die Backups hier abzulegen. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ X-Disk ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE DATE ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2.0 333 MB 05.02.2023 c9c17b35712e2cc8974d9877d68b10f4 8b0468b33106669fbc75d8af501aba86 Description Spoiler X-DISK 2.0 EvoX - 05.02.2023 (German) Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ X-Disk ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2.0.0. Plus 816 MB Unofficial d1e51b328d242ed82f3f811befb6c5e5 6f54206624d96290f8634aac855106b3 Description Spoiler X-DISK 2.0 Plus EvoX - 28.02.2023 SEE VERSION ABOVE! Just small adjustments and translation to english (more or less) UNOFFICIAL! Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ X-Disk ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2.0.0 2.83 GB Unofficial UX 4fc7ede52a1abe7fe0eabe652f6aa386 8feffaecb19050516be0ea85c1d31b9a Description Spoiler X-Disk 2.0 UX (Unofficial Private Experimental Build) Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ X-DISK - Homebrew Installer ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 RAR MD5 Unknown 2.05 GB Unknown f9e6e5037d6cddb5132b5adff8b02d12 0831b77b4c856dc180bc3fa521233142 Description Spoiler X-DISK_HOMEBREW_INSTALLER_24.02.2021 This is an installer for some home games. As far as I know, FF has made this just as a little just fun project. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ ZXB Installer ~ Versions available : 3 Spoiler ~ ZXB Installer ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 3.2 480.18 MB - c4556e25575f599c120d3a9d45bb870a b858258c077ba3051377cf627aa9b6d0 Description Spoiler ZXB_Installer_3.2.iso You have more infos about this disc? Let me know in a PM and so I can ad it here. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ ZXB Installer ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 3.3.1 3.49 GB - 030e6a2d30ba07abb2252faa645a1dc8 14a7e8e863db2ad5b76235e2383f1c3b Description Spoiler ZXB Installer 3.3.1 FINAL.iso You have more infos about this disc? Let me know in a PM and so I can ad it here. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ ZXB Installer ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 4.4. rep 457 MB - aeb9571060d929fb466fe95226b41149 Description Spoiler ZXB Installer4.4 Rep.iso You have more infos about this disc? Let me know in a PM and so I can ad it here. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ Borg Disc Installer (BDI) & BiosHazard ~ Versions available : 3 Spoiler ~ Borg Disc Installer (BDI) F.K.A. BioHazard Lite ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 r135 05.05.2020 3.31 GB - See Description. 802bfb6bff73ab0066e6d967766b1128 Description Spoiler Borg Disc Installer (BDI) F.K.A. BioHazard Lite Because this .rar has multiple .iso files in it, I just list the main .rar MD5 You have more infos about this disc? Let me know in a PM and so I can ad it here. Installer is made by soilengreen AKA hal9000 Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ Borg Disc Installer ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 r214 12.01.22 764 MB - 36c9239b1bfae74f2f9f3cd569d862cc 413537380a21979fcffc7d0ad30e2957 Description Spoiler Borg Disc Installer r214 12.01.22 You have more infos about this disc? Let me know in a PM and so I can ad it here. Installer is made by soilengreen AKA hal9000 Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ BioHazard+Monster ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 1.3 4.23 GB - 58958d76b2f65b0996caf96c07687197 c68995b2e2c5290716e55b3b49e9d962 Description Spoiler BioHazard 1.3 + Monster.iso You have more infos about this disc? Let me know in a PM and so I can ad it here. Installer is made by soilengreen AKA hal9000 Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ Varius ~ Available Installers : 8 Spoiler ~ Junk XBMC Installer ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 7z MD5 2015 2.75 GB FULL 6b8c695418128c785832e5dd6273928c e090a29f4311516ce9df199cc884208f Description Spoiler Junk XBMC Installer 2015 aka Unofficial Auto Installer Deluxe XBMC Build : XBMC4XBox 3.5.r32977 Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ New HD Evox ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 1.4 14.56 MB - Not a ISO 3b468488a570c59edb8147628ff1e8ea Description Spoiler EvolutionX New HD Setup ISO - v1.4 by GreenGiant ------------------------------------------------------ Requirements: Xbox MS Dashboard (Any) What will this cd allow me to do ? Install a new (blank) HardDrive into your XBOX and using this cd it will prepare, format, and install the EvolutionX DashBoard, MS Dashboard, DVDX 2, BoxPlorer and ConfigMagic Final. This will leave your XBOX ready for use. Also has support for flashing your modchip Bios to Evox D6 EjectFix. (Donot use if you donot know what you are doing) Use: 1) Put the Contents from the C drive of the original HardDrive in to the directory 'CDrive'. -- If you already have evolutionx on your original C drive, donot transfer it over -- 2) Burn the Contents of this archive onto a CDRW in Proper Xbox Format A) UDF B) XBOX ISO Image Creator 3) Install new HardDrive into XBOX 4) Put CDRW into xbox and reboot (Turn Off, Turn On) 5) Select 'Prepare NewHD' and follow the prompts 6) Eject CD from tray and reboot Xbox Your new harddrive is now ready for use on your Xbox. I have included two new utilities with this release, ConfigMagic Final and BoxPlorer. ConfigMagic Allows you to view your xbox settings stored in the eeprom, as well as edit them. BoxPlorer is a filemanager. And the old Attribute fixer in case you have problems with your file attributes. Don't forget to drop my website and buy some of my products. http://cheaplpc.com or http://nicolas.cx/greengiant CheapLPC Programmer, CheapMods, XIR Units, USB to Xbox Cables, Xbox to USB Cables and More. EvoxNewHd - v1.4 Atrib App - v0.2 beta Thanks to Superfr0 and all the guys at #xbins Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ Splinter Cell Exploids S3EDITION ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2018 22.11 MB (Lite) 12.84 MB (Full) - 0ad1ea2a1ee54936228e9ca1dab69ef0 8cb058f75cfea29028b8011b0f3dc9ff (Lite) 638fb91af7c55ee0e6051bd14e679473 (Full) Description Spoiler Direktes TSOP-Flashen mit Savegame Vorstellung des TSOP-Flashers "S3EDITION" Vorwort Fortgeschrittene Xbox Modder kennen das Dilemma sicherlich mit dem Flashen von modifizierten BIOS Daten auf der Xbox. So fein die Sache auch sein mag, gibt es weder eine ordentliche und zeitgemäße Anleitung im deutschsprachigem Raum, noch ein Tool was alles abdeckt... Gerade der WINBOND Chip muss immer umständlich mit einer LINUX-Anwendung geflasht werden, die erst einmal als separate App auszuführen ist. Nicht selten geht ein TSOP-Flash erstmal über das Einrichten eines Softmods. Und das Flashen über TELNET bleibt für viele weiterhin unverständlich und ist einfach auch eine blöde Lösung.. So geht es auch mir, da ich öfters Xbox-Konsolen modifiziere und bevorzugt auf Costum-BIOS-Files zurückgreife. Daher habe ich mich die letzte Zeit mehr mit dem Thema befasst und einige Tools zusammengeführt für ein einfaches TSOP-Flashing, auch für Einsteiger. Also worum geht es hier genau? Dieses Tutorial beschäftigt sich mit dem schnellen und einfachen Überschreiben (Flashen) des Onboard-BIOS (TSOP) der Xbox! Die Xbox muss dafür vorher nicht mit einem Softmod gemoddet werden. In diesem Tutorial verwende und beschreibe ich zudem das von mir zusammengestellte Tool für diesen Zweck. Dieses kommt als ein Hack in einem Savegame (Exploit) und muss mit dem Spiel SPLINTER CELL (haha, wer hätte es gedacht xD) gestartet werden. Einmal gestartet, kann man direkt ohne Umwege das Onboard-BIOS mit überschreiben. Alle Chips werden unterstützt! ACHTUNG!: Trotz einigen Warnungen und Sicherheiten ist das Flashen nur für geübte Xbox Modder geeignet! Es birgt hohes BRICK-Risiko! Wir benötigen für diesen Mod: Das Spiel Splinter Cell (das normale Spiele, keine Neuauflagen etc.) USB-Stick oder Memory Card mit dem Exploit darauf (Für die MU ist die LITE Version geeignet) Das Tool "TSOP FLASHER S3EDITION" als Savegame getarnt (Download: drive.google.com/drive/folders…94zqoj1UqXi5y?usp=sharing) Lötwerkzeug oder Silberleitlack und die Xbox Konsole Dann legen wir mal los... Vorbereitungen Savegame kopieren Zuerst muss der Exploit auf die Xbox gepackt werden. Eine Anleitung, wie man Savegames auf die Xbox bekommt, findet ihr bspw. hier: [XBOX] Softmod mit MemoryCard und Softmod Installer Entpackt das Savegame (bspw. mit dem Tool Xplorer360 v0.9 Beta) und kopiert die 2 Ordner aus UDATA auf euren USB-Stick und danach auf eure Xbox. Wenn das Savegame auf der Xbox ist, sind wir hier erstmal fertig(; ANMERKUNG ZUM FLASHER: Es sind 2 Versionen im Set. Einmal die Full Version, und einmal eine LITE Version. Diese ist für USB-Sticks gedacht, die bei größeren Dateien einfach die Übertragung abbrechen, bzw. bei denen Xplorer360 eventuell abstürzt. Sollte das auch bei euch der Fall sein, greift auf den LITE zurück. Sollte der Xplorer360 nicht starten weil bei euch auf dem Rechner die Datei "msvcr71.dll" fehlen sollte, stelle ich sie euch hier als zip-Archiv zum Download zur Verfügung (einfach entpacken und nach Windows\System32 kopieren): msvcr71.zip Schreibschutz entfernen Nun müssen wir die Xbox erstmal zerlegen - guter Zeitpunkt auch zum Reinigen etc. Um die Xbox zu öffnen, folgt am besten dieser Anleitung: XBOX (Classic) WiFi Mod Nun müssen wir feststellen, was für eine Xbox-Revision wir überhaupt haben! Vorweg: die 1.6er Mainboards kann man nicht TSOP-flashen! Achtet auch auf euren Onboard-BIOS-Chip! Neben HYNIX, HYUNDAY, ST, WINBOND gibt es auch den SHARP Chip, der einen weiteren Schritt benötigt! Auch wenn der Chip in PAL-Konsolen eher selten ist, muss dieser Schritt beachtet werden! Xbox-Revision ausfindig machen: Xbox Revisionen erkennen, unterscheiden und Besonderheiten Wenn wir nun unsere Xbox-Revision kennen, müssen wir den Schreibschutz für den BIOS-Chip deaktivieren. Dazu müssen je nach Revision verschiedene Lötbrücken gesetzt werden. Für die Xbox-Revisionen 1.0 und 1.1 muss das Mainboard komplett losgeschraubt werden, da oben und unten gelötet werden muss. Es müssen folgende Punkte verbunden werden: An der Oberseite: An der Unterseite: Bei den Xbox-Revisionen 1.2 bis 1.5 muss das Mainboard nicht komplett rausgenommen werden. Hier kommt man an die 2 Punkte sehr gut ran, da beide an der Oberseite liegen. Hier müssen folgende Punkte verbunden werden: Weiterer Schritt beim SHARP CHIP: Falls ihr einen SHARP Chip habt, müsst ihr noch folgende Punkte verbinden: Wenn wir den Schreibschutz deaktiviert haben, können wir die Xbox wieder zusammenbauen. Jetzt geht es an der Xbox selbst weiter Xbox flashen Nun starten wir das Spiel, wie bereits aus dem Softmodding bekannt sein dürfte. Wir wählen unseren LINUX-Spielstand und starten den Exploit. Nun sollte der TSOP Flasher S3EDITION uns auch schon begrüßen. Für versierte Modder muss ich nix weiter erwähnen, die ganzen Funktionen sollten selbsterklärend sein. Dennoch hier mal eine Kurzanleitung/Übersicht zum Tool und den Möglichkeiten: 1- XBOX FLASH TSOP Die EvoX eigene Flashanwendung für die Onboard Chips HYNIX, HYUNDAY, SHARP und ST. Hier wird nochmal die Xbox Revision abgefragt, anschliessend kann man aus einer Auswahl von EvoX M8, Xecuter2 und IND BIOS wählen. 2- Xbox Modchip BIOS für Revisionen 1.0 bis 1.5 Für Xbox Modchips geeignete Größen in 256K, 512K und 1024K. Wieder eine Auswahl von beliebten BIOS. 3- Xox Modchip BIOS für Revision 1.6 Für Modchips die in einer Xbox mit Mainboard Rev. 1.6 verbaut sind. 4- Experten BIOS Spezielle BIOS für die Nutzung von VGA Kabel/Mods. 5- Eigene BIOS flashen Die Option erlaubt eigene Costum Bios die man flashen möchte zu nutzen. Hierfür eine FTP Verbindung aufbauen und in der C Partition einen Ordner Namens BIOS anlegen. In diesen Ordner muss die gewünschte BIOS reingelegt werden. Vorher muss diese allerdings in BIOS umbenannt werden. Der Flasher greift also auf folgenden Pfad zu: C\Bios\bios.bin 6- WINBOND Flasher Spezielle anwendung für die zickigen WINBOND Onboard Chips. Hier muss erst eine BIOS ausgewählt werden die anschliessend vom Tool Präpariert wird. Anschliessend startet man den Flashvorgang, wo sich dann der Raincoat Flasher öffnet und loslegt 7- Xbox Version Detector Das Tool bringt eine kleine App mit, wenn man nicht wirklich sicher ist welche Version man hat. 8- Menü Einstellungen Einstellungen und Setups zB für Netzwerk Je nach Flash-Anwendung wird die Xbox herunterfahren. Je nach Anwendung startet sie auch automatisch wieder neu. LITE VERSION (XBE) Wie bereits erwähnt, kann es sein das während dem Kopiervorgang des Spielstandes einfach abgebrochen wird, oder man keinen USB-Stick hat sondern nur die orig. MEMORY CARD. Dafür habe ich extra eine kleinere Anwendung zusammengestellt. Wie gehabt wird diese kopiert und mit Splinter Cell gestartet. Hier sind nur 2-3 BIOSe drinnen. Empfehlenswert für Unerfahrene, da sich hier auch der "EIN-KLICK-INSTALLER" befindet. Hier wird dann ein EvoX Bios (6/7) geflasht mit blauer Startanimation. (EvoX S3EDITION Bluelight) CD VERSION (ISO ^^) Die CD Version beinhaltet den TSOP Flasher (FULL) ähnlich wie ein Installer Disk auf der CD. Alle Funktionen sind hier ebenfalls mit drauf. Einfach die ISO auf Disk brennen und starten. Download: drive.google.com/file/d/1ORmmC…gOYtWTfNspjgPCdAk_lW/view Wenn die Xbox nun geflasht ist, kann man je nach belieben mit einer Auto-Installer-Disc fortfahren und die Xbox nach Wünschen einrichten oder einfach eine andere Platte dranklemmen oder was auch immer. Hier noch der Link zum original Post : XBox-Classic-Direktes-TSOP-Flashen-mit-Savegame-alle-Chips Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link : Click Me Development Status : ~ XBoX - XTC-Multi-Installer ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2.0 147.02 MB - c26cd9af88070e6a3d03eb970cdbb9f6 ee4f99b7ff0e800a5bd7bbf85e357fd8 Description Spoiler XBoX - XTC-Multi-Installer V2 Nothing what I write here. EvoX installer disc like SlaYers but not as much options. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link : Click Me Development Status : ~ XBox Allround CD ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 ZIP MD5 0106 212.42 MB - eea2498d7c79965021ff7f17dca667eb 6b7ce30bdf43942b6f3e4fdfe84eb325 Description Spoiler XBox Allround CD 0106 EvoX based installer. And no. xbox-toolz.de is sadly gone. RIP Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link : Click Me Development Status : ~ XBox Ultimate Boot CD ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 4.0 516.44 MB - c65f643d807edfb0b4988b2004de04fb f19cfdd0da0d673f09c7f380a1693968 Description Spoiler XBox Ultimate Boot-CD 4.0 Another EvoX based installer. xbox-board.de as seen in the screens is long gone.... Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link : Click Me Development Status : ~ tHc Auto Installer ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 Unknown 146.46 MB - 107d97dd4025dcd0a7c4fdff9a49875e a808d27502ad80a62c395287af89a5fc Description Spoiler tHc Auto Installer This is the tHC "classic" dashboard and NOT tHc-Lite ! Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier & Mega This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link : Click Me Development Status : ~ Master CD GUEUX ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 3.0 16.35 MB - d1e1d4e21bd564321adff865a2a1bc30 b423861cf952b76cadbdd131390bb718 Description Spoiler Master CD GUEUX (SUPER DUPER OLD INSTALLER and EOL as heck ) CD INSTALLATION GUEUX.BE V3 - Ce CD vous permettra d'installer un dashboard alternatif (A.n.o.d.x, EvolutionX, Avalaunch, UnleashX) sur un disque dur d'origine ou un nouveau disque dur (neuf ou anciennement sur votre PC) - Pour utiliser ce CD votre Xbox doit avoir une puce d'installée et fonctionnelle. IMPORTANT AVEC DISQUE DUR D'ORIGINE !!! Une fois que vous aurez booté sur le CD vous pourrez vous connecter en FTP sur votre Xbox en utilisant les paramètres suivant : ftp : login : xbox passw : xbox Dès que vous êtes connectés à votre Xbox, effectuez aussitôt un backup de vos partitions C et E. IMPORTANT AVANT INSTALLATION NOUVEAU DISQUE DUR !!! Avant d'installer votre nouveau disque dur vous devez faire un backup des partition C et E de votre disque dur d'origine. Une fois que vous aurez booté sur le CD vous pourrez vous connectez en FTP sur votre Xbox en utilisant les paramètres suivant : ftp : login : xbox passw : xbox Dès que vous êtes connectés à votre Xbox, effectuez aussitôt un backup de vos partitions C et E. Lancez ensuite la fonction Backup (Menu Outil Systeme) et récupérez également le dossier backup sur la partition C. Ce dossier backup vous sera peut-être utile (lock/delock disque dur). Vous pouvez ensuite installer votre nouveau disque dur. Bios du CD : Sur ce CD 4 bios basés sur le X2 4981 sont proposés, ainsi que 4 Bios Basés sur le EvoX M8+ (xbox 1.0 à 1.6B) Ces bios sont configurés pour booter sur les dashboards de ce CD quelque soit la partition sur laquelles ils sont installés. Si vous flashez votre puce avec un des ces bios vous serez certains de la compatibilité du bios pour le Boot sur E ou F. * Bios 4979.06_xxxx_multiboot > ce bios permet la gestion des disques durs supérieurs à 137GB en aggrandissant la partition F * Bios 4979.67_xxxx_multiboot > ce bios permet la gestion des disques durs supérieurs à 137GB et supporte une partition G (si activée) * Bios Evox_M8xxxx_multiboot > ce bios permet la gestion des disques durs supérieurs à 137GB en aggrandissant la partition F Menu du CD : - Installer dashboard sur nouveau disque dur *Preparer nouveau HDD > cette action formatera le disque dur et créera les partitions nécessaires. Si vous avez installé un ancien disque dur toutes les données présentes seront perdues. *Preparer nouveau HDD + G > cette action formatera le disque dur et créera les partitions nécessaires. cette action créera egalement une partition G (utile uniquement si vous possédez un disque dur supérieur à 137GB). Votre bios doit être compatible. Si vous avez installé un ancien disque dur toutes les données présentes seront perdues *Installation pour Xbox-Live > cette partie vous permettra d'installer le dashboard de votre choix dans les partitions E ou F afin de ne laisser aucune trace dans la partition C, en prévision de l'utilisation du Xbox-Live. Vous devez posséder un bios compatible avec le boot sur E ou F (ce n'est pas le cas de la plupart des bios par défaut) N'oubliez pas que pour accéder au Xbox-Live vous devez auparavant locker votre disque dur afin de pouvoir booter sur le bios d'origine de la Xbox. *Installation non Xbox-Live > cette partie installera le dashboard de votre choix dans la partition C. Vous ne devrez en aucun cas vous connecter au Xbox-Live (bannissement assuré). - Installer dashboard sur disque dur d'origine * Formatage F > > cette option permet de récupérer 2GO sur votre disque dur. Cela ne fonctionne pas sur tous les disques durs d'origine (ne fonctionne pas sur Western Digital). *Installation pour Xbox-Live > cette partie vous permettra d'installer le dashboard de votre choix dans les partitions E ou F afin de ne laisser aucune trace dans la partition C, en prévision de l'utilisation du Xbox-Live. Vous devez posséder un bios compatible avec le boot sur E ou F (ce n'est pas le cas de la plupart des bios par defaut) *Installation non Xbox-Live > cette partie installera le dashboard de votre choix dans la partition C. Vous ne devrez en aucun cas vous connectez au Xbox-Live (bannissement assuré). - Debloquer disque dur > cette fonction vous permettra de delocker votre disque dur d'origine afin de pouvoir l'utiliser sur un PC. - Bloquer disque dur > cette fonction vous permettra de Blocker votre disque dur d'origine afin de pouvoir l'utiliser Avec le XBOX-LIVE. Gueux.Be fournit ce CD gracieusement, il ne pourra être vendu ou utilisé à des fins commerciales sans notre accord. Nous ne pourrons être tenus responsables des dégats ou pertes de données résultants de l'utilisation de ce CD. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link : Click Me Development Status : ~ HeXEn ~ Versions available : 4 Spoiler ~ HeXEn ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 0.99B11-22 223.72 MB - 83f984eb6d3017224942819861d254c3 708a275d43067a9a255a8efaa02072ce Description Spoiler HeXEn 0.99B11-22 Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ HeXEn ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2014 223.72 MB - 83f984eb6d3017224942819861d254c3 e9dbd911ada5c030c276f5832b4e6f5f Description Spoiler HeXEn 2014 Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ HeXEn ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2017 389.03 MB - 6bffc31e626c7a232ef91f38e8aef975 50b6453a7dc3d585b1286771d1f13512 Description Spoiler HeXEn 2017 Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ HeXEn ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2018 393.07 MB - a7f6b52422793cfd9b9cd7c599d5f636 50b6453a7dc3d585b1286771d1f13512 Description Spoiler HeXEn 2018 Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link : Click Me Development Status : ~ TruHeXEn ~ Versions available : 3 Spoiler ~ TruHeXEn ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 ZIP MD5 2019 314 MB - 848aec14327ab6cb85c63fc3727d6b42 e65529dd9a87b0884be378f7f272c33c Description Spoiler TruHeXEn 2019 Looks like there never was a release .nfo Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ TruHeXEn ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 7z MD5 2020 347 MB - cd424a616d2e28ac5fffdbacb2d30c05 d403cd35636f27cf022fad39c0d168f9 Description Spoiler TruHeXEn 2020 Looks like there never was a release .nfo Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ TruHeXEn ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 ZIP MD5 2021 601 MB - 786f513bc53f16846b8709ec6a8facb3 ac189e90b5da2385809c5cdedf97964d Description Spoiler To all those wanting a proper update to my release of TruHeXEn 2020, you've finally got one Massive thanks to user "sweetdarkdestiny" here on ogxbox forums for the very strong push to getting a proper release out. Without their effort at attempting to clean HeXEn's old code, this update would have taken much longer. This update mainly consists of general housekeeping changes to how HeXEn traditionally got tasks accomplished. Just about every aspect of the scripts has had some level of optimizations done to them to make this the fastest booting/cleanest HeXEn disc to date. All of the original features of TruHeXEn 2020 have been maintained as well as having a few outdated systems replaced. Winbond/Sharp tsop flashing is now handled by Xblast OS instead of Resctoox for example. *noDvd m8 Bios added back to the flashing menu *IND-5003 replaced with the Xiso patched version *Updated Eeprom Nulling tool added. One specific to each system (Tsop/Modchip and Softmod Systems) The biggest change any long time user of HeXEn will notice right off the bat is the massively improved boot times. This was accomplished by splitting up HeXEn into two parts. Upon booting HeXEn will by default load into the menu specifically for Tsop/Modchip systems. There is a new option first in the list to reboot into the Softmod specific menu. Aside from that most all of the features you expect are still present. Love it or Hate it, TruHeXEn is here... Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ TruHeXEn UNOFFICIAL ~ Versions available : 2 Spoiler ~ Tru3HeXEn 2021 - UNOFFICIAL ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 RAR MD5 1.0.3. 739 MB Private by SDD 5f9edb64d413dcb4316ae1b80ea0f015 bcbd4e983b7f67b55ccc4d8dd40c2397 Description Spoiler Tru3HeXEn 2021 v1.0.3 (Private beta build by SDD) This is the version I handed ToXicMedz before the 2021 version was released. Consider it a BETA release. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ TruHeXEn 2024- UNOFFICIAL ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 .7z MD5 2024 1.33 GB 01 Unofficial 1b0d0a20c96fe132e1dc9edaa2dc095a 1cb8122e23a8e177bcb8006631fd7b14 Description Spoiler TruHeXEn 2024 Unofficial Endgame Edition by OGXBox - 21 Aug. 2024 Basicly it's the 2021 with some more or less important changes. Most important is that the disc ain't use a shortcut anymore to boot. That can cause problems so it has been changed. The shorcut has been replaced with a real unleashx.xbe which then loads into a boot menu where you can chooce if you like to boot into the hardmod section or the softmod section. The XBMC builds (XBMC, XBMC4Gamers, XBMC-Emustation) has been also updatet and the installer is now 100% ENDGAME compatible. For the rest - Check the shamelog below... CHANGELOG Spoiler ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Changelog of TruHeXEn 2024 Unofficial ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ 21.8.2024 Updated Cerbios to v2.4.2. ******************************************************************************************** 16.7.2024 Updatet Cerbios to v2.4.1. Fixed wrong names for the cerbios flash. was saying 2.3.1 but flashed 2.4.0.b and now it says 2.4.1. * YAY* ******************************************************************************************** 15.7.2024 Updatet Cerbios to v2.4.0.b (VGA Hotfix) ************************************************************************ 14.7.2024 Updatet Cerbios to v2.4.0. Changed Resctoox to Gentoox for the Sharp TSOP. ************************************************************************ Updatet the EvoX BFM m8+ bios to Cerbios 2.3.1 BFM bios. Updatet XBMC4Gamers to the latest build by 25 Feb. 2024 Updatet XBMC-Emustation to the latest build by 25 Feb. 2024 Updatet XBMC to the latest build from Lord FireFucker. Updatet Config Magic to Rocky5's 1.6.1 Final Build. Updatet Dashloader Customizer Updatet dvd2box Updatet NTSC-PAL Updatet XBpartitioner 1.3 Fixed a couple lines of code (Missing empty signs between commends, removed some doule signs like "<<", added some spaces where they're missing and some other small things in the softmod config (D:\02.cfg) Added the latest Xbox Artwork Installer. Added Cerbios 2.3.1 to softmod flasher section. Added Cerbios 2.3.1 to hardmod flasher section. Added Cerios to the EvoX flasher Fixed wrong naming in the HM & SM section for the SHARP TSOP bios Flash. Was saying WINBOND all the way. Also states to be 256kb instead of 1024kb Fixed SHARP Flash in the HM & SM config which will fail using XBlast OS. Switched to ResctooX which will flash the Sharp just fine. Added a BootMenu cuz using a shortcut pointing to UnleashX can cause problems with brand new HDD's and that way we avoid that. Removed the 300MB dummy file since there's no need for it anymore. Changed the XBMC4Gamers, XBMC & XBMC-Emustation install pathes to the ones Rocky5 recommends to avoid problems! Along with that I updatet the configs and shortcuts. Fixed the flashevox.ini. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier& Mega This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up THIS DISC ONLY WORKS WHEN BURNED TO A DVD ! CISO, XISO, CCI, ISO or even plain xbe files DO NOT WORK Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ Softmod Installer Deluxe (SID) ~ Versions available : 3 Spoiler ~ Softmod Installer Deluxe ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 5.11 Final 104.61 MB - NOT AN ISO 683764cb077a29d70ac8a8ff9772a2dd Description Spoiler Softmod Installer Deluxe v5.11 Final Released by DJB on 23rd August, 2010 This new version is just a quick update, including a newer version of XBMC, plus the new "Confluence for Xbox" skin. Changes since v5.10: * Updated: XBMC Application (2010-08-21 SVN r30555) and MC360 skin * Added: Confluence for Xbox Skin to XBMC * Fixed: Some minor typos in the Installer Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link : Click Me Development Status : ~ Softmod Installer Deluxe ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 ZIP MD5 5.12 Final 193.60 MB - NOT AN ISO c9f587f05f8d14b1bc611f76a828d9a8 Description Spoiler Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ Softmod Installer Deluxe ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 ZIP MD5 6.0 Final 151.66 MB - NOT AN ISO 92436d2ad063d8cea50bf0adb5007598 Description Spoiler Release Notes -------------------------- Welcome to a brand new refreshed version of SID, one of the most popular Softmodding Tools available. Even though all the options remain the same as in 5.11, the installer has been rebuilt from scratch, flushing out a few bugs along the way. Enjoy this release What's changed since 5.11 -------------------------------------- Exploits rebuilt with NKPatcher 11_U04 - Set initial Clock Date to 2019/01/01 - Set Maximum Clock Date to 2099/06/06 - Fixed issue with RescueDash Installation - Moved Softmod installation from C:\SID5 to E:\SID - Added new Xbox-HQ Skin for UnleashX (USB version only) Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link : Click Me Development Status : ~ SlaYers Auto Installer ~ Versions available : 6 Spoiler ~ SlaYers ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2.6. 208.72 MB FULL effbdc9ef35df4b7e6ad60e94e9b43ed 9f053f68419a798455f38bc52771a561 Description Spoiler Slayers ain't need a description. SLAYERS IS LEGENDARY! Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ SlaYers ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2.7. 230.52 MB FULL 15875b46246379d256d10bd268660e2a 16b6a2f1108e9ca7776b57136feadea7 Description Spoiler Slayers ain't need a description. SLAYERS IS LEGENDARY! Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ SlaYers ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2.7. 2021 808.42 MB UNOFFICIAL 143f294d111ec7933efb30c5e762a2cb c06aaf0825f2f59ff29d33bd495b8bb8 Description Spoiler An updatet version of Slayers 2.7. which how ever is also EOL cuz it's already 2024 and this ISO was updatet in 2021. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ SlaYers ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 7z MD5 3.3.7. 989.06 MB Full 088155d06132769ec541fa17242848ed 90ef49656675541f50b2bf692aeba991 Description Spoiler Slayers ain't need a description. SLAYERS IS LEGENDARY! Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ SlaYers ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 7z MD5 3.4u 242.14 MB Lite a0d8f915b166026f904943fc319a4b4a b37c70b8134ca2874a76fc845fc5b2c3 Description Spoiler Slayers ain't need a description. SLAYERS IS LEGENDARY! Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ SlaYers ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 7z MD5 3.3u 1.22 GB Full d6b0b8799d760e5317fb539fce0da113 3590f5f7d6ec259c2aaa5b079dfc1531 Description Spoiler Slayers ain't need a description. SLAYERS IS LEGENDARY! Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ Auto Installer Deluxe ~ Versions available : 5 Spoiler ~ Auto Install Deluxe ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 4.50 561.26 MB - 8e043c7e6d2ff0edacdcd0ddc6601af6 d96cd92c5ad534e695dc41a10fe61482 Description Spoiler v4.5.0 Lite Release Notes: Since homebrew development has slowed down incredibly, this will be the last full release of Auto-Installer Deluxe. Since 2004, Auto-Installer Deluxe has been the Xbox modder's ultimate installer disc, containing tons of Dashboards, Applications, Emulators, and other usefultools. Not only is it simple to use, but has lots of flexibility, allowing you to customise your Xbox just the way you want it. The AID Team wish to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has been involved in the AID project throughout the years, all the supporters who have followed its progress, and ofcourse to all the people who help distribute this. Enjoy the final release of the AID Legacy. Changes since v4.40 (Last ISO Build) Updated: XBMC Skins and Scripts Software Added: PCSXBox 20 - Xbox Media Center 2009-04-04 Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link : Click Me Development Status : ~ Auto Installer Deluxe ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 7z MD5 4.53 496.91 MB - 4615d885384f151d52153fafa45aacf8 e8e30e1737c2c7beee843943ebcceba0 Description Spoiler v4.5.3 Lite Changelog 2011-04-11 v4.53 (ISO Release) Updated: SID v5.10 was replaced with SID v5.11 Updated: XBMC Application (revision 30836 2011-04-04) Updated: XBMC Scripts, Plugins, and Skins Software Added: Atari 7800X 6 - MekaX 3 - Surreal64 XXX CE B5.4 - Vice20X 6 - Vice64X 9 - VicePETX 5 - VirtualBoyX 3 - WinSTonX 9 - x68000X 5 - z26X 7 - ZsnexBox 3.7 Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link : Click Me Development Status : ~ Auto Installer Deluxe ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 4.6 3.16 GB - 7eba68ee30233bd96785356c401d79c9 bfdd9a096f20120ffc26fcfcf8e91dc4 Description Spoiler Spoiler v4.6 (PORTUGUESE BR) Probably an unoffical release. No further information on this release, sry. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ Auto Installer Deluxe ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE MISC ISO MD5 RAR MD5 4.61 3.92 GB FINAL 2020 aa1a1412526fff39a83d8e8745cf2c5e 1974f73d92b66f1d99ff8fcffc9ec1e9 Description Spoiler v4.61 2020 - unofficial release v1 Changelog 2020-08-29: v4.61 (ISO Release) Updated: SID v5.11 was replaced with SID v5.11_Plus Updated: XBMC Application (revision 33032 2018-03-09) Updated: XBMC Scripts, Plugins, and Skins Added: Option to load "xbox default settings" Software Added: XBMC4Gamers Updated: ImgBurn Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link : Click Me Development Status : ~ Auto Installer Deluxe ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE MISC ISO MD5 RAR MD5 4.62 3.36 GB FINAL 2023 U02 e70e41207036e8d701f1094d0e643a96 e70e41207036e8d701f1094d0e643a96 Description Spoiler v4.62 2023 U02 - unofficial release v2 Changelog - 2023-04-01: v4.62 FINAL (ISO Release) Fixed: some Bugs Fixed: Addon Packs Added: Raincoat 0.5+ Updated: SID v5.11+ Updated: XBMC4Gamers Updated: XBMC Application (revision 3-6-DEV-r33046 2023-02-05) Updated: BIOSes Removed: format F & G Drive with unleashX (use XBpartitioner) Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ Modchip Disc's ~ Versions available : 1 Spoiler ~ SmartXX Xebian ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 2.0 592.05 MB - cb021211a8654a267ab7696583ca47e1 bd4469057f87c64371eca2a11d742896 Description Spoiler SmartXX Xebian This disc does not work in XEMU if you should think about that. This ISO is a dump of the disc you got with the SmartXX v2 when you have bought it. Some promo stuff on it as well as the files for the smartxx and ofc a copy of Xebian Lunix! You can boot this disc on your XBox and you can launch it on your PC to search the promo stuff ect.. Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ Linux / Windows / OSX ~ Versions available : 6 Spoiler ~ Apple Mac OS X 10.2.0 On A XBox ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 - 1.12 GB - - ffe55157fc7058ac73a83439c66f91ed Description Spoiler It's an AIO pack. How to do as pdf attached below: Install Mac OS On A Xbox .pdf OS-X version is 10.2.0. (ISO ofc included) Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ Windows CE.NET ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE BUILD ISO MD5 RAR MD5 4.20 19.1 MB P.O.C. Not an ISO! e4f339174c7b34b2221190351f5cf114 Description Spoiler THIS IS NOT FOR N00BS. THIS IS JUST A PROOF OF CONCEPT "BUILD" AND IT HAS 100% NO USE FOR WHAT EVER. Short Q&A: What - Windows CE.NET 4.20 on the Microsoft Xbox (Proof of concept) Who - Artifex & Phoenix, with the assistance and support of http:/www.xbox-gear.com Why - Because we can, and it's cool How - Modified XbeBoot, custom BSP, and lots of luck Usage - Throw default.xbe and NK.nb0 in a directory on your xbox. Plug in a usb mouse, prefferably not through a controller's hub. Launch via your preferred method. Unplug the gamepad as soon as it starts running, otherwise the usb init may hang. Some text should appear briefly, then the screen will go black for a moment. Give it 3-5 seconds, and the desktop should appear. You will most likely not have a mouse cursor, but the mouse should be functional. Keyboard will not yet work. (see below for details.) YMMV!!! Long Q&A: -Wait wait wait.... Windows? On the Xbox? -BULLSHIT! Everyone said it cant be done! Is this for real? Yes, this is for real. It's a VERY early work in progress... but it DOES work. Windows CE.NET is a full, "Win32" Windows kernel, designed for embedded platforms. It can run windows applications compiled for CE, CE.NET, PocketPC, and Windows Mobile. It can also run .NET CLR apps, and (with a VM installed) Java. CE versions of Windows Media Player, Flash players, IE, MS Office, etc etc.... This is the real deal. -Ok, so, what can we do with it NOW? Not much. This is just a proof of concept. The kernel starts, SOME drivers load, the GUI comes up, you can run applications. There is a LOT still to be done before it's very impressive -What works? The basic kernel subsystem is in place. The IoCtl is about 90% done. ISR/IST is up and working. PCI enumeration happens properly. USB initializes and enumerates devices (but hangs if there's a gamepad connected). Mouse driver loads. Keyboard driver loads but is missing a layout, so it's not quite functional yet. A VERY simple video driver is in place (Software mouse cursor seems to be failing, so you won't see a pointer, yet). -What still needs done? LOTS. Most importantly, the existing 'bugs' need fixed. Keyboard layouts need put in place. The software cursor needs fixed. The date and time is not being retrieved properly... Secondly, drivers need written, ported, or simply put in place. It should be easy to work the NVNET driver in, as it's designed to be easily dropped into an NDIS/RNDIS environment. FATX should just be a matter of adapting the FAT filesystem driver. Gamepad drivers can be ported from the existing windows versions. It MAY (very speculative!) be possible to work in a 3d-accelerated nvidia gpu driver, as CE.NET includes a complete DirectX implementation. -Why Release now, then? Why not finish these tasks first, and then release? I started this project on my own, and got it to this point several months ago Then a LOT of other things started to come up, both with the Xbox, and IRL. I tried to get some other Phoenix members interested, but they were also either too busy with other projects, or IRL. Since then, I've been pondering what to DO with the existing codebase. I finally made the decision to release what I have so far to the public, and see if there were interest. If there is, I'm making an open call for developers, and taking this the way of the xbox-linux project. -Can I help? YES! Especially helpfull would be people with embedded RTOS experience, and people with experience in writing windows drivers or with the windows driver architechture itself. Just contact me (see below) and we'll discuss what can be done. I may go so far as to set up a sourceforge project to collaborate our efforts. -Is this legal to use? Is this legal to distribtue? Am I violating copyright if I host this? The stage1 bootloader (XbeBoot) was taken from the Xbox-Linux project, and was written without the use of the XDK. Everything AFTER the stage1 bootloader is either my code (BSP) or CE itself. I submit my code to the world under the GPL. As far as CE itself, here is what Microsoft has to say on the subject: (Taken from "Understanding Additional Licensing Rights", Posted: September 18, 2003 http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Embedded/ce.NET/howtobuy/licensing/addlicright .asp) "Non-commercial distribution rights grant developers the ability to install a runtime on an unlimited number of devices and distribute those devices to third parties for non-commercial purposes. These rights are applicable to both Evaluation Edition and Full Version licensees." Further: "A developer may create and deploy runtimes on an unlimited number of devices to share with friends as long as neither person is receiving any financial gain from the transaction." In other words, we can all share this great peice of work freely and openly, so long as noone tries to sell it. Thanks muchly, Microsoft! -Ok, so, CE.NET is a nifty toy, and all... but can we put REAL Windows on the xbox? Like Windows XP? Well, yes and no. This topic has been beaten to death over time, but... I'll add a little to the discussion. There is an embeddable version of Windows XP called "XP eMbedded" or XPe. It has been said time and time again that the Windows kernel will not boot without a BIOS. This is true of MOST Windows kernels, but only because their lower level functions are coded against a standard PC, and we don't have the source, obviously. With XPe, WE can provide the lower level functions ourselves, in a custom BSP, and build a custom bootloader. Preliminary experimentation shows that this WILL work, it will just take a lot of effort. Better to get the "Toy" OS up and running first, and then apply what we learn along the way to the big bad. -How can I contact you? Well, if you dont already know my usual haunts... You can email me at artifex@hush.ai but there's no assurance i'll ever read/respond. Or, even better, catch me on irc.oftc.net in either #xbox-linux or, now, #xbox-windows We would like to thank the kind donations from http://www.xbox-gear.com which facilitated this release! Xbox-Windows.org would like to thank the generous donation from http://www.Xbox-Gear.com which facilitated this release! Focus Support is now added to allow you to run the Ce-Xbox proof of concept code on your v1.4/v1.5 *NOTE* The CE image that's included in this release hasn't changed, there have been some other small tasks completed for the project, but we still need help. Remember please visit our site http://xbox-windows.org for updates or visit #xbox-windows on irc://irc.oftc.net Thanks again to Artifex, Phoenix, http://www.Xbox-Gear.com , and all those out there that allowed for running of unsigned code on our favorite game console! Screenshot Spoiler If you like to provide a screenshot you have made. Let me know and I add it here. Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ XBox Hardware Refresh Disc ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - xISO MD5 RAR MD5 Unknown >1 MB - 820a2ee6d3bc676ee289db1b3bcb256c 1bc8a475f0270cd97463c0d03903ec36 Description Spoiler XBox Hardware Refresh Disc (xISO) (USA) (NTSC) You should handle this disc with care. It basicly has no use for the enduser and if I'm honest not even for the pro now days. What does it? It wipes your xbox to factory defaults. Yeah, thats it. So if you don't have 1000 xboxes to do, this has no use for you (Not even for me). PS. The orig. ISO dump is DL disc. Fun fact, it's not realy anything on it so it's stripped to it's core which left us with a 1MB .iso file to burn. Screenshot Spoiler If you like to provide a screenshot you have made. Let me know and I add it here. Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ xDSL ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 0.6 104.47 MB - 2d1786c7e35e3ab46f540e05b32dad22 d65cc249ead84a19c52c1b553eac2a25 Description Spoiler Installing xDSL Introduction: XDSL is a xbox-linux distribution based on Damn Small Linux (http://damnsmalllinux.org). It weighs in at less than 60MBs with a nearly complete desktop, and many command line tools. The small size of bundled programs make it very suited to the Xbox's limited 64mb memory. It can be run as a livecd or installed to your Xbox hard drive. Preparing the Xbox: A standard Xbox will only run code authorized by Microsoft, i.e. all executables must be signed with Microsoft's private key. To run X-DSL it is necessay to "mod" your Xbox to circumvent this restriction. For more details try looking on: * Xbox Linux Wiki (http://www.xbox-linux.org) * Xbox Scene (http://www.xbox-scene.com) Burning the CD: Write the Xdsl iso image file to reliable recordable media which you know works in your Xbox DVD-ROM drive without any problems. Failure to do this will result in weird I/O errors and flaky installation problems, or you may not be able to boot XDSL livecd at all. NOTE: you are not supposed to burn an .iso image as a single file on the CD. Instead, there should be a separate option in your CD authoring application that is specifically designed for burning CD images and not regular files. Use it. When burning is done, you should see several files on the disc - not just a single file. Usage: Pop the XDSL CD you've just made into your Xbox and allow it to boot. You should be presented a choice of video modes (640x480, 800x600, 480p, 720p). 480p and 720p require your Xbox to be connected with component cables to a HDTV. Once you have choosen a video mode XDSL will boot and you'll automatically be logged into X as the user 'dsl'. You can interact with XDSL by using a Xbox controller to move the mouse pointer. To launch programs right click on the desktop (B on the controller) to bring up the fluxbox menu. If you need to enter any text a virtual keyboard is available from the fluxbox menu under Apps. Alternatively you can use a USB Keyboard/Mouse with a USB adapter. FTP Install: If you don't wish burn XDSL onto a cd and have the ability to ftp to you Xbox, it is possible to simply copy across the required files to make a frugal installation . Create a directory E:\KNOPPIX on your Xbox. Extract linux24, minirt24.gz and the KNOPPIX file (found in the KNOPPIX subdirectory) from the iso (using winrar or similar) and copy them into this directory. You should be left with the following files: E:\KNOPPIX\KNOPPIX E:\KNOPPIX\linux24 E:\KNOPPIX\minirt24.gz There should be no subdirectories in E:\KNOPPIX. The filenames are case sensitive. Now create a file E:\linuxboot.cfg with the following content: title XDSL kernel KNOPPIX/linux24 initrd KNOPPIX/minirt24.gz append root=/dev/ram0 init=/etc/init rw video=xbox:640x480 frugal quiet kbd-reset Finally if you are not using the Cromwell BIOS, copy default.xbe somewhere where you can run it from your Xbox. Then run Cromwell/default.xbe to boot XDSL. If you then want to peform a loopback/native install simply select your desired option in the Apps, Tools menu. Retrieved from "http://www.x-dsl.org/wiki/XDSL_Manual" Download and install from an already running version of Xdsl: If you already have an older version on Xdsl installed, Then you can download the iso file in xdsl and mount it. If you are using an xdsl version after 0.6 rc2, then just double click on the iso file in emelfm, and it will mount into a directory named /iso in the current directory. If you are using a older version, then issue the following command to give the emelfm the ability to mount the iso: perl -i -ne 'if( $. == 1 ) { print "iso;iso;sudo mkdir %d/ISO 2>/dev/null && sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 %f %d/ISO\n",$_; } else { print; } ' /home/dsl/.emelfm/filetypes Now copy the files over to /mnt/hda50 (xbox E drive) as described in the ftp installation instructions above. Install directly to the xbox: It is also possible to install dirctly to the xbox by downloading the zip version of Xdsl with Linksbox or Xbmc web browser, and access the downloaded file using Xmbc, Unleashx, etc. You can then copy over the included files to the appropriate locations as described on the ftp installation instructions. Passwords: The default passwords in XDSL are as follows: user:dsl password:dsl user:root password:xbox Installation: If you are happy running XDSL from a livecd you can skip this section. However if you want XDSL to run from your hard drive you have three options: * Frugal install - The XDSL compressed filesystem is copied to E:\KNOPPIX\ KNOPPIX. This takes up the least diskspace (53Mbs). Since the filesystem is heavily compressed it is mounted read-only so this is just like running the livecd, except all the files reside on your hard disk * Loopback install - The XDSL filesystem is installed onto a loopback file (either E:\ xdslfs or F:\xdslfs). This requires a loopback file of at least 200MBs (you can choose a size upto 2GBs). * Native install - XDSL will be installed onto a linux partition in the extra space on the Xbox HDD for those with hard disks bigger that 8GBs. This will keep the standard Xbox partitions (C,E,X,Y,Z) intact but will wipe all data on the F partition if it exists. To perform one of these installations open the fluxbox menu and select the appropriate option under Tools. You will then be guided through the install process. As from xdsl 0.6, it is now advisible to use a loopback or native install with a 120mb swap (you will given the swap option when installing) to enable some of the new functions such as the xbox dvd remote controll and the alsa sound upgrade. myDSL extensions: If you are running from the livecd or a frugal install you can load addition programs using myDSL extensions. XDSL should be fully compatible with extensions made for Damn Small Linux. Extensions are available from http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/damnsmall/mydsl/ or via the myDSL icon on the desktop. They should be copied to E:\ to load them when XDSL boots or E:\ optional\ to give you the option of loading them via the fluxbox menu. Since each extension is loaded into the ramdisk it is recommend that you use E:\optional\ if possible to save on memory usage. Xdsl Upgrades: New for Xdsl 0.6 is the Xdsl upgrades menu. This is on the fuluxbox menu and the jwm menu. This contains extensions that are mainly available through mydsl, but need special xbox linux files or configuration to run properly for xdsl. A loopback or native install is needed for most of these apps to function. Backing up your settings: When using the frugal install/booting from a livecd it is not possible to write any changes to the XDSL filesystem. To get around this your settings can be saved in a seperate file called backup.tar.gz. Go to System, Backup/Restore in the desktop menu, type in hda50 and hit backup if you wish to make this file on your E drive. Once made your settings will be automatically saved on shutdown and restored on boot. To change what files are saved edit /home/dsl/.filetool.lst. None of this is necessary with Native/Loopback install methods since the root filesystem can be written to. Screenshot Spoiler If you like to provide a screenshot you have made. Let me know and I add it here. Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ xDSL with Windows 98 ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 Unknown 366.53 MB - Not an ISO b53be735207625e989b00ad2210dc3b4 Description Spoiler First of all: NO, it does not work in XEMU! I've (NOT ME - Dark Destiny) included both XDSL (Damn Small Linux for the XBox) and Chimp2618 in this archive, along with a linuxboot.cfg file to add both options to the boot menu. Put the Chimp2618 and KNOPPIX folders into the E: drive such that it looks like: E:\KNOPPIX\ E:\Apps\Chimp2618\ E:\linuxboot.cfg Qemu has been added for win98 place entire qemu folder in E: as such; E:\qemu\ You must have linuxboot.cfg, 98.sh & win98.img in the root folder of E:\ To run win98 you must enter XDSL first then from terminal type sh /cdrom/98.sh In order to execute either application, just enter the folder and select the default.xbe file. XDSL will have several resolution options, e.g. 640x480, 800x600, etc. If you have an HDMI connection to your display you can try one of the higher res options, e.g. 720p. Select Chimp2618 to run that utility. Frugal opens XDSL in frugal mode, but to be honest, I'm not sure what the difference is, if any at this time. Boot into XDSL, where it will open into Joe's Window Manager (JWM). Select the Term tab at the bottom of the screen to open a bash terminal. We'll need to mount the USB drive in order to access it. We'll also need to mount F: if you want to copy files to it. E:\ will already be mounted as /cdrom (not sure why, but probably because that was the mount point the system files were loaded from, which was intended to be a bootable cdrom). Within the terminal, enter sudo su. This will give you root access (needed for mounting). If you are asked for a password it should be xbox. To mount a USB drive: mkdir /mnt/sda1 (ignore the error if it tells you it already exists) mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 If you want to mount drive F: mkdir /mnt/hda55 (again ignoring the error if it tells you it already exists) mount -t fatx /dev/hda55 /mnt/hda55 When finished you can unmount: umount /dev/hda55 umount /dev/sda1 If your USB drive has multiple partitions, adjust sda1 for sda2, etc., as necessary. Now that the drives are mounted you can either do the file copying via the command line using cd, cp, ls, mkdir, mv, etc. or you can use the graphical file explorer emel: emelfm /mnt/sda1 (would open emel file manager with /mnt/sda1 already open) Or you can open both /mnt/sda1 and /mnt/hda55 in emelfm at the same time: emelfm /mnt/sda1 /mnt/hda55 (opens emel file manager with both drives already open) The other XBox partitions are available as hda50 through hda55 (e.g. hda52). If you have a drive G: it might be at hda56, but I'm not sure about that. You can also switch window managers from JWM to fluxbox. The option is there somewhere in the menu system in JWM, look for exit options or some such. Fluxbox features a graphical drive mounter. (You'll see a black square in the lower right hand corner of the screen, that's the GUI drive mounter.) If the drive mounter is blank, there's a bug in it that causes it not to redraw its screen. Easy workaround is just press B (or right click with mouse) next to it so it has to redraw itself, then it should be good to go. Click where it says cdrom to cycle through the available drives, clicking mount or unmount as the case may be. Be sure to unmount all the drives before turning the Xbox off or rebooting, especially if you copied files. Unmounting will ensure all files are copied and all buffers are flushed. I find the best way to reboot is via the terminal as root using: reboot -f All the other methods involve manually shutting down and restarting via the power button. Screenshot Spoiler If you like to provide a screenshot you have made. Let me know and I add it here. Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ xUbuntu ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 0.9.0-602 298.79 MB - 1ca8d26e693379a03aff515a97bc3aa6 f80b16803be169b7c26f399cd705aa32 Description Spoiler The Xbox Linux Project aims to privide a version of GNU/Linux for the Xbox, so that it can be used as an ordinary computer. Linux should make use of all Xbox hardware and allow to install and run software from standard i386 Linux distributions. Last time updatet: 2014-08-21 Screenshot Spoiler If you like to provide a screenshot you have made. Let me know and I add it here. Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ XDK / Debug / Devs ~ Versions available : 2 Spoiler ~ Easy XDK Installer v1.3.1 HF ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - ISO MD5 RAR MD5 1.3.1 HF 4.38 GB - 45862247a6ad6aece08fd17ffd29d683 58efa30fb138861a7dca5a17f0968001 Description Spoiler Easy XDK Installer v1.3.1 HF (AIO Disc) (25.04.2024) So what is this you may wonder and you may also wonder if you need this. This is a disc which offers you the option to easily install the XBox Debug Dash on your XBox like you may have seen on MvG YT channel. You can do that in 2 different ways. First option is to use the app version. This one will use PBL (Phoenix Bios Loader) which gets installed in your apps menu so you can launch it the easy way when you need it simply from your apps menu of your dashboard (XDK Launcher). Option 2 on the other hand will turn your XBox in a "full" Debug unit which also includes a bios flash! That option should ONLY be used by PRO'S who have more than just 1 ( In word ONE!) XBox and like to go CRAZY with coding C/C++ and DirectX stuff. So let me say not even me uses that option so yeah..... This disc also include all the PC Stuff you will need it you plan to go full coder mode like Visual Studio 2003 Pro, Windows XP SP3, WAM's 2003 XDK and some other handy shit. Development Status : This is the latest build of the installer I have made Please take note here that this version is made 100% by me (Dark Desstiny). That includes: Skin, Code, Videos, GFX simply everthing. AND every version above this v1.3.1 HF which are "made" (cough) by Bowlsnapper is based on a private test build I gave him to test! Cuz of personal differences I split from the project! So be avare that with every version above this one here you use a installer from someone how aint even know how to write code, making a skin or videos or or or... Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier & Mega This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ VMWare Image With Visual Studio 2003 Pro & XBox XDK 5933 ~ VERSION LANGUAGE FILE SIZE - VMDK MD5 RAR MD5 1.0.0. 3.83 GB - 2e6d90cd05e60adba7e2aae3eace83a4 7c7e51bf199ff3a080ee7ae5669bf6a4 Description Spoiler Ready to use Win XP VMWare image with Visual Studio 2003 Pro & XBox XDK 5933 Name: VM Win XP SP3 w. VS NET 2003 and XBox XDK 5933.rar Size: 3825137249 Bytes (3647 MiB) CRC32: 941ED927 CRC64: B8C5F4CB7BFABE60 SHA256: 7f50cfec60a72499238eb12e61316bc8cfa27a6b269a1c1f47eeaa3ed6f11cb0 SHA1: 7aeac0b6259f88de2033422419e6558a78918bd5 BLAKE2sp: 6485bd915a46795c41b4a4371163b6651f46c2130e2ca5f646c1d0489f768234 Screenshot Spoiler Download @ 1fichier This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up Topic Link (If available) : Click Me Development Status : ~ CREDITS ~ Spoiler Alright, lets give some credits to the makes of these installers as far as we know who has made them. Creator Disc Contact / Webside Lord FiREFUCKeR X-Disk ToXicMedz TruHeXEn Heimdall HeXEn SlaYer SlaYer's XBox-HQ (forahobby, DJB) SID & AID SANGR3AL Splinter Cell Exploids S3EDITION RedZacMX3 XBox Allround CD Roberto Productions Auto Installer Deluxe v4.6 BR (unofficial) Team Gueux.be Master CD GUEUX Contact data or Websides are only added with permisson of the creator. ... TBC Finaly you may think why I don't add my self here. Well, reason 1 is that I'm not a Bowlsnapper. Reason 2 is that I would need to leave my chair to open a window cuz it would start to smell very badly in here. And I only leave my chair if need some more fresh hot . But the reason 3 is way more important than the two above and that is, that it basicly wasnt me who has made these, it was you and all the g33ks, n3rds, fr34ks, c0d3rs and so on who has made these discs. So yeah, please add your self right * HERE *. PEACE AND THANKS! ~ POST CHANGELOG~ Spoiler 23.06.2024 Section Added TruHeXEn UNOFFICIAL TruHeXEn 2024 Unofficial Build02 By OGXBox 04.07.2024 Section Added Varius Master_CD_GUEUX_v3.0 (EOL) (Belgium/France Installer) 28.06.2024 Added a live status icon for the downloads (WIP). That way you can see if the DL is online or not. Please be so nice in case you discover a dead link to report it so we add new DL links. Some uploads don't have a MEGA mirror. In that case the icon is black. In case you badly need an MEGA link for what ever reason you can drop me a PM and I will do a MEGA mirror (PLEASE USE REQUESTS WISE SINCE 95% HERE IS EOL ANYWAY - THANK YOU ! Link Status images added. Link Staus : (Online) Link Staus : (Unknown) Link Staus : (Request upload) Link Staus : (Offline) Updatet more of the enties with screens, description ect.. The Varius section is done. The Auto Installer Deluxe section is done. The Softmod Instalelr Deluxe section is done. XDK / Debug / Devs section is done. 25.06.2024 Added a "Topic Link : Click Me" at the end of each entry. Topic Link (if available) : Click Me (Clickable link) Topic Link (if available) : Click Me (No link) Added a "Development" at the end of each entry. Development : (Active) Development : (Unknown or No regular updates) Development : (No more development) 23.06.2024 Section Added VARIUS tHc Auto Installer > >> If you have a disc of which you think is worth to be listet but it's missing here, drop me a PM and I add it to the main topic << < << < - PLEASE USE THE THANKS/LIKE BUTTON BELOW TO UNHIDE THE LINKS - > >> 105 23 4 4 1
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