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Internal HDMI Options

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Good Evening one an all.

I am currently in the process of softmodding my xbox. I am currently interested in removing the av port to install an hdmi mod. I am unsure if I should consider the makeMHZ option or go the old fashion route of installing a wii2hdmi adapter.

Are there any other options available that can be recommended? What are your thoughts of me going either of the above routes mentioned ?

Any insight is appreciated.

Warmest Regards,


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There are multiple solutions, with there pros and cons.

Make mhz HD+ is indeed one of the choices

Pro makemhz HD+

  • Best picture quality because its pure digital

Con makemhz

  • Not easy to install
  • Loosing the ability to use other bioses than evox m8 and cerbios
  • Not all games are supported
  • Softmods are not supported (maybe the cerbios softmod can work, but I did never see anyone test it)
  • expensive
  •  Needs an extra addon board to run without the expensive stellar mod chip. 

There will soon be multiple internal solutions like this, Multiple teams are working on an alternative.

here a list of people/teams that soon will release a pure digital solution: 

  • Nemesis
  • Retrogem
  • the open source Open-XHD by the xbox community based on the work of ryzee119


On the other hand there are the analog to digital conversion boards like the wii2hdmi

pro for internal analog to digital:

  • softmods are supported
  • you can run the bios you want
  • easy to install
  • all games are supported
  • cheaper

con for internal analog to digital

  • picture quality is lower than the pure digital solution (still good)

For an internal analog to digital solution this is a better product than the chineese wii2hdmi board https://electron-shepherd.com/collections/all/products/electronanalog


The 3th solution is keep your av port an go for a external solution.

all pros and cons for this solution are the same as the internal analog to digital solution except a huge pro for these is you can swap them between multiple xbox consoles because there is nothing soldered.


You can find an overview of different solutions here https://www.stellarhdmi.com



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@Dempsey_86 Thank you very kindly for the response. I shall do some research into the other options you have listed above.

I have also found the company Electron Shepherd and they make xbox2hdmi adapters as well. The key difference in that adapter is the conversion from analog to digital signal.

I have seen a few reviews on it and it seems to be not only lag free but the image quality is pretty good as well.

Thank you for information on the options once again.


Warmest Regards,


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