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PC Apps & Utils: Nemo Actions to mount OG XBox disk image

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Nemo Actions to mount OG XBox disk image


This is a Nemo Action script to enable mount OG Xbox disk image (in .img or .qcow2 format) option in nemo's context menu.

This archive contains files as shown below:

├── fatxfs
├── mount_xbox_disk.nemo_action
└── nemo-mount-ogxbox-disk


  • fatxfs is my personal build of https://github.com/mborgerson/fatx
  • INSTALL is these files install script.
  • mount_xbox_disk.nemo_action is the nemo action
  • nemo-mount-ogxbox-disk is the main script



  • Install yad and qemu-nbd. E.g. in Debian based it's sudo apt install yad qemu-utils
  • Extract nemo-mount-ogxbox-disk.7z
  • Enter the newly extracted directory
  • run INSTALL script
  • Select which PATH to install the files
  • Profit!


The script try to mount image as regular user if possible. But qcow2 image (default used by qemu) need to exposed as network block device which AFAIK only root can access it.

Ofcourse we can include this script to sudoer, but I think it better to keep the default behaviour.




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