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Emulators: Winuaex Lite


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Winuaex Lite

WinUAEX Amiga Emulator port for XBox.

User Guide:

 - Emulates Amiga

 - Excellent compatibility - ported from WinUAE 0.8.27

Default ROM dir is D:\AMIGADISKS

The default configuration will work with most non-AGA games, but some games do require 
tweaking.  For AGA games, I suggest using KICK31.  There are lots of tutorials,
docs, and forums about configuring games for use in WinUAE.  I suggest you read
them first if you are having a problem getting a game to run.  I have found that
just about every game will work if you fiddle with the settings enough.  There are 
also different versions of various games.  If one does not work, try to find another.
In the few cases that I couldn't get a game to work, I found that it also did not work 
in the Windows version of WinUAE.  


It seems the normal configuration that many games expect is for a mouse to be 
plugged into port 1 and a joystick in port 2.  The default configuration for 
your controller is as follows:

The following buttons apply to the controller assigned to port 2 which is
defaulted to an Amiga Joystick:

XBox DPAD - Port 2 Up/Down/Left/Right
XBox A    - Port 2 Button 1 (Joystick Button 1 or Mouse Left Button)
XBox B    - Port 2 Button 2 (Joystick Button 2 or Mouse Right Button)
XBox X    - Port 2 Button 3 (Joystick Button 3 or Mouse Middle Button)

The following buttons apply to the controler assigne to port 1 which is
defaulted to an Amiga Mouse:

XBox Y     - Port 1 Button 1 (Joystick Button1 or Mouse Left Button)
XBox Black - Port 1 Button 2 (Joystick Button 2 or Mouse Right Button)
XBox White - Port 1 Button 3 (Joystick Button 3 or Mouse Middle Button)

The XBox Left Thumbstick will always control the mouse cursor regardless of 
the port to which it is assigned.  (The same thing applies to a real mouse
if you have one connected.)




X-port for porting a great collection of emu's over to the xbox, releasing the source code, and answering my stupid questions.

Atariage (Albert in particular) - For providing a place for me to ramble on. For encouragement in general.

Gilou9999 for a new PM3 skin, synopsis, suggestions, etc.

Waal and Bigby for putting this thing on the fast track!

Bigby, Du0ph0ne, TheMaster3, Nytmar3 for some beta testing.

Comments of support from various interested parties.

If I missed anybody shoot me an email and I'll update this file.

Be sure to check out the Amiga start pack created by waal, Bigby, and with a little help from me.  It's out there.

Be sure to read the "starter kit tips.txt" file since even with a starter kit the Amiga is still a fairly complex machine and some things need to be understood in regards to operating the emulator with the starter pack.



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