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Emulators: Game&WatchX


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Game & Watch emulator for xbox.

User Guide:


Game&WatchX is an emulator to play all the "Game & Watch" games (more than 50!) in your Xbox. 
It supports all those games, including Multi Screen, Tabletop, Panorama and MicroVS ones, 
plus the new homebrew game "Bride".

The rom for the free game "Bride" is included. To get the rest of the games, please read the section 
"Getting roms". Put your roms in the "roms" folder and launch the emulator to play. It should work both 
from hard disk and DVD.


The controls are simple: D-pad for direction, A and B are the actions buttons (if they exist in the game),
START to play "Game A" (Easy) and BACK to play "Game B" (Hard). Press START+BACK to exit.




It is inspired in Mame and the work of bzhxx and kbeckmann. Thanks a lot!



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