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Emulators: Atari7800x


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Atari7800x Atari 7800 Emulator port for XBox 

User Guide:

Put games in the \A7800ROMS directory


Default button mapping to enable rewind is BLACK+WHITE.
Once rewind is enabled, press LTRIGGER to actually rewind.




X-port for porting a great collection of emu's over to the xbox, releasing the source code, and answering my stupid questions.

The beta testers - NE146, mimo, run088. I know you all are busy but thanks for the support and input.

Atariage (Albert) - For providing a place for my beta testing thread.

Makers of the prosystem emu. Maybe someday I'll have time to port it over to the xbox.

Curt Vendel for providing the source code to Desert Falcon and Dan Boris for reading the schematics and confirming the button behavior of Proline joysticks.

Nobody for nothing ( Just checking to see if people are reading this.  ) 

Comments of support from various interested parties.

If I missed anybody shoot me an email and I'll update this file.

If I missed anybody shoot me an email and I'll update this file.


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