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Spirit of Death

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Files posted by Spirit of Death

  1. Xbox Ram Check

    Xbox Ram Checker. It's not meant to test ram during a ram upgrade!


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  2. Hardware Test Suit

    XBox Hardware Test Suit. 😲


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  3. boXplorer

    boXplorer is a file manager for Xbox which allows you to directly browse, copy, move, delete and rename files and folders on the Xbox harddisk and DVD drive.

    boXplorer can also play Xbox video media files (*.WMV) and launch other application or games (*.XBE files). boXplorer can be booted from a DVD/CD or added to your Xbox harddrive and launched from there. boXplorer is a great addition to Evolution X dashboard (on either harddrive or DVD/CD) since it provides file manager capabilites which Evolution X currently lacks.

    boXplorer contains file operations (copy, move, delete, rename and create folders) which makes the program a fully functional file manager and for the first time makes it possible to manage the files on the Xbox harddrive without Evolution X and FTP !

    You can even use boXplorer to rip DVD games to the Xbox harddrive without having to copy the files to your PC first.

    Current Release: 0.96 Beta
    Author: Tulkas
    Release: 2004


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  4. Qwix

    Qwix? What is that?

    Qwix is a very simple to use XBOX Remote File Management and ISO Creation Tool. That's a pretty complicated description, so let me try again. Qwix lets you do a variety of tasks VERY easily, and right from your PC. Have a bunch of ISO's sitting on your PC that you need to load onto your XBOX? Open up Qwix and use the ISO batch upload tool. Just tell it where your ISOs are, and where you want them to be on the XBOX, and then let it fire. It will automagically extract the ISO's out into properly named folders in your games directory. It pulls the game name from the ISO, and even let's you change it if that isn't what you want it to be called in the games menu.

    Ok, that's fine and all, but what else can it do? Well, along that same path, it also creates ISOs for you. You select a game from your XBOX that you want to create an ISO from, and tell it where to save on your PC. You can even choose to crosslink files, which means that it will take common areas of the game and "cross" them so that they don't have to appear multiple times. That saves valuable diskspace, and can change a DVDR game into a CDR game!

    Beyond that? Well, if you are also using Avalaunch, then you need to go into your avalaunch.xml and make sure that BOOST mode is enabled, because you are gonna love that. When combined with Avalaunch, Qwix has the ability to upload ISO's to your xbox at speeds much faster than you could achieve with a normal FTP client. Give it a try, compare it, and watch Qwix get the files there 3 times faster!

    Enough with the chitchat, take a look at these screenshots, download it, and learn for yourself what makes this program so great!


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  5. XBEdump - FontEnd

    This soft allow you to sign the *.xbe files for use with         
    audio hack or fonts.                                          
    Just put the default.xbe that you wan to sign in the same    
    irectory that XBEdumplauncher.                                
    Select the hack type that you want and you will obtain.       
    a out.xbe file. Just rename out.xbe to default.xbe and        
    replace the original by this one.                            
    That's all.  


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  6. OgXHD

    What is it?
    OgXHD is tool for patching Original Xbox games from 480p to 720p.

    How does it work?
    It scans an Xbox executable file (XBE) for two specific values that match the resolution for 480p within a certain specified range, then replaces them with the values for 720p. This is quite a crude method, and needs a lot of refinement, but it can sometimes work, although there are often graphically anomalies as the game would not have been designed to render in a different resolution.

    How do I use it?

    OgXHD comes with two database files, hdb.dat and wdb.dat. These contain the information for known hex modifications for HD and widescreen hacks. wdb.dat contains every patch found at http://ps2wide.net/xbox.html (excluding any that require modification of additional files). hdb.dat does not contain much, and is primarily a placeholder for now. These databases can be modified with a text editor (notepad is recommended). Information regarding the database format can be found within.
    It is recommended to only use the database feature if there is a game listed on ps2wide.net that you wish to perform a widescreen hack to. If so, ensure Game Specific is checked. Leaving it unchecked can lead to unpredictable results.
    16:9 - Selecting this tickbox will apply patches found in wdb.dat
    720p - Selecting this tickbox will apply patches found in hdb.dat
    Game Specific - This will apply any patches found within the databases that have a matching game ID. If left unchecked, every patch within the databases (if found) will be applied to the XBE.

    Automatic 720p
    Auto 720p - This scans the XBE for values matching 480p and replaces them with values for 720p
    Window View - Attempts to correct the external resolution (recommended)

    Scan Range
    Once a value matching the horizontal resolution for 480p is found, it will the scan for the matching vertical value within the specified range. If that value is found, then both values are changed to the 720p resolution values.
    Weak - Scan range of 8 bytes
    Normal - Scan range of 16 bytes (recommended)
    Aggressive - Scan range of 64 bytes
    Custom - User specified range

    Start/End Byte
    Full - Searches the entire XBE (recommended)
    Start - Allows user specified byte location to start searching from
    End - Allows user specified byte location to stop searching to
    Both - Allows user specified start and end byte locations

    Patch XBE
    Select the XBE file that you wish to patch. A new file with the patch applied will be created. This file will be named <filename>XHD.xbe. For example, if the chosen file is called default.xbe then the new patched file will be named defaultXHD.xbe.
    You can then transfer this file to your Xbox and launch it via a file browser. If you choose to overwrite the original default.xbe file, then it is highly recommended that you make a back-up of the original first.

    Special Thanks
    This tool would not have been possible without zaykho, as it entirely based of information he has provided through his own


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  7. MXM Reloaded

    Updatet version of MediaXMenu (MXM) by Lord FireFucker aka LordFF. 


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  8. MediaXMenu (MXM)

    Media X Menu is a menu system to launch applications from a DVD collection or from a hard drive. mXm is designed, first and foremost, as a great looking Games Launcher. Its features are intended to reflect that. It is intended to be very configurable and allow new "styles" to be added in, both with simple visual changes (skins), or adding 3D effects to the presentation of the menu. mXm is a “media savvy” application – it can make extensive use of videos for things like game previews and backgrounds, and also allows you the enjoyment of ambient soundtracks. It was intended to supersede Complex Menu X, which has some bugs and is lacking many desired features that mXm now has.


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  9. X2 Bios Manager v2.3

    |                       -=team xecuter presents=-                   
    |               X2BM - XECUTER2 BIOS MANAGER v2.3                

    The main aim of X2BM is to make it easy to manage, create & programme bios images for your xbox. No more need for bat files to stick images together, or for messy programming apps. It also now programmes your X2.x lite AND X2.x Pro mods together in one tool.                                      


    v2.3 - Released November 12th 2004
    * Now Supports Evox M8 Plus & M8 Bios's hacked with Evotool
    * Updated bios.ini with all latest X3 Bios's and some others
    * Added X3 01 AD detect for possible X2.6 Programmer hack to flash first 1mb of X3 mod
    v2.2 - Released July 16th 2004
    * Now Supports Evox M8
    * No io.dll errors when simply messing with bios's (no programming via LPT)
    v2.1 - Released March 2nd 2004
    * Bios Load / Save Corruption Fixed
    * X2 Pro Optimized Programming
    * X2 Lite Various Bug Fixes
    * Bank Erase Now Working (not compatible when using lite programmer)
    * Bank Programming Working
    v2 Final - Released December 31st 2003 - HAPPY NEW YEAR !
    * Added erase/flash per bank for the Pro (not compatible when using lite programmer)
    * Improved io support for complete OS compatibility (win9x / win2k / winxp)
    * Added manual mod detection
    * Added internet update of latest bios.ini
    v2 Beta 7 - Released 07th Oct 2003
    * Complete New Gui
    * Easier copy / paste functions
    * Added Auto detect for lite and pro X2.x
    * Improved flashing function

    V1.1 - Released 05th Feb 2003
    * Detect if no programmer connected (disable read / write / verify) - Added
    * In the MD5 manager if you select the very top md5 sum and try to delete it nothing happens - Fixed
    * Menu option File-->Open doesn't work - Fixed
    * Type in printer port manually - will save auto to registry - Added
    * Removed focus rect from buttons
    * Verification errors now show details
    V1.0 - First Released 20th Jan 2003
    Graphical display of bios banks (256k / 512k / 1024k)
    Easily create a 1MB image with whatever bios's you choose
    Save images in 256k / 512k / 1024k format files
    Read bios file to view contents of image
    Database of all known BIOS's
    If unknown bios easily create its name with a simple click
    All bios names and MD5 Hash stored in easy to share BIOS.ini file (online updateable)
    BIOS.ini saves in evox.ini format
    Erase / Program / Verify Options
    100% Compatible with Win9x / 2k / XP
    Compatible with X2 Lite and X2 Pro series of mods
    Now programes X2 Pro using the X2 lite programmer (if your Pro programmer is damaged in some way)                                                             
    How to use.
    To create a new image for scratch open X2BM and select the size of the image you wish to create and then select bank 0 and press the 'import bios into bank'. the select file dialog will appear select the bios you what to import into the image (either 256k/512k/1mb) if the bios has been mirrored in the file then X2BM will automatically resize its original size. repeat the above steps until the image has been completly filled with bios's in the order you prefer.
    To edit an existing image select the open image option and select the image you want to modify, the image will be opened into the editor you can then resize/delete import new bios's into that image and the save it.
    2 256k bios's
            | bios1 |
    Bank 0  | 256k  |
            |       |
            | bios1 |
    Bank 1  | 256k  |
            |       |
            | bios2 |
    Bank 2  | 256k  |
            |       |
            | bios2 |
    Bank 3  |  256k |
            |       |
    2 512k bios's
            | bios1 |
    Bank 0  | 512k  |
            |       |
            +       +
            |       |
    Bank 1  |       |
            |       |
            | bios2 |
    Bank 2  | 512k  |
            |       |
            +       +
            |       |
    Bank 3  |       |
            |       |

    Example of X2 PRO 256k/512k Mixing.....
    2 256k bios and 1 512k bios
            | bios1 |
    Bank 0  | 256k  |
            |       |
            | bios2 |
    Bank 1  | 256k  |
            |       |
            | bios3 |
    Bank 2  | 512k  |
            |       |
            +       +
            |       |
    Bank 3  |       |
            |       |

    1 512k bios and 2 256k bios
            | bios1 |
    Bank 0  | 512k  |
            |       |
            +       +
            |       |
    Bank 1  |       |
            |       |
            | bios2 |
    Bank 2  | 256k  |
            |       |
            | bios3 |
    Bank 3  | 256k  |
            |       |

    If programming a Pro with the lite programmer - it will detect as a Lite but will program a full 1mb just fine.
    Team Xecuter



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