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<~ A ~>

AFL Live 2003



Replace Retired Players:

You have 10 or so reserves that you can put in to replace retired players.

Easy Play:

Pick the easy difficulty and pick Brisbane at the Gabba and the play will be easy


Aggressive Inline



Max Juice Bar:

Go to the Cheats screen on the options menu and put in BAKABAKA

Master Cheat:

Go to the Cheats screen on the options menu and put in PLZDOME

Get All Keys:

Go to the Cheats screen on the options menu and put in SKELETON


Go to the Cheats screen on the options menu and put in KHUFU

Get Perfect Manuals:

Go to the Cheats screen on the options menu and put in QUEZDONTSLEEP

Get Perfect Grinds:

Go to the Cheats screen on the options menu and put in BIGUPYASELF

Get perfect Handplants:

Go to the Cheats screen on the options menu and put in JUSTINBAILEY

Get Full Stats, Levels and all Park editor objects:

Go to the Cheats screen on the options menu and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, BABA

Get All Characters:

Go to the Cheats screen on the options menu and press Down, Right, Right,

Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Right, Right

Get Low Gravity Wallrides:

Go to the Cheats screen on the options menu and press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, ABABS

Get Super Spin:

Go to the Cheats screen on the options menu and press Left, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up

Juice Faster:

Go to the Cheats screen on the options menu and press Left, Left, Right, Right,

Left, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down, AI


Airforce Delta Storm



Get More Planes:

Beat any 2 levels without returning to the air base in a row to get more planes

Double Money:

Destroy any airborn targets with your GUNS instead of missiles and you will get double the money bonus at the end.


Aliens vs. Predator: Extinction



Cheat menu:

To unlock Cheat Mode, pause the game and press R, R, L, R, L, L, R, L, R, R, L, R, L, L, R, L. Now, a number of Cheats will be available from the Options menu:

Cheat Win

Clear Fog of War

Enable All Levels

Gimme $10,000

Player Invulnerable

Show LZs

Toggle Unit Spying


All Star Baseball 2003



New Homerun Angles:

When the Batter is rounding 3rd after a homerun hit press various buttons to see new view angles

More Points:

To get points for doing various 'feats' in the game. A easy one is to get 100 points for a perfect game. Do this by switching controls every time the CPU is up at bat and intentionally strike out.

Better hitting:

As soon as the pitch is thrown hit Start and see the ball path to see if it is a ball or strike. Adjust your cursor accordingly


All Star Baseball 2004



Get Tons o f Points:

Start a two-player game and proceed to strike out every batter on each side until the bottom of the ninth inning.

When you've got two outs at the bottom of the ninth, walk the next four hitters to earn enough points to buy 100 card packs, which should get you almost every card. If not, repeat and get yourself more card packs.


Alter Echo



Get More Plasm:

To get more "Plasm" points from each kill, get in as many consecutive hits as possible. The more consecutive hits you get, the more damage you do and the more plasm you get from each kill... which essentially means more powerups faster!


Amped Freestyle Snowboarding



Unlock Raven:

First go to the options menu. Next pick Cheats. Once there Type in RidinwRaven. If cheat entered correctly then "RidinwRaven" should disappear. Press B to exit cheat menu


Amped 2



Unlock All Levels:

Enter "AllLevels" at the cheat screen.

Cheat List:

Enter the following codes to activate their effects:

Disable Cheats: noCheats

Disable Collisions: NoCollisions

Disable Crashing: NoCrashing

Faster Riders: FastMove

Have Maximum Stats: MaxSkills

Icy Runs: AllIce

Low Gravity: LowGravity

Super Spins: SuperSpin

Unlock All Characters: AllMyPeeps

Unlock All Movies: Show Rewards

Unlock Bunny: Bunny

Unlock Yeti: GoTeamYeti

Unlock Bigfoot: BrotherOfYeti

Unlock Radical: Radical

Unlock Shiny Gal: MetalMaam

Unlock Steezy: ChillinWSteezy

Unlock Bones: FunnyBone

Unlock MoCap Man: MoCapMan

Unlock Frosty Jack: FrostByte

Unlock Hermit Joe: GetOffMyLand

All Grabs: TrickedOut





Get All Concept cars:

Pick Dream Mode and start a new game and put in DREAMY as a brand name

Get All Tracks & Circuits:

Pick Dream Mode and start a new game and put in WORLD as a brand name

Get All Production cars:

Pick Dream Mode and start a new game and put in REALITY as a brand name

How to unlock Turbo:

At the loading screen hold R and press Up, Down, Left, Right


Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis



Unlock Aqualad & Black manta:

Clear the game on Easy using Classic Aquaman.

Unlock Classic Aquaman:

Clear the game on Easy to unlock Aquaman's classic costume


Arctic Thunder



Get Expert mode:

At the screen after start right before you pick a player put in the following code: Y, X, Y, Y, X, Start

Get Grappling Hooks and Random Mode:

At the screen after start right before you pick a player put in the following code: Y, Y, L, Y, Y, White, Start

Get Rooster Tails:

At the screen after start right before you pick a player put in the following code: Black, R, L, White, X, Start

Get No Drones:

At the screen after start right before you pick a player put in the following code: X, X, Y, Y, White, Black, Start

Get All Randoms:

At the screen after start right before you pick a player put in the following code: Black, R, X, Y, Black, R, Start

Get Atomic Snowball:

At the screen after start right before you pick a player put in the following code: X, X, X, White, Y, Start

Get Clone Mode:

At the screen after start right before you pick a player put in the following code: White, L, L, Y, White, Y, Start

Get Invisible Mode:

At the screen after start right before you pick a player put in the following code: X, Y, X, R, Y, Y, Start

Get Boost Mode:

At the screen after start right before you pick a player put in the following code: Y, Black, Black, Y, R, Start

Get Super Boost Wheelie:

At the screen after start right before you pick a player put in the following code: Y, White, X, R, X, L, Start

Get All Snow Bombs & Random Mode:

At the screen after start right before you pick a player put in the following code:

Y, Y, Black, R, Start


Armed and Dangerous



Cheat List:

Enter these codes to activate their effects:

View all movies: A, Y, A, Y, BLACK, R, A, Y

Use Topsy Turvy Bomb at Any Time: Y, A, B, B, A, B, WHITE, WHITE

Refill Ammo: BLACK, B, A, R, R, A, L, BLACK

Big Hands: R, WHITE,X, L, WHITE, R, R, Y

Invincibility: X, X, X, R, A, L, L, Y

More Cheats:

Big Boots

Right Trigger, White, Y, A, Left Trigger, B, White, X

Big Heads

Left Trigger, Black, B, White, White, B, Black, Left Trigger

Infinite Ammo

A, Left Trigger, Left Trigger, Black, B, White, Left Trigger, Left Trigger

Instant Health

X, Right Trigger, A, Y, Black, B, A, Right Trigger

Skip to Any Level

Y, White, Black, Left Trigger, A, Right Trigger, Right Trigger, Y

God Mode

Y, A, B, X, B, A, A, Left Trigger


ATV Quad Power Racing 2



Various Cheats:

Enter the following names for your profile name to get the desired cheats:


DOUBLEBARREL - Get Challenges

ROADKILL - Get All Tracks

BUBBA - Get all riders


FIDDLERSELBOW - Get all Tricks

GINGHAM - Max out Stats


Azurik: Rise of Perathia




During gameplay, press X, BLACK, WHITE, LEFT TRIGGER & RIGHT TRIGGER, LEFT ANALOG RIGHT, RIGHT ANALOG LEFT. This will make your character invincible.

Save at Any Point

During gameplay, press WHITE, UP, DOWN, A, B, RIGHT ANALOG STICK LEFT.

This will save your game in its current location.



<~ B ~>

Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This at Home



Cheat mode:

At the main menu, hold L and press A, X, Y, B, A, X, Y, B to unlock all cheats in the game.

Toon character:

Create a wrestler and enter "pstapley" as a name.

Toon backgrounds:

Create a wrestler and enter "mbilodeau" or "mstapley" as a name.

Big heads:

Create a wrestler and enter "rtaylor" as a name.

Big hands:

Create a wrestler and enter "okendall" as a name.

Big feet:

Create a wrestler and enter "tpiperi" as a name.

Big head, big hands, and big feet:

Create a wrestler and enter "tho" as a name.

First person camera:

Create a wrestler and enter "edma" as a name.

Ghost mode:

Create a wrestler and enter "pjefferies" as a name.

Greyscale mode:

Create a wrestler and enter "ksimeonov" as a name.

Halo mode:

Create a wrestler and enter "jgintu" as a name.

Wireframe mode:

Create a wrestler and enter "ewilliams" as a name.

Wrestle as Dameon Redd:

Successfully complete talk show mode once with any wrestler, then win Meatlocker Mash in talk show mode with JCW's Evil Dead to unlock Dameon Redd.

Wrestle as El Drunko:

Successfully complete talk show mode once with any wrestler, then win Truckstop Turmoil in talk show mode with Karnage to unlock El Drunko.

Wrestle as Jamie Madrox:

Successfully complete talk show mode once with any wrestler, then win Club Beatdown in talk show mode with Sabu to unlock Jamie Madrox.

Wrestle as Madman Pondo:

Successfully complete talk show mode with any wrestler to unlock Madman Pondo.

Wrestle as Masked Horn Dog:

Successfully complete talk show mode once with any wrestler, then win the Backyard Bedlam in talk show mode with Masked Mike to unlock Masked Horn Dog.

Wrestle as Sally:

Successfully complete talk show mode once with any wrestler, then win the Mansion in talk show mode with Violent J to unlock Sally.

Wrestle as Tom Dub:

Successfully complete talk show mode with Madman Pondo to unlock Tom Dub.

Wrestle as Tylene Buck:

Successfully complete talk show mode once with any wrestler, then win the Mall in talk show mode with Shaggy 2 Dope to unlock Tylene Buck.

Change music:

If you get tired of the music playing while you are wrestling, press L1 + L2 to change it.

Whupass mode:

Perform aerial moves from objects. It will take several to earn whupass mode. Be careful not to miss, or else you will get whupass'ed.

Deflecting objects:

If you are holding a barbed wire bat and someone throws a brick at you, press A at the correct moment to hit the brick and stop it in mid-air.

Easy reversals:

Get a CPU opponent to grapple, then rapidly hit Pause until you see your character flash white (this is time to reverse). Quickly unpause and counter with something such as Left + X.

Get on roof in Backyard:

Run to the ladder set up on the house and you will start to climb it.

Catch mattress on fire in Backyard:

Go to the mattress and pick up the can. Your wrestler will pour it on the mattress and light it. You can catch your opponent on fire.

Get on tree house in Backyard:

Run to the steps going up to the top and you will start to climb it.

Break fish tank in Club Beatdown:

Irish Whip your opponent into either fish tank a few times and it will break. You can use the fish as weapons. Both of the tanks will break.

Make the big M fall in Mall:

Irish Whip your opponent into one of the thick poles by the car on the right or left. The M will fall, but then fade out.

Get on roof in Mansion:

Go over by the butler and a pole will be there. Press Up and you will start to climb.

Get on stage in Mansion:

Go to the speaker and keep running until you finally climb it. Then, go to the silver pole and press Up. You will start to climb until you get to the top.

Set table on fire in Mansion:

Go to the table with the gas can. Pick up the can. You will soak the table with gas and light it automatically. Put your opponent through a table on fire.

Shock your opponent in Mansion:

Irish Whip you opponent into the big speaker. It will break and shock your opponent. This works with both of them.

Put your opponent into fan in Meatlocker:

Irish Whip your opponent into the fan and the bars will fall off. You can now whip your opponent into it and knock them down while getting blood over the fan wheels.

Blow up gas tanks in Truckstop:

Irish Whip your opponent into the gas tanks that are closest to the 18 wheeler. They will shoot up into the sky. You can blow up both of them.

Catch hay on fire in Truckstop:

Irish Whip your opponent into the gas tanks closest to the ICP bus a few times.

The hay will catch on fire. You can now whip your opponent on fire


Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance



Cheat Men:

Hold LEFT TRIGGER + RIGHT TRIGGER + X + Y + A + B, Press START to unlock the Invulnerabilty and Level Warp menu.

Cheat: Level-Up:


Unlockable: Extreme Mode:

To unlock Extreme Mode, beat the game once. Extreme Mode requires a saved character to play.

Unlockable: Play as Drizzt and Artemis:

To unlock Drizzt the Drow Ranger, beat the game on any difficulty. To unlock Artemis the Human, complete the game on Extreme Difficulty and start a new game. Move the cursor to Alessia Faithhammer and then press DOWN once for Drizzt and DOWN, DOWN for Artemis.

Hint: Duplicate Items:

Start a new game with a character, earn some money, gems, armor, or whatever. Then save, start another new game with a different character and save the second character in a different slot. Load the save with the character you want to play as, and then import the second character as Player 2. Have Player 1 drop everything you want to duplicate. Player 2 picks it up. Then remove Player 1 and save with Player 2 in the second save slot. Reload Player 1's save. You still have all the items. Import player 2 from save 2, have Player 2 drop all the items picked up the first time. Player 1 picks them up, then remove Player 2 and re- import Player 2 as often as you want.

Hint: Gather An Army:

You can temporarily create a small squad of skeletons with the Necromancer, if you're willing to do some work. After summoning a skeleton, save the game. Immediately load that save game (the skeleton will be there) but you may summon another skeleton. Again, save and load the game to summon yet another skeleton. You may do this until you've got number of helpers needed.

Hint: Purchase loads of EXP:

You'll want to have a lot of gold before giving this one a shot. When you talk to Omiduil he will tell you about your past and you will get experience each time you do so. What you do need to do is save your game twice, once before you talk to him and once after you talk to him. Load the game where you haven't talked to him, and import your character from the game where you have talked to him. Repeat process of paying gold for EXP points. This will also work with the Cleric when she talks to the priest of helm.

Hint: Weight Loss:

If you've been adventuring for even a short amount of time, you've probably racked up enough Rejuvination and Health potions to club a possessed rat to death. Well, if you play Ysuran, you should obtain his Alchemical Lore spell. Besides being very practical, changing potions from one type tp the other, it also has a very hidden use. A healing potion weighs half a rejuvination potion. If you've picked twenty rejuvination potions and you turn them all into healing potions, you've saved a respectable ten pounds


Baulder's Gate: Dark Alliance 2



How to unlock Cheat mode:

During gameplay press and hold L + R + Y + A + Left Analog Stick Right then press Start

Play as Drizzt:

Successfully complete the baulders gate section of the game and he will become available. Note: Drizzt is a elf type guy with two scimitars that are the only ones he can use.

Also reported as beating the game on extreme difficulty to get Drizzt





New Outfit:

After highlighting a character press R at the selection screen

Loading Game Screen Stuff:

Move the Right Analog stick to move the "Loading" logo and the Left Analog Stick to control the "Skull

Batman: Dark Tomorrow

Get back on a Building:

If you fall off a building you can launch the grappling hook and climb it to the top then press A to launch the grappling hook again until you get back on the building


Batman Vengeance



Master code:

Press L, R, L, R, X(2), Y(2) at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited electric Batarangs:

Press L, R, B, White, L at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.


Bridge: Envelope B:

Knock out the thug at the start of the level. You should see the glowing item on the left when you start. Climb the ladder and jump/glide around the crate onto the other crate. Then, glide onto the platform with the letter.

Gasworks: Envelope E:

You will reach a room with two levels, each floor with two goons on them. First, take out the goons. Then, look around on the lower floor until you see a sewer pipe with boxes in the sewage. Carefully glide down and land on the first box. Jump over the next few boxes and pick up the envelope with an "E" on it. Finish the game and the "Infinite Health" cheat will be unlocked.

Plant Electrocution 2: Envelope 😄

You will start the Plant Electrocution 2 level by sliding down towards some holes in the ground. The second hole is not fatal. Fall into it and glide (to avoid minor damage). You will see a lit area. Glide down there and pick up the item you find inside. Use the grapnel to exit, jump out of the hole, and finish the slide. The item you picked up should be the key do the door right beside the vines behind the glass. Go inside and fight one of the "Plant Men". You will find an envelope that has a "C" on it in the room. When you finish the game, you can activate this cheat for all weapons and unlimited ammunition.

Rooftop Battle: Envelope A:

When the clowns chase Mary, you will go up to the rooftops. Grapple hook up to her roof and beat up the white clown. Go up to the next roof, where you are on a little balcony. Jump across, then go in to see a thug run across a hall with the girl. Follow and he will jump off the roof. Follow, look down, and drop to lowest edge. Walk along to left until at the corner the grapple icon appears Grapple over, go in the door and pick up Envelope A.

SWAT Chase: Envelope 😧

You will enter the elevator shaft. Ride the elevator all the way down until it stops. Get off the elevator and wait for it to rise again. After it rises, jump down to the bottom and use first person mode to find the control box. Use a Batarang to disable it and the door behind it will open. Stay clear of the elevator and wait for the correct time to get in the open room. Inside the room is "Secret Key 2." Get out of the room and ride the elevator up to the top. At the top there is a door that is supposed to be locked. The key opens the door, and inside is an envelope with the letter "D" on it. Finish the game and the "Infinite Special Move Bar" cheat will be unlocked.


Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu



Get Unlimited Combo Meter:

Go to the main menu and HOLD L + R and press Left, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down, Right, Left.

Get All Upgrades:

Go to the main menu and HOLD L + R and press Down, Up, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Down.

Get Unlimited Health:

Go to the main menu and HOLD L + R and press Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right.

Get Dark Knight mode:

Go to the main menu and HOLD L + R and press Right, Up, Up, Right, Left, Down, Right, Up.

Get All Rewards:

Go to the main menu and HOLD L + R and press Left, Down, Left, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right.


Battle Engine Aquila



Various Cheats:

Put these codes in as a case sensitive name. Note you can combine codes by entering one after another without any spaces

!EVAH! Pick Level

B4K42 Be Invincible

105770Y2 Get Every Bonus


Battlestar Galactica



Unlock All Wingmen Cheat:

Beat the game once to unlock the All Wingmen cheat.

Unlock Mini-Reels:

Unlock various footage from the original mini-series by entering these codes in the extras menu.










Beyond Good and Evil



Unlock Marble Mini-Game:

Get all 88 pearls and a marble mini-game on an mdisk will be available


Big Mutha Truckers



Level Select Cheat:

Enter LAZYPLAYER at the cheat menu.

Money Cheat:

Enter LOTSAMONEY on the cheat menu.

Unlock All Cheats:

Enter CHEATINGMUTHATRUCKER at the cheat menu.

Unlock Evil Truck:

Clear the 60 Day Trial By Truckin' mode and win the race to Big Mutha Trucking HQ.


Play as Takua Nuva:

Successfully complete the game using all six Toa to unlock Takua Nuva.

Extra bonuses:

Complete a level with all Lightstones collected with each Toa to unlock a bonus at the "Extras" menu.


Black Stone: Magic and Steel



How to unlock 6th Class:

Go to the class select screen and highlight the classes and press quickly Pirate, R

Trigger, Thief, R Trigger, Warrior, Trigger R, Archer,R Trigger, Pirate, R Trigger, Warlock, R Trigger, Thief, R Trigger, Warlock, R Trigger, and Thief, R Trigger

Easy way to get money:

First your magic gauge needs to be at 4. now go to the raven and beat him. keep beating him and you will have lots of money.

Easy Money:

An easy way to get money is have a friend who has a lot of money. Go to any level and raise your power gauge to max. Keep on pressing Y on your partner. You will receive 50 gold every time you hit them. Complete the level and you'll have lots of money!


Blade 2



Unlimited health:

Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press Y, X, Y, X, Y, B, Y, B

Get All Weapons:

Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press X, B, Down, Left, B, B, Y

Mission unlock:

Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press Down, Up, Left, Left, B, Right, Down, X

Get Daywalker Difficulty Setting:

Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press Left, B, Up, Down, X, B, A

Unlimited Range:

Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press Left, Down, Left, Down, Right,Up, Right, Up

Unlimited Ammo:

Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press Left, B, Right, X, Up, Y, Down, A

Make Friendly Beings Invincible - Works only on escort missions:

Go to the Main menu and HOLD L1 and press X, B, Y, A, X, B, Y, A


Blinx: The Time Sweeper




When you beat a boss you get a lot of money, so before going after it and all the money disappears. Slam on pause and then go around getting it, its worth it.

Double Item's:

Get as many item's as you want and use Record and then shoot all the item's you wan't to and when your Record is done you can pick up all the item's you shot in Record with out shooting any of the item's off Record.

Hidden Cat Medals lvl 1-1:

1.Pick blue crystals and pause.Run for the medal.

2.When statue collapses jump on top of it's head, then rewind.

3.Buy a TS-1600 for 4000g. Go up to the 16ton thingy then suck it up.Ahead of you will be a medal.

2 Boss Strategy:

World 1 Boss: Pauses are helpful here. get 5 barrels and shoot at him. Repeat till dead.

World 2 Boss: Pause then shoot him in the tail. Repeat till Dead


Blood Omen 2 - Legacy of Kain



Kill Sebastian the easy way:

Sebastian is the 3rd vampire that you have to kill. You will meet him when you are about to get the 'nexus stone'. This boss is one of the hard ones and will take a couple of deaths and f-words before you beat him. But if you want to beat him the easy way....Just stand there. If you just stand there he will not attack you and the steam around the room will kill him (you may have to die once). Whenever he is about dead the steam may not hit him anymore. During this time u can attack him becuase he will be kinda 'frozen'. He once again will not be able to attack you and the Nexus stone will soon be yours. Remember dont move!


Blood Wake



Get Jackal Boat:

Use the ensign difficulty level and finish the Assault on Black Moon Level

Get Guncat Catamaran:

Use the ensign difficulty level and finish the Protection racket Level

Get Fireshark Gunboat:

Use the ensign difficulty level and finish the Up the Nagau Level

Get Lightning Speedboat:

Use the ensign difficulty level and finish the A Friend In Need Level

Get Salamander Speedboat:

Use the ensign difficulty level and finish the Fish in a Barrel Level

Get Tigershark Gunboat:

Use the ensign difficulty level and finish the Sampan Surprise Level

Get Pike Speedboat:

Use the ensign difficulty level and finish the Payment is Due Level

Get Gunshark Gunboat:

Use the ensign difficulty level and finish the Ships in the Night Level

Get Kingdom Come Battle Mode:

Use the ensign difficulty level and finish the Baptism of Fire Level

Get Metal Massacre Battle Mode:

Use the ensign difficulty level and finish the Hurricane of Fire Level

Get Clanbake Battle Mode:

Use the ensign difficulty level and finish the A poke in the Eye Level





Various Cheats:

Go to the options screen and then to the cheat function. Combine the column of words to spell a single long word as described below. A message will indicate correct code entry









Pick Level:

Put in ONTHELEVEL for a code and go back to the main menu. Highlight the

"New" option and HOLD Select and press Start





Unlock ALL bikes:

Enter the password 65 SWEET RIDES at the cheat menu to unlock ALL bikes.

How to unlock ALL movies: Enter the password CHAMPAGNE ROOM

How to unlock All Levels: Enter the password XXX RATED CHEAT

Unlock Stage Select:

Enter the password MASS HYSTERIA at the cheat menu to unlock stage select

How to unlock Las Vegas FMV 2: Enter the password TASSLE

How to unlock Las Vegas Level: Enter the password SHOWMETHEMONEY

Unlock Itchi's bikes:

Enter the password ITCHI594 at the cheat menu to unlock Itchi's bikes.

Unlock Joyride's bikes:

Unlock Enter the password JOYRIDE18 at the cheat menu to unlock Joyride's bikes.

Unlock Amish Boy:

Enter the password ELECTRICITYBAD at the cheat menu to unlock Amish Boy.

Unlock Amish Boy's bikes:

Enter the password AMISHBOY1699 at the cheat menu to unlock Amish Boy's bikes.

Unlock Hellkitty's bikes:

Enter the password HELLKITTY487 at the cheat menu to unlock Hellkitty's bikes.

Unlock Karma's bikes:

Enter the password KARMA311 at the cheat menu to unlock Karma's bikes.

Unlock La'tey's bikes:

Enter the password LATEY411 at the cheat menu to unlock La'tey's bikes.

Unlock Nutter's bikes:

Enter the password NUTTER290 at the cheat menu to unlock Nutter's bikes.

Unlock Rave's bikes:

Enter the password RAVE10 at the cheat menu to unlock Rave's bikes.

Unlock Skeeter's bikes:

Enter the password SKEETER666 at the cheat menu to unlock Skeeter's bikes.

Unlock Manuel's bikes:

Enter the password MANUEL415 at the cheat menu to unlock Manuel's bikes.

Unlock Mika's bikes:

Unlock Enter the password MIKA362436 at the cheat menu to unlock Mika's bikes.

Unlock Tripledub's bikes:

Enter the password TRIPLEDUB922 at the cheat menu to unlock Tripledub's bikes.

Unlock Twan's bikes:

Enter the password TWAN187 at the cheat menu to unlock Twan's bikes.

Unlock Green skin mode:

Enter the password MAKEMEANGRY at the cheat menu to unlock the green skin in create a rider mode.

Unlock Happy bunny mode:

Enter the password FLUFFYBUNNY at the cheat menu.

Unlock Super crash mode:

Enter the password HEAVYPETTING at the cheat menu.

Unlock Night vision mode:

Enter the password 3RD SOG at the cheat menu.

Unlock Guided ghost rides:

Enter the password GHOSTCONTROL at the cheat menu.

Unlock All gaps visible:

Enter the password PARABOLIC at the cheat menu to display all gaps with big orange parabolas.

Unlock Bonus FMV #1:

Enter the password THISISBMXX at the cheat menu

Unlock Bonus FMV:

Enter the password KEEPITDIRTY at the cheat menu

Unlock Dam FMV:

Enter the password Boing at the cheat menu

Unlock Launch Pad 69 FMV #1:

Enter the password IFLINGPOO at the cheat menu

Unlock Launch Pad 69 FMV #2:

Enter the password PEACH at the cheat menu

Unlock Bronx FMV #1:

Enter the password LAPDANCE at the cheat menu

Unlock Bronx FMV #2:

Enter the password STRIPTEASE at the cheat menu

Unlock Sheep Hill FMV #1:

Enter the password ONEDOLLAR at the cheat menu

Unlock Sheep hill FMV #2: Enter the password 69 at the cheat menu

Unlock Syracuse FMV #1:

Enter the password FUZZYKITTY at the cheat menu

Unlock Syracuse FMV #2:

Enter the password MICHAELHUNT at the cheat menu

Unlock UGP Roots Jam FMV #2:

Enter the password BOOTYCALL at the cheat menu

Unlock Rampage Skatepark FMV #2: Enter the password BURLESQUE at the cheat menu


Enter the password DDUULRRLDRSQUARE at the cheat menu

Unlock rampage Level:

Enter the password IOWARULES at the cheat menu

Unlock Dam Level:

Enter the password THATDAMLEVEL at the cheat menu

Unlock Roots Level:

Enter the password UNDERGROUND at the cheat menu

Unknown Cheats:

Enter one of these at the cheat menu
















Unlockable: Extrem e Difficulty:

Beat the game on Normal or Hard difficulty.

Unlockable: Gallery:

Beat the game on Normal or Hard difficulty.

Unlockable: Music Player:

Beat the game on Normal or Hard difficulty

Unlockable: Trailer Video:

Beat the game on Normal or Hard difficulty.

Hint: Quick Reload:

Press LEFT TRIGGER to start reloading your gun. Immeditiately block (L3). Release your block and your gun will be reloaded without having to go through the long animations that leave you open to attack

Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon

Completion bonus:

Successfully complete the game and save it to unlock the ''Extras'' option at the main menu. Select that option to view concept art and other bonus material.


Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon



Bruce Challenges:

To unlock the challenges you must beat the game one time

Bruces Challenge:

Type X, Y, X, Y, X(2), Y, Y, click Left Analog Stick, Then Click Right Analog Stick, at the press start screen

Bruce Lee Classical Moves:

This will be fun if you have time and want to mess around with Mr. Lee. When facing a single opponent, use cinema moves like the Dragon Punch and send them flying for a nice classical Bruce Lee move! Try this, use Fast Punches or Fast Kicks, then when he/she is on the ground use the Power Drive and there goes another classical Bruce Lee finisher. If you didn't know Dragon Punch is the variation of the One-Inch Punch which is a single very powerful backhand that sends you flying (depending on how long you hold the action), the Power Drive is when Bruce Lee hops up in the air and lands on the opponent, abdominal region or on neck region, and stomps (if on stomach) or crushes neck then snaps it (if on neck). These moves were some of the famous moves of Bruce Lee and can be fun to use when playing! It is also fun to try these in training mode! Popcorn anybody?

Advanced Battle Moves:

When locked on you can concentrate on one foe right? Well, if you move the right stick in different directions you can attack enemies around you in different directions depending on where you point the right stick. This can help you when you lock on and a few guy try to sneak up on you. Oh yea, ps. this is another great Bruce Lee Move, anybody tries to sneak up on you just give em' a backhand or elbow and send them to the floor. Another great Adv. Tactic is to run a good distance away from the battle (which is highly unlikely for Bruce Lee to do...) then lock on to the nearest enemy, run up to him and give him a flying kick or run a short distance away hold Block and after the attack tap the Kick button and Bruce Lee should do a very quick and strong kick. Also if you are already a good distance try these attacks. Also try blocking then after the foe attacks use a Counter or Throw Move and after he/she gets up use a Multiple Low Spin Kick and if he/she gets up ! use a combo or a fast power attack. When a foe is crouching using sweep attacks is a good idea also

Using Dragon Tokens Efficiently:

message: Dragon Tokens are special tokens that boost power, speed (slightly), ability to break most blocks. In order to use them correctly, you have to time them right when they are all close to you, that way you don't waste precious time. It is also helpful against sub-bosses and the harder fighter guys (i.e red ninjas, guys with leadership coloring, big fat guys). It also helps to save a bunch during the boss fights where you will need them at times.

Easy Dragon Tokens:

A good way of getting Dragon Tokens is by doing combos (i.e ->A A A B) which gives you double multipliers, and it also makes the enemies drop more tokens than usual and sometimes peices of the dragon. Another way to find Dragon Tokens is by finding boxes, fruit containers, barrels, chairs, and other destroyable objects, by kicking them, sometimes they will reveal all kinds of items.

Hints During Battles:

In order to use Bruce Lee efficiently is by taking out the other enemies and then when they are stunned and knocked out, concentrate on one of them. When you have defeated him go back to the other enemies and use multiple enemy attacks such as Multiple Jump Kick, Multiple Hurricane Kick and Multiple Low Spin Kick. If you have trouble getting close to an enemy he/she might be backing up, so lock on to someone else ( I call this taking turns) it seems as though the enemies are taking turns, some of them back up and you see the others get close to you. In later levels though this dissappears and you deal with all of them at the same time. When it comes to sub-bosses and bosses use moves like Counters and Throws. Early in the game these attacks won't be available so always be prepared to block. !REMEMBER! I started the game accidentally on HARD and you have to constantly use the Block. On EASY on the other hand blocks are always helpful too considering that taking on nume! rous foes can chip away at your health meter. When fighting sub-bosses and bosses always use the block if you anticipate an attack. This will greatly help you to Counter and Throw when he/she is near you after a blocked attack. Using these strategies in unison with the Dragon Tokens can have devastating effects!

Hints For Ranking Up:

This is a hint to help you rank up easier. Make sure to accumulate enough coins though. When rankings come up, get only attack boosters and health boosters. After 2 or three rank ups, learn at least 1 new move. Moves that will help you deal with multiple enemies is a great move. Get moves with multiples like hurricane kick, hook kick, jump kick, and low spin kick which greatly helps you. Multiples forward and backward fist spins you can get later. When you have ranked up higher like purple or dragon, moves like grabbing and countering you should get first. !REMEMBER! Always get all of the health and attack boosters possible in the current rank before moving in the next rank. Believe me these things really help... even though Mr. Lee is already a powerful fighter.


Brute Force



Character Gets:

Get Confed Marine - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 1 or Mission 6

Get Feral Colonist - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 2

Get Feral Outcast - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 3

Get Seer Follower - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 4

Get Militia - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 5 or Mission 11

Get Outcast Shaman - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 7

Get Seer Priest - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 8

Get Feral Shaman - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 9

Get Gunthar Ghent - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 10

Get Shadoon - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 12

Get Fire Hound - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 13

Get McTavish - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 14

Get Shrike Soldier - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 15

Get Shrike Heavy - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 16

Get Shrike Hound - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 17

Get Hunter Lord - Locate DNA Sequence in Mission 18

Various Cheats:

Put in one of the following names for your profile name:

BRUTAL - Brutal Difficulty DBLDAY - Die fast

DEADAIM - Aim better

ERINROBERTS - Better Defense

HVYMTL - Get Cartoon Mode

MATTSOELL - Tougher Characters

RAPIDFIRE - Rapid Fire Weapons



Buffy the Vampire Slayer



How to defeat scylla:

When trying to save angel scylla will challenge you (again).but this time she will not run away .first locate the three colored keys(red,blue,green).when you have found all of them go into the training room scylla will tranform into a demonic snake ,first,hit until she is knocked down real good ,to make sure of that do a power kick,then find a rectangle shaped button,it will have small blue rectangles inside it ,press it ,when demonic snake scylla wakes up run towards the center of the room ,she will burn and turn to dust.then after that a short movie will start,if not open the door opposite to where you came in.if you want a surprise don't skip through the movie.

How to beat the boss the vampire that turns into a slug:

Push the diamond buttons on the wall and it opens the window on the top and sides so lure the slug into the light when she has low health and she will burn to death

More Arenas for Arena Mode:

Go to the EXTRAS menu and press Y, Y, White, Black, Black, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, White, Black.

Infinite Slayer Power:

While in the extras menu press yyy, bbb, ywb, bwy. This code works for single player as well as arena mode.

Infinite Health:

While in the extras menu press ywb, bwy, bbb, yyy. This code works for single player as well as arena mode.

Dark Buffy:

While in the extras menu press bwy, ybb,wbb, wbb,wbb,bww. This code works for arena mode


Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds



Get Cemetary Arena: Finish Level 2 with a Slayer Rank

Get Initiative Arena: Finish Level 8 with a Slayer Rank

Get Quarry Arena:

Finish Level 11 with a Slayer Rank

Unlock Characters:

Get the following characters by completing the missions indicated with the rating indicated:

Mission Rating Character Unlocked

1 Professional Male Vampire

  1. Slayer Female Vampire

  2. Professional Zombie Skeleton

  3. Professional Zombie Demon

  1. Slayer Tara

  2. Professional Bat Beast

  1. Slayer Zombie Devil

  2. Professional Materani

  3. Professional Psycho Patient

  1. Slayer Sid the Dummy

  2. Professional S&M Slave

  1. Slayer S&M Mistress

  2. Professional Faith

  3. Professional Zombie Soldier

  1. Slayer Kakistos

  2. Professional Abominator

  1. Slayer Chainz

  2. Professional Zombie Gorilla

  3. Professional Joss Whedon 12 Slayer Chris

Get More Stuff:

Finish these missions to get the item indicated:

Mission # to Finish Reward

  1. Anthony Stewart Head Interview

  2. Amber Benson Interview

  3. Nicholas Brendan Interview

  4. Robin Sachs Interview

  5. Chaos Bleeds Comic Book

  6. James Marsters Voice Over Session

  7. Anthony Stewart Head Voice Over Session

  8. Amber Benson Voice Over Session

  9. Nicholas Brendon Voice Over Session

  10. Robin Sachs Voice Over Session

  11. Joss Whedon Voice Over Session

  12. Out-Takes






Ending bonuses:

Successfully complete the game to unlock the Free Run mode (no vehicles on the road), Free Run Twin mode (two player Free Run), and "Credits" options.

Face off mode:

Successfully complete championship mode once to unlock face off mode against the Roadster.


Defeat the bus in Face Off 4 to unlock it.


Defeat the Roadster in Face Off mode to unlock it and another face off race against another car.

Saloon GT:

Defeat the Saloon GT in Face Off 3 to unlock it.


Play in championship mode until you unlock Face Off 2 in the special options screen. Defeat the Towtruck once to unlock it.

Quick start:

Accelerate immediately before the "1" fades during the pre-race countdown to start with a slight boost in speed.

Increase boost:

Drive on the wrong side of the road to keep increasing your boost. This can also be done by driving in the center of a double lane. Drive on the wrong side of the road and use the turbo when you get it. After it is gone, your turbo will either be full or half full.

Full bonus:

Drive a perfect lap (a lap without any accidents) and your bonus will be automatically filled.

Better turns:

When turning sharp corners, lightly tap the gas to turn sharper and slide less.


Burnout 2: Point of Impact



Unlock Cheat Mode Menu:

Unlock any cheat and the Cheat Mode menu option will appear on the options screen.

Unlock Custom Series Championship:

Earn gold medals in every race and complete Championship Mode to unlock Custom Series Championship.

Unlock Freerun:

Finish Custom Series Championship to unlock Freerun Mode in the Cheat Menu.

Unlock Invulnerability Option:

Finish the Grand Prix Championships with gold medals to unlock this option in the Cheat Mode menu.

Unlock New Cars:

To unlock the cars below, complete the corresponding goals:

Custom Compact: Beat Custom Series Qualifier.

Custom Coupe: Get all gold medals at Split Second Grand Prix.

Custom Muscle Car: Beat Pursuit 6.

Custom Pickup Truck: Beat Pursuit 5.

Custom Roadster: Get all gold medals at the Point Of Impact Grand Prix.

Custom Sports Car: Get all gold medals at the Speed Streak Grand Prix.

Custom SUV: Beat Pursuit 4.

Classic 1970 Car: Destroy the car with a police car in Pursuit 2.

Drivers' Ed Car: Get all gold medals in Driving 101.

Gangster Car: Beat Pursuit 3.

Hot Rod Car: Beat Face Off 1.

Japanese Muscle Car: Beat Face Off 2.

Oval Racer: Beat the car in Face Off 2.

Polic Car: Beat Pursuit 1 and destroy the villain's car.

Super Car: Beat Face Off 4.

Unlock Runaway Mode:

Finish Crash mode with Gold Medals in all the challenges to unlock Runaway Mode in the Cheat menu.



<~ C ~>

Cel Damage



Unlock it All:

To unlock everything in the game, enter ENCHILADA! as your character name.


Put in cody for a name


Chase: Hollywood Stunt Driver



How to unlock Level Select:

Go to the Create a User screen and put in Action Star for a name.


To get extra cars, and multiplayer levels, you must find trophies that are located in conveniently hidden places within each level.

Get Formula 1 race:

To get the F1 race, you have to get a 68000 reputation

Circus Maximus

Get Minotaur & Scorpius:

Use advanced difficulty and finish the game in tournament mode

Get Sallus & Agrippa:

Finish the game with tournament & academy mode

Get All training Challenges:

Finish the game with tournament mode


Colin McRae Rally 3



Code Notes:

The codes listed below will only work if the appropriate one is entered for the Bonus Code for your specified game disc. Enter codes for the Bonus Code your disc displays.

Cheats For Bonus Code 1154

All Cars: WWACNU

All Difficulties: AUNAMA

All Parts: UZVLLB

All Tracks: XWUDBU

Baja Buggy: PHOUOT

Battle Tank: ZIIUUR

Hovercraft: MHXIPE



Super Focus: UYNFVA

Cheats For Bonus Code 1432

All Cars: FMGUOT

All Difficulties: UXNKFB

All Parts: KEZIPE

All Tracks: RVNUUR

Baja Buggy: VURCNU

Battle Tank: ZSSDBU

Hovercraft: NXDLLB



Super Focus: LPGXUE

Cheats For Bonus Code 1866

All Cars: OQJHOK

All Parts: FHPIWQ

All Tracks: ODIFCS

Battle Tank: LWXEIF


Hovercraft: BKQBAU


Super Focus: WSNBSB

Cheats for Bonus Code 0976

All Cars: MKCLLB

All Difficulties: WSNXZU

All Parts: FHPCNU

All Tracks: ODIATU

Baja Buggy: NQFIPE

Battle Tank: LHZWOH

Hovercraft: IURUOT



Super Focus: OQJZZY

Colin McRae Rally 2004

Cheat List:

Enter the following cheats at the "Code Entry" screen under the Secrets option. Note: Each game disc has one of a few random "bonus codes"--only cheats that are made for the bonus code that matches your own disc's bonus code will work for you. You can get a different bonus code by turning off your Xbox and restarting the game.

Bonus Code 76538

Group B Mode and Cars: RTNITJ

Bonus Code 34674

All Bonus Cars: ZCNGMW

Expert Mode: IRZQNT

Mirror Tracks: FEQRJV

All Tracks: HCHSFD

Bonus Code Unknown

All Weather: CLRWTR

Group B Mode and Cars: CFCKGL or YFHPGW

All Bonus Cars: AIDLAU

All Tracks: BSDJUC

Expert Mode: HIQNRM

All Parts: FUDWHC

All Tests: DMLPOD

Mirror Tracks: EPDZJF

Bonus Code 84419

Group B Mode and Cars: EEHIZA

All Bonus Cars: EBDIQQ

All Tracks: SXDEBD

Expert Mode: EIDYVP

All Car Parts: XKDBLU

All Tests: CIDLCC

All Mirror Tracks: YUDWVP

Bonus code 71077

Group B Mode and Cars: APCSTK

All Bonus Cars: ZFBDKH

All Tracks: JJRGKX

Expert Mode: ACDBEI

All Car Parts: UEDIUP

All Tests: YCDYZH

All Mirror Tracks: ZMDHKN

Unlockable List:

Test, Mirror Tracks: Win the Group B Rally Championship.

Audi Quattro Group B car: Win the Group B Rally Championship.

Ford Escort RS1600 car: Reach the fifth event in the 4WD Championships, on Normal difficulty.

Ford Transit car: Get 1st or 2nd place in the 4WD Championship, on Advanced difficulty.

Lancia 037 Group B car: Win the 2WD Championship, on Advanced difficulty. Mitsubishi Pajero car: Get 1st or 2nd place in the 2WD Championship, on Advanced difficulty.

Peugeot 205 Group B car: Win the 4WD Championship, on Normal difficulty. Peugeot 206 4WD car: Get 1st or 2nd place in the 4WD Championship, on Normal difficulty.

Subaru Impreza 228 STI car: Reach the fifth event in the 2WD Championship, on Advanced difficulty.

Volkswagen Golf 2WD car: Win the 2WD Championship, on Normal difficulty.

Hint: Reset Your Access Code:

To use cheats in Colin McRae 04 you have to get cheats that work specifically for the access code you have. To view your access code, look at the secrets section of the Options menu.

While we have cheats for a good number of access codes, we don't have them all. However, you can change your access code to one that does match our codes. To change your access code, delete the Colin McRae 04 auto-save file from your

Xbox and restart the game. When the game asks you to enable auto-save say

"Yes" and it will create a new save file with a randomly generated access code. You can repeat this as many times as you want to get an access code that matches ours.

Since this requires deleting your save file, you may want to make a back-up of the file on your memory card. Or, if you don't have any important information saved, you can just delete the existing file to get a new access code.


Commandos 2



Extra Mission:

During gameplay collect all the Brown Bonus Books to finish the photograph at the end of the game to unlock the extra mission


Conflict Desert Storm




When you have to blow up a tank and you dont have any rocket launchers, take your C-4 and have it out then have another team member, or you, throw a smoke bomb right next to it then the person with the C-4 runs to the tank and you have to get all the way against it then crouch down and and face it put one piece of C-4 on it then throw another smoke bomb and when it covers the tank or makes it so it cant see then get on your feet and run back to your team members then detonate the C-4.

Beating the last level:

Ok when you get to the very last level put some mines in front of the building so when the guy runs out he will die and you wont have to run after him and kill him. Do all that before you use your laser.

Beating The Tank Level (You get to use):

First you have to get all the rockets in the first part of the level. Then take the tank and blow up the tank shooting at you, just after the first barricade. If you look just off to the right there is a pass that will bring you to the closest tank. Look to the right and blow up that tank too. First tank, throw a smoke grenade then run up plant the C-4 and run! Do the same thing for the second one parallel to the first. If you look directly after the second non-blocked tank there is a pass that ends at the cliff. Destroy the tank and the guy. Turn around and go left down the road. BE CAREFUL!!! A tank is waiting for you around the corner. Destroy that tank with yours then move on. The rest of the level shouldn't give you much trouble. Good Luck!!!!

Heal Dead People:

When one of your people die, right when they fall get your medikit. go over to him and it will say, "heal" press the A button it will heal them almost all the way.


Conflict Desert Storm 2



Cheat mode:

At the main menu, press L(2), R(2), X(2), Y(2), B(2). There is no confirmation message. Start a game, then pause and enter the options screen. The "Cheats" option will be available at the options menu.

Extreme mode:

Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting to unlock the extreme difficulty setting.

Healing falling teammates:

If one of your teammates falls to the ground, throw a smoke grenade near him. Then, get your health packet out and heal him.

Destroying armored vehicle or tanks:

Use Jones to run up to the vehicle or tank. Lay an anti-tank mine next to it, in turn sacrificing jones Temporarily to take out the vehicle or tank.

Use Jones to run close to the tank, then plant a C4. Throw a smoke grenade on the tank, run for the nearest cover, then blow it up.

Have one of your team members run by the tank to distract it. Then, run up to the tank, plant C4, and blow it up (risking your life). You can heal him with the other team member.

Tanks are weak in the following locations: their rear; in front, in between the armor over the tracks; and where the gun barrel meets the turret.





Single Player Cheats:

These only work for single player games (i.e., not Xbox Live). Press START and tap the D-Pad for:

Low Gravity - UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, UP, LEFT




Player clipping - UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP

Autoaim Toggle - DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP

Add 16,000 Credits - UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT



Crash Nitro Kart



Hyper Spaceway track:

Finish in first place in all sixteen races in adventure mode. This includes the four

Boss races as well as the twelve normal races. You will then be challenged by Velo to a race on the Hyper Spaceway track, which will now become unlocked in the other modes.

Terra Drome track:

Get all purple tokens in adventure mode to unlock the Terra Drome track.

Play as Dingodile:

Win the Red Gem Cup to unlock Dingodile.

Play as Fake Crash:

Do fifty consecutive boosts on any track in adventure mode on the Evil team to unlock Fake Crash.

Play as N. Tropy:

Defeat all N. Trophy ghosts in race time trial mode to unlock N. Tropy.

Play as Polar:

Win the Blue Gem Cup to unlock Polar.

Play as Pura:

Do fifty consecutive boosts on any track in adventure mode on the Bandicoot team to unlock Pura.

Play as Real Velo:

Get two Scepters to unlock Real Velo.

Play as Zam:

Win the Purple Gem Cup to unlock Zam.

Play as Zem:

Win the Green Gem Cup to unlock Zem.

FMV sequences:

Accomplish the following tasks to unlock the corresponding FMV sequence at the "Extras" menu:

Team Bandicoot:

Challenging Krunk: Win three trophies.

Krunk Loses: Get one key.

Challenging Nash: Win six trophies.

Nash Loses: Get two keys.

Challenging Norm: Win nine trophies.

Norm Loses: Get three keys.

Challenging Geary: Win twelve trophies.

Geary Loses: Get four keys.

Challenging Velo: Get four keys.

Losing to Velo: Get four keys.

Defeat Velo without 100%: Get four keys.

Defeat Velo with 100%: Get four keys, thirteen Relics, and one Scepter.

Team Cortex

Challenging Krunk:

Win three trophies.

Krunk Loses: Get one key.

Challenging Nash: Win six trophies.

Nash Loses: Get two keys.

Challenging Norm: Win nine trophies.

Norm Loses: Get three keys.

Challenging Geary: Win twelve trophies.

Geary Loses: Get four keys.

Challenging Velo: Get four keys.

Losing to Velo: Get four keys.

Defeat Velo without 100 %: Get four keys.

Defeat Velo with 100 %: Get four keys, have thirteen relics, and one Scepter.


Crazy Taxi 3



Master Cheat:

Go to the character selection screen and HOLD all these buttons together on controllers #1 and # 4: L + R + Left Analog-stick + Right Analog-stick + X + Y

Get Expert Mode:

Go to the character selection screen and HOLD Black + White and press A. If done correctly it will say 'expert' in the lower left of the screen. In this mode no arrows or stop indicators are on screen

Disable Arrows:

Go to the character selection screen and HOLD White and press A. If done correctly it will say 'no arrows' in the lower left of the screen.

Disable Destination Indicator:

Go to the character selection screen and HOLD Black and press A. If done correctly it will say 'no destination mark' in the lower left of the screen.

Get Another Day Mode:

Finish level 3 using Crazy X mode to unlock Another Day Mode

Get All Drivers:

Use Crazy X mode and finish level S-S

Get West Coast, Small Apple & Glitter Oasis Maps: Use Crazy X mode and finish Level 1

Get More Vehicles:


Crimson Sea



Easy Mode:

If you fail a mission more than three or four times, a new Easy Mode will be unlocked for you, ya' wuss.


Clear the game to unlock a standard Koei option that allows you to play a new game but with all the money from your last game.

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge


While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B, Black. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

All planes:

While playing a game, press Y, X, B, Y, Black. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

Super primary weapon:

While playing a game, press B, X, A, B, Black. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.


While playing a game, press A, Y, A, Y, Black. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

10 tokens:

While playing a game, press X, B, X, B, Black. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

Ultra Hard difficulty setting:

While playing a game, press X, B, A, X, Black. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

Easter Egg in Arixo:

When you first get to Arixo, fly west until you see a landing strip by an outhouse. Land there for a surprise.

Artist names in Chicago:

Look closely at the billboards to see the names of all the lead artists on them.

Fasa Studios logo in Boss battle:

During the Boss in a large open field, you can see the Fasa Studios logo appearing in the field looking like a crop circle.

Airplane stats

Brigand (Fairchild F6-11)

Defense: 7

Speed: 1

Firepower: 9

Primary weapon: Four machine guns

Secondary weapon: Seeking missiles

Bulldog (Hughes Aviation)

Defense: 2

Speed: 9

Firepower: 6

Primary weapon: Machine gun Secondary weapon: Shotgun Constable (ISA Motors Ltd)

Defense: 3

Speed: 7

Firepower: 3

Primary weapon: Machine gun

Secondary weapon: Single stream machine gun

Coyote (Ravenscroft)

Defense: 4

Speed: 6

Firepower: 6

Primary weapon: Machine gun

Secondary weapon: Seeking incendiary missle

Dauphin (Dassault S-30)

Defense: 6

Speed: 3

Firepower: 7

Primary weapon: Guns

Secondary weapon: Rockets

Desert Fox (Ravenscroft)

Defense: 2

Speed: 8

Firepower: 5

Primary weapon: Machine gun

Secondary weapon: Spread missiles

Doppleganger (Grumman E-3C)

Defense: 8

Speed: 1

Firepower: 8

Primary weapon: Single blast gun

Secondary weapon: Seeking missiles

Devastator (Hughes Aviation)

Defense: 5

Speed: 5

Firepower: 6

Primary weapon: Machine gun

Secondary weapon: Seeking missiles

Dust Devil (Sanderson BP1)

Defense: 4

Speed: 5

Firepower: 4

Primary weapon: Machine gun

Secondary weapon: Single stream machine gun Mini-Gyro (Fassenbeinders)

Defense: 1

Speed: 2

Firepower: 1

Pirhana (FW 21)

Defense: 5

Speed: 4

Firepower: 7

Primary weapon: Machine gun Secondary weapon: Electric arc

Special moves:

Back Stall Loop: Click Right Analog-stick, press Left Analog-stick Down, Right Analog-stick Forward, Left Analog-stick Down.

Barrel Roll Left: Click Right Analog-stick, press Left Analog-stick Left, Right Analog-stick Right, then release.

Barrel Roll Right: Click Right Analog-stick, press Left Analog-stick Right, Right

Analog-stick Left, then release.

Double Barrel Roll Left: Click Right Analog-stick, press Left Analog-stick Left, Right Analog-stick Right , then hold.

Double Barrel Roll Right: Click Right Analog-stick, press Left Analog-stick Right, Right Analog-stick Left, then hold.

Double Snap Roll Left: Click Right Analog-stick, hold Left and Right Analog-sticks Left.

Double Snap Roll Right: Click Right Analog-stick, hold Left and Right Analogsticks Right.

High Speed Yo-Yo: Click Right Analog-stick, press Left Analog-stick Down, Right Analog-stick Up, Left Analog-stick Up.

Immelman: Click Right Analog-stick, press Left and Right Analog-sticks Down. Power Climb: Click Right Analog-stick, press Left Analog-stick Down, Right Analog-stick Up, then release.

Snap Roll Left: Click Right Analog-stick, press Left and Right Analog-sticks Left, then release.

Snap Roll Right: Click Right Analog-stick, press Left and Right Analog-sticks Right, then release.

Snap Turn: Click Right Analog-stick, press Left Analog-stick Up, Right Analogstick Down.

Split-S: Click Right Analog-stick, press Left and Right Analog-sticks Up.


Dakar 2: The Worlds Ultimate Rally



All Cars & Tracks:

Enter SWEETAS and BONZER as codes for all cars and all tracks respectively.



<~ D ~>

Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix



Unlock Max 300:

You can unlock Max 300 in more ways the one. One method is to get an AAA ranking on any song. You can also unlock Max 300 by using the roulette until you land on it.

Unlock Songs:

To unlock the songs listed, complete the corresponding criteria:

Colors (For Extreme): Play 100 songs.

Graduistic Cyber: Get an AA rank on any song.

Healing Vision (Angelic Mix): Get at least a C rating on each difficulty of Healing Vision.

Max300: Get a AAA on any song.

MGS 2 Mission R: Get an A rank on any song.

Orion .78 (Civilization Mix): Play at least 300 songs.

Paranoia Rebirth: Get at least a C rating on each difficulty of Paranoia Eternal.

Put Your Faith in Me (Saturday Night Mix): Fail a song on purpose. Sana Mollete Ne Ente (BLT Style): Get at least a C rating on each difficulty of Sana Mollete Ne Ente.


Dark Summit



Get Alien Unlocked:

Hold the Back + Start button and press Y, L, X, B, R, A, R, X. Now you will have challenges 43, 48, 49 & 50 unlocked and have bomb piece #5

Get All Boarders:

Hold the Back + Start button and press Y, L, X, B, R, A, R, B

Get More Points:

Hold the Back + Start button and press Y, L, X, B, R, A, R, A. Now you will have 9 million lift points and 9 million equipment points

Get Challenges Finished:

Hold the Back + Start button and press Y, L, X, B, R, A, R, Y. Now you will have challenges unlocked except 43, 48, 49, 50. You will also have all bomb pieces except #5

Get Slo Motion Mode:

Hold the Back + Start button and press Y, X, B, L Now you can press L + R in the air for slow motion

Shoot Barrel:

Hold the Back + Start button and press Y, X, B, R.


Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2



All Bikes Unlocked:

Dave Mirra: Down, Down, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Up, X button

Ryan Nyquist: Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Right, Up, Down, X button

Troy McMurray: Down, Down, Left, Down, Right, Left, Up, Left, X button

Mike Laird: Down, Down, Right, Left, Down, Up, Up, Right, X button

Tim Mirra: Down, Down, Right, Left, Down, Right, Down, Up, X button

Kenan Harkin: Down, Down, Left, Up, Down, Right, Down, Down, X button

Leigh Ramsdell: Down, Down, Down, Up, Left, Left, Down, Left, X button

Joey Garcia: Down, Down, Up, Right, Left, Left, Down, Right, X button

Rick Moliterno: Down, Down, Up, Left, Right, Right, Left, Up, X button

Todd Lyons: Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down, X button

John Englebert: Down, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Left, Left, X button Scott Wirch: Down, Down, Right, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, X button

Colin Mackay: Down, Down, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right Up, X button Zach Shaw: Down, Down, Left, Down, Up, Right, Right, Down, X button

All Levels Unlocked:

Dave Mirra: Up, Up, Up Right, Up Left, Up, Up, X button

Ryan Nyquist: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, X button

Troy McMurray: Up, Up, Left, Up, Up, Right, Up, Left, X button

Mike Laird: Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Right, Up, Right, X button

Tim Mirra: Up, Up, Right, Down, Right, Left, Down, Up, X button

Kenan Harkin: Up, Up, Left, Left, Down, Up, Down, Down, X button

Leigh Ramsdell: Up, Up, Down, Up, Left, Down, Down Left, X button

Joey Garcia: Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, X button

Rick Moliterno: Up, Up, Up, Down, Right, Right, Left, Up, Sqaure

Todd Lyons: Up, Up, Down Up, Right, Right, Left, Down, X button

John Englebert: Up, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Left, Sqaure

Scott Wirch: Up, Up, Right, Up, Left, Left, Left, Right, X button

Colin Mackay: Up, Up, Right, Left, Up, Right, Right, Up, X button

Zach Shaw: Up, Up, Left, Right, Down, Down, Right, Down, X button

All Signature Tricks:

Dave Mirra: Left, Right, Up, Up, Left, Right, Up, Up, X button

Ryan Nyquist: Left, Right, Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Down, X button

Troy McMurray: Left, Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Up, Left, X button

Mike Laird: Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, Right, Up, Right, X button

Tim Mirra: Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, X button

Kenan Harkin: Left, Right, Left, Down, Up, Down, Down, Down X button

Leigh Ramsdell: Left, Right, Down, Left, Left, Right, Down, Left, X button

Joey Garcia: Left, Right, Up, Right, Down, Up, Down, Right, X button

Rick Moliterno: Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Down, Left, Up, X button

Todd Lyons: Left, Right, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down, X button

John Englebert: Left, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up, Left, Left, X button

Scott Wirch: Left, Right, Right, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right, X button Colin Mackay: Left, Right, Right, Up, Left, Right, Right, Up, X button

Zach Shaw: Left, Right, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, X button

Slim Jim Guy: Left, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Left, X button Amish Air:Left, Right, Up, Up, Right, Down, Right, Right, X button

Rider Competition Outfits:

Dave Mirra: Right, Right, Up, Right, Down, Down, Left, Left, X button

Ryan Nyquist: Right, Right, Down, Down, Left, Up, Up, Down, X button

Troy McMurray: Right, Right, Left, Up, Left, Left, Up, Left, X button

Mike Laird: Right, Right, Right, Up, Down, Down, Up, Right, X button

Tim Mirra: Right, Right, Right, Down, Down, Right, Down, Up, X button

Kenan Harkin: Right, Right, Left, Down, Up, Left, Down, Down, X button

Leigh Ramsdell: Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Down, Down, Left, X button

Joey Garcia: Right, Right, Up, Down, Up, Right, Down, Right, X button

Rick Moliterno: Right, Right, Up, Up, Up, Right, Left, Up, X button

Todd Lyons: Right, Right, Down, Left, Left, Up, Left, Down, X button

John Englebert: Right, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Left, Left, X button

Scott Wirch: Right, Right, Right, Up, Left, Left, Left, Right, X button Colin Mackay: Right, Right, Right, Left, Right, Up, Right, Up, X button

Zach Shaw: Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Down, Right, Down, X button


David Beckham Soccer



Edit Player option:

Select the Professional Player Certificate in Train With Beckham mode. Score at least five goals in "Free Play". The "Edit Player" option will now be unlocked at the "Game Settings" screen.


Manchester Eleven team



Select the Professional Player Certificate in Train With Beckham mode. Get a score

of at least 20 points in "Target Free Kicks" to unlock Manchester Eleven in


Series, in the Beckham's Teams group.

World All-Stars team:

Select the Professional Player Certificate in Train With Beckham mode. Get a score

of at least 20 points in "Target Passing" to unlock World All-Stars in Friendly Series, in the Beckham's Teams group.

England Eleven team:

Select the Professional Player Certificate in Train With Beckham mode. Get a score

of at least 20 points in "Target Crossing" to unlock England Eleven in Friendly Series, in the Beckham's Teams group.

Classic match games:

Select the Professional Player Certificate in Train With Beckham mode. Get a score

of at least 15 points in the "Target Shooting". Select the "Classic Match" option in arcade mode to access the American Samoa vs. Australia, Brazil vs. Italy, Calais vs. Nantes, Manchester vs. Munich Whites, Manchester vs. Leeds and Italy vs. England games.

Bonus stadiums:

Select the Professional Player Certificate in Train With Beckham mode.

Complete "Panel Bash" in under ten seconds. Select the "Game Settings" option in

Friendly Series mode to access the Aztec Arena and Bouncy Castle stadiums.

Easy scoring:

Get a quick short pass to get through on goal. Have the midfielder pass the ball to

a nearby teammate to the side, then immediately pass it forward to the unmarked

striker. Target the corner and quickly kick in the ball. In a one-on-one, when through on goal, wait for the goalie to charge out, then run diagonally sideways to avoid him. Tap the ball past him into the empty net.


Press X to use best header for long high balls, especially your own goal kicks. Use this to nod the ball onto a nearby teammate, or sometimes have it end up at your own feet. For a through pass, press L1 to send a through ball forward for a team- mate to chase. This is best used when you are just inside the opponent's half to knock the ball past the defenders for a forward to run onto. If it gets through,

you will just have the goalie to face.


Dead or Alive 3



Unlocking Costumes:

Almost every character has an alternate color to one of their costumes and a few have a hidden costume. Here they are:


Kasumi has different hairstyles depending on what button you press at the character select screen. For her normal ponytail press A, for a braided ponytail press X, and for her hair to be unbound, press Y. To unlock Kasumi's hidden costume, complete all the exercises with all the normal characters in Sparring Mode.


While selecting Costume 2, press X for the White "Storm Shadow" version of Hayabusa's ninja outfit.


While selecting Costume 1, press X. Hitomi will take off her jacket to reveal her tanktop.


To get Zack's hidden costume, get 20 wins in survival mode with Zack.

Brad Wong:

While select Costume 2, press X for a reddish version of his outfit.


While selecting Costume 1, press X to see Tina where a green top and leopard print pants.


While selecting Costume 2, press X for a shirtless Bass.


While selecting Costume 1, press X for a shirtless, bandolier wearing Leon.


While selecting Costume 1, press X for a blue beret, non-vest wearing Bayman

Jann Lee:

While selecting Costume 1, press X to see Jann Lee wearing black pants and yellow shoes. Also, while selecting Costume 2, press X for a yellow version of this kung fu outfit. (The following has been submitted by Count3rGeko: To get Jann Lee's bouncer costume, play survival mode and pick up a silver Xbox after defeating someone. Note: This may take several tries.)

Lei Fang:

Lei Fang has three different versions of her Costume 1. For a white version press Y, for a blue version press X, and for a black version hold the L Trigger and press X, Y, or A.


While selecting Costume 2, press X for a purple version of Christie's suit.


While selecting Costume 2, press X for a black version of Helena's dress.


While selecting Costume 2, press X for a green version of Hayate's ninja outfit.


While selecting Costume 2, press X for a white version of Ayane's dress.


To get Ein's hidden costume, finish Time Attack with Ein in under six minutes (totalling eight battles).

Unlocking Ein and Random Select:

To unlock Ein from Dead Or Alive 2, finish Story Mode with every character. After the final credits roll (save the game byentering and exiting the Options Menu) go into Survival Mode with Hayate and play so you can put your name in the rankings (minimum three victories). While at the ranking screen, enter EIN as the name. You will unlock Ein playable in every mode except Story Mode, and you'll also unlock a Random Character Select feature.


Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball



Extra money:

Note: This trick requires Dead Or Alive 3. Play Dead Or Alive 3 and select a character that also appears in Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball in survival mode. The more wins you have in survival mode, the more money you will start with in Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball.

Swimsuits in exhibition mode:

Earn or buy swimsuits in story mode (Zack's Island). The swimsuits that you acquire in that mode will also be available in exhibition mode.

Disable commentary:

Enter to the options menu, then change Zack's language to Japanese.

Ending bonus:

Successfully complete the game. When you start a new game, you can immediately advance to the end. Select the "Leave Tomorrow" option at the hotel or pool menu to skip to the ending.

Ending sequence:

Wait for the credits to end to see a extra FMV sequence featuring Zack and the remains of his island.

Bonus music tracks:

You can unlock two hidden music tracks in the game: "How Crazy Are You" (by Meja) and "Is This Love" (by Bob Marley). To obtain them, play through the game once. When you resume that saved game file, these two hidden songs will be available in the Radio Station.

Extra items:

Give a lot of gifts to one character and complete that game. Start a new game on that saved game file and choose to play as the character that received the gifts in the previous game. Those items will be available in your inventory in the new game.

Preferred gifts:

Ayane: Peridot, Beauty Treatment, Marrons Glace, Shuriken

Christie: Turquoise, Tomato Juice, Steering Wheel, Collar, Animal Prints Helena: Garnet, Blancmange, Seaworld Ticket, Dolphin Brooch, Dolphin Clock, music or opera items

Hitomi: Emerald, Sachetorte, Frying Pan, Microwave, Recipe

Kasumi: Amethyst, Strawberry Millefeuille, Crystal Ball, Tarot Cards, Shuriken Lei Fong: Diamond, Chinese Dessert, Aroma Pot, Panda, Oreial swimsuits, stuffed toys, diamonds

Lisa: Ruby, Cherry Pie, Research Book

Tina: Turquoise, Prototype Xbox, Sapphire Brooch, Lobster, Crab


Dead Mans Hand



Solve Xbox Live Menu Lag Issues:

If you experience a lot of "lag" (slowdown, jerkiness etc) in the Menu area of Dead Man's Hand, we have discovered that it's due to large Friends list. If you play with an account that doesn't have a large Friends list, this will clear up the menu lag issues. If you don't wish to delete your Friends list or create another account try this at the menu screen: Hold down the d-pad in either up or down direction. The highlight will start moving. Once the slot is highlighted two (2) selections from your desired selection, simply release the d-pad. You will find it stopped where you wanted it to. Then hold down the "A" button" until it goes to the next screen.


Dead to Rights



How to unlock All Chapters:

Go to the Press Start screen then go to the "New Game" screen. Now press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Y, X, X


Various Cheats:

Name player 4's controller one of the following (case-sensitive)

ALL150 - Get all teams & players

SouthEnd - Get Everything (case sensitive)

NO FEAR - Get Extreme difficulty

CONFUSED - Get Multidisk

MOREROOM - Get all arenas

NOFOV - Narrow field of view

NOSYNC - Faster frame rate

NOHUD - No Hud

Multidisk Hint:

When you have 3 disks on the field at once it is a Multidisk

Easy Credits:

Use single match/extreme difficulty and choose 2 teams. Play till the 4th period and last 5 minutes. Switch to the winning team using controls


Deus Ex: Invisible War



Hint: Getting items:

When in any area, check dumpsters and look behind small boxes or items for multitools, food, guns, ammo, etc.


Dino Crisis 3



All Guns:

To Get All Guns Go To The Main Menu And Press left right up up down left right black white. Now you Have All Guns

Get Sonya Express:

Finish the game one time using normal or hard difficulty

Get Wheel of Fortune:

Finish the Sonya Express


Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure



Cheat Codes:

Enter the following codes on the cheats menu:

Unlock All Create-a-Skater Items - "gethotgear"

Unlock Lion King Video - "savannah"

Unlock Tarzan Video - "nugget"

Unlock Toy Story Video - "marin" Special Meter Always Full - "happyfeet"

More Stats:

Get hidden gems on each level to improve your stats

Special Moves:

Collect 25 items in each level to unlock a special move

Play as Lil romeo:

Okay to get Romeo is simple just go up to that mean and crappy tough kid and beat the high score. But if that don't work than do something else for a guy, like Cap'n Salty.


Dr. Muto



Various Cheats:

Every Gadget=TINKERTOY

Never Take Damage=CHEATERBOY

Unlock Morphs=EUREKA

Go Anywhere=BEAMMEUP

Secret Morphs=LOGGLOGG


Super Ending=BUZZOFF



Dragons Lair 3D



Activate Cheat Mode:

On the main menu:

Press R and in the Left Analog.

Press R and in the Right Analog. Press R and in the Left Analog.

Press R and in the Right Analog.

Press R and WHITE. Press R and BLACK.

Press R and WHITE.

Press R and BLACK.

Start the game and the reward menu will be unlocked.





How to unlock All Cars:

Go to the main menu and press Up, Down, Right, Right, Left, Up, Up, Down

Get All Tracks:

Go to the main menu and press Up, Up, left, Down, Left, Right, Right

Get Arcade Championship:

Go to the main menu and press Right, left, Up, Right, Down, Down, Left,, Left

Get Story Mode:

Go to the main menu and press Down, Left, up, Right, Right, Up, Down, left

Get Multi Player Championship:

Go to the main menu and press Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Left, Down, Right


Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes



Various Cheats:

Get the cheat screen by pressing L + Y + A. Now enter a code below

Cheat What it does

PELOR Get Invincibility

MPS LABS Nightmare Difficulty

CREDITS Show Credits

UNBUFF Turn Off Cheats

OBADHAI Get Unlimited MW

AUSTIN 10 Rod of Destruction

BELL 10 Thrown Daggers of Stunning

BILGER 10 Tome of the Apprentice

BRATHWAI 10 Thrown Hammer

BROPHY 10 Fire Flask

CRAWLEY Holy Water

DELUCIA 10 Rod of Fire

DERISO 10 Insect Plague

DINOLT 10 Rod of Shadows

DSP633 10,000 Experience

EHOFF 10 Firey Oil

ELSON 10 Thuderstone

ESKO 10 Fash Freeze

FRAZIER 10 Thrown Viper Axe

GEE 10 Large Will Potions

HOPPENST 10 Warp Stones

HOWARD 10 Thrown Viper Axe

JARMAN 10 Rod of Miracles

KEIDEL 10 Keys

KNE637 500,000 Gold

LU 10 Medium Potions of Will

MEFFORD 10 Tome of the Teacher

MILLER 10 Rod of Missiles

MOREL 10 Thrown Daggers

N_STINE 10 Constitution Points

PAQUIN 10 Tome of Lessons

PRASAD 10 Thrown Halcyon Hammer

RAMERO 10 Thrown Axe of Ruin

SMITH 10 Pyrokins


SPANBURG 10 Tomes of the Master

SPINRAD 10 Anitvenom

THOMAS 10 Berserk Brew

THOMPSON 10 Large Healing Potions

UHL 10 Potions of Haste

WEBER 10 Fire Bomb

WHITTAKE 10 Rod of Reflection

WRIGHT 10 Globe Potion

ZXE053 10 Dexterity Points

Transfer Items without losing them:

Use a two player game and save your character. Now drop the item you want and leave the game. Now use your saved character to return and pick up the item.

Max Your Abilities:

First you have to find a book that gives you 5,10,20,or 50 extra points then drop the book save your character, press start and exit your game and load your character back into the game, now you have two books. Keep doing this until you have about 150 books then read them all and fill in your abilities. It takes some time but it's worth it (you can also do this with HP and MP if you find one of those potions.

Virtually Weightless:

This loophole allows you to carry as many thousands of pounds of crap as you can possibly muster on your person. Follow these steps in their simplicity.

  1. Get as many strength altering items on your person as possible. Ogre Gear as I like to call it. Now load up with as much junk as you can carry... reach your weight limit.


  1. Hold down these buttons all at once: L + A + Y (This is the cheat console)

  2. Now put in a code like PAQUIN (tome of lessons) as it creates a tome of lessons in your inventory. (repeat this step as many times as you want by simply hitting the accept button over and over and over until your hand goes numb)

3a. You will notice that items created in this fashion do not add to your burden.

  1. Next, drop all of those heavy tomes. You will notice that it will think that you dropped the weight.

  2. Viola! You are carrying all that you were before, but it says you are carrying 0lbs.

Dynasty Warriors 3



Unaffiliated Movies:

These are the two "extra" opening movies (just like in the PS2 version). On the opening movie edit screen, hold L + R (or BLACK + WHITE) and play the opening sequence.

Unlock Opening Movie Edit:

On the meain menu, press X, BLACK, Y, WHITE, L, R, WHITE, WHITE.

Unlock Shu Generals:

Just like in the PS2 version, press WHITE, BLACK, X, Y, WHITE, R, L, BLACK on the main menu.

Alternate Costumes:

On the character select screen, press A or X to choose different costumes.

Assorted Cheat Codes:

On the main menu, press the following:

All Shu Generals - WHITE, BLACK, X, Y, WHITE, R, L, BLACK

All Generals - Hold L and R, then press WHITE, BLACK, Y, X, X, Y

BGM Test Option - L, WHITE, Y, R, WHITE, BLACK, X, Y

Opening Edit Option - X, BLACK, Y, WHITE, L, R, WHITE, WHITE

In-game Reset:

To reset the game at any time, press BACK+START during gameplay.

Unlock Very Hard Difficulty:

To unlock very hard, beat the last level of Musou on Hard.




<~ E ~>

 EA Sports Fight Night 2004



Cheat: Big Tigger Character:

Select "My Corner" from the main menu and then look at the record books. View the "Most Wins - Boxer" screen and press UP twice. Tigger is a middleweight fighter.

Cheat: Midget Mode:

From the main menu, enter LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT

Cheat: Open All Arenas:

From the "My Corner" menu, enter LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT,


Unlockable: Ring Girls, Trucks, and More:

To unlock extras such as ring girls, bonus trucks, special punches, new entrance music, and more, simply copmlete in the Career mode and win fights.

Hint: Uppercut Without Total Control:

To perform an uppercut with Total Control Punching disabled, press Jab + Hook together.

Hint: Wake Up From Knock Downs:

To stand up after getting knocked down--not knocked out--use the Left and Right Analog Sticks to match up the three blurry images of the ref. Find a focal point, such as the EA logo on the ref's shirt, and move the two images to match the one that stays still.


Elder Scrolls: Morrowmind



Own house:

To own your own house,all you have to do is go and kill the owner of the house you want once he is dead he will never come back.Everything in that house is yours for the taking.So then you will have a house to sleep in.

Level up easily:

To level up easily, jump continuously, until it says your acrobatics skill increased. This will add one of ten points to your leveling meter. You have to jump around approximately two minutes to get one level point.

Ultimate Money Cheat:

First of all, you must have about 1,000 or more gold coins and be strong enough to kill a common shopkeeper. What you do is go to Caldera and look for the Creeper(he's located upstairs in the crummy shop with orcs in it). Now, he will buy what ever you sell him for what it says its worth, so sell him all of your money for the price you gave him or more. Do this several times and he will hold the amount he buys from you (if you sell him 1,000 gold coins 10 times he will have 10,000 gold coins) then kill him and take it all back! p.s. the more money you sell him (up to 5,000) the more he will hold.





Get Dark Campaign:

First start a new game then put in your save game name. When the Episode Selection screen begins press X, Y, Y, X, X, Y, X, Y

God Mode:

Pause game play, then press X, Y, X, X, Y, Y, X, Y, X, X, Y, Y to unlock "God Mode" and "Complete Mission" options at the pause menu.

Get Earth Golem:

Finish the Light Campaign to unlock the Golem

Stone Gnome:

You unlock the Stone Gnome once you beat the dark campaign.

Unlock Fetica:

Get ALL of the gold in the Dark Campaign

Unlock 9320 Battle Droid:

Get ALL of the gold in the Light Campaign


Enemies in the light campaign die after five to ten seconds or more if they are standing in water on the beach. If you can lure enemies into the water you can kill them without getting hurt. Works on goblins may work on large enemies.


Enter the Matrix



Various Cheats:

These cheat should work with any version of the game.

Enter the hacking system in the game. Unlock the command allowing "cheats." Enter the following codes:

Infinite Ammo: 1DDF2556

Maximum Firepower: 0034AFFF

Focus Restored fast: FFF0020A

Unlimited Health: 7F4DF451

Enemies can not See You: FFFFFFF1

Turbo: FF00001A

Infinite Focus: 69E5D9E4

Test Level: 13D2C77F

Multi-Player Fighting: D5C55D1E

Moon Gravity: BB013FFF

Fastest Logos: 7867F443

Taxi Driving: 312MF451

Enemies Can Not hear You: 4516DF45

The One:

To get Neo F2222546

To get Trinity


To get Morpheous


Various Phone Numbers:







Hacking engine tools:

In Hacking engine (which is accessed from the title screen), there are a number of directories and tools that can be useful (such as spawning a weapon within The Matrix.).

Command Effect

DIR <location> List files and folders

CLS Clear the screen of text

HELP <command> Extended help for a command

TRACEKILL Kills traces

READ Read *.txt files

VIEW View *.img files

PLAY Play *.fmv files

DROP JXTRR10 Weapon drop at Drainage Canal

DROP PNSRZ10 Weapon drop at North Concourse

DROP RKHMS10 Weapon drop at Airport Tunneld

DROP JDZMT10 Weapon drop at 2nd Floor West (Chateau)

DROP ZKHBD10 Weapon drop at Courtyard (Chateau)

DROP RHFTQ10 Weapon drop at Skyscraper

DROP ZSZQH10 Weapon drop at Warehouse (Chinatown)

DROP JDHQL10 Weapon drop at Transformer Field (power plant)

DROP B1AXXF2 Weapon drop at 2nd Floor PO Boxes

Morpheus message

In the Hacking engine, instead of using "GUEST", you can LOGIN as FREEMIND or

COWBOYCURTIS to hear a message from Morpheus


ESPN MLS Extra Time 2002



Be Helicopter Pilot:

Put in the code CAPTAINSTACEY at the code menu


ESPN NBA Basketball



Unlockable Bonuses:

All-Time Celtics Team - Block 100 shots.

All-Time Lakers Team - Steal the ball twenty times.

All-Time Sonics Team - Dish out 150 assists.

All-Time 76ers Team - Get 150 rebounds.

2K4 Team - Record fifteen double-doubles.

Rookie Class Team - Accumulate a total of 100 points.

Sega Team - Accumulate ten hours of game play.

Sega Sports Challenge Team - Win one game in exhibition mode.

Superstars Team - Get 100 steals.

Sophomore Class Team - Accumulate a total of 500 points scored. VC Team - Get fifteen triple-doubles.

Rock Ball - Complete ten games in street mode.

Ooga Booga Ball - Complete fifteen games in street mode.

ESPN Ball - Complete five games in street mode.

ABA Ball - Complete one game in street mode.

Unlock All In 24/7 Mode:

Create a player for 24/7 mode using the names HUNT for the first name and

4TREASURE as the last name. Leave the entire name in capitals for best result


ESPN NFL Primetime



Various Cheats:

SHAKE IT UP - Get weather in dome stadiums

ALOHA - Pro Bowl Team & Aloha Stadium

SCOREBOX - Controled Scoring

HOWDY - Reliant Stadium

SHOW EVERYONE - Get Everyone

READY TO FUMBLE - Press L2 during game to fumble

SUPERMAN - High jumps & Dives

CAN'T TOUCH THIS - Super Runningback





Crib unlockables:

(The Bar)

49 points in a game = Newmark Bar Stools

3 hours playing = Classic Bar Stools

Entered Scrimmage Mode = Team Parking Sign

(The Living Room)

60 Yard Kick or Punt Return = Stuffed Couch [Black Leather]

Created a Playbook = Contemporary Recliner

Won a Pro Difficulty Game = Classic Coffee Table [think 5 mins min.]

40 Yard Touchdown Run = Sleek End Table

Entered Situation Mode = Sleek Console Table

Entered The Reference Guide = Country Console Table

30 Yard Touchdown Run = Team Street Sign

200 Rushing Yards in a Game = Team Parking Sign

(The Boom Boom Room)

Watched the ESPN Video Games movie = Sleek Home Theater

Watched the ESPN NFL Football Features movie = Big Screen Home Theater

Completed all the Tutorials = Sleek Credenza

Shutout the Opposing Team = Team Photo B

No Passes Dropped by any Receiver = Team Photo C

10 Tackles in a game = 80's Wall Clock

1 Hour Playing = Game Ball A

Returned an Interception for a TD = Game Ball B

Commited No Turnovers = Game Ball C

70 Yard Kick or punt Return = Player Painting


*Poster D* *Other Sega Games Posters*

40 Yard Touchdown Run = Panzer Dragoon Orla Poster

5 Hours playing = Rez Poster

Created a playbook = Soccer Slam Poster

Entered the Reference Guide = Toe Jam & Earl 3 Poster

275 Rushing Yards in a game = Phantasy Star Online Poster

Entered Situation Mode = Virtua Fighter 4 Poster

Won a Pro Difficulty game = NFL2K Poster

60 Yard Kick or Punt Return = NFL2K1 Poster

49 Points in a game = NFL2K3 Poster


(The Game Room)

Five Hours Playing = Full-Sized Team Helment in Case

Entered Franchise Mode = Framed Team Jersey A

Created a Team = Framed Team Jersey B

Won a Tournament = Player Standee A

QB never sacked = Player Standee B

30 Tackles in a game = Team Drinking Glass A


Trivia Machine Mini-Game = Completed all the Tutorials

Paper Football Mini-Game = Played a First Person Game


Big Head Mode Game Cheat = Created a Player

Kickin' or Stickin' Game Cheat (always 4th Down)= 3 hours playing


Ricky Williams Bobblehead = 275 Yards rushing

(My Boy) Jevon Kearse Bobblehead = 20 Tackles in a game

La'Roi Glover Bobblehead = Created a Player

Champ Bailey Bobblehead = Played a First Person Game

Priest Holmes- 6 rushing TDs in one game with same player

Corey Dillan- 400 yrds rushing in a game

Warren Sapp- 40 tackles in one game Ladamion Thomelson- 3 ints in one game

Tom Brady- Return Fumble for TD

Tim Brown- Throw 6 tds to different players

30-yd TD pass Team Banner B and ESPN Football poster

40-yd TD pass Team Pennant A and Skies of Arcadia poster

60-yd TD pass Team Helmet Mug and Croc logo

49 points scored Newmark bar stools

63 Contemporary couch, Gorilla logo

77 Terrel Owens bobblehead, Power Pocket cheat

375 yds passing Mini-helmet, Sdtk HipHop #1

450 Team end table, NFL2K intro movie

500 Sleek couch, Aztec logo

10 tackles in a game 80s clock, ESPN sdtk

20 Kearse bobbler, Wolf logo

30 Team Glass A, Berman's Swamis Team

3 sacks Classic Credenza, Sdtk Electronic #1

5 Newmark end table, Gungrave poster

7 Team Rug A, Boar logo

3 INTs Tomlinsin bobbler, Sdtk Floigan Bros

5 Stuffed recliner, Ooga Booga poster

2 INTs w/same player Contemporary end table, Behind the Scenes w/Sapp video

Beat CPU by 56 points Team recliner, 2006 Super Bowl stadium No dropped passes Team photo C, Michael Irvin free agent

Won a tournament Team player standee A, Sdtk Outtakes #2

Duece Mccalister- 99yrd run

Jerome "the bus" Bettis bobble- win an all pro game

Air Hockey- Win The Super Bowl

Donovan McNabb--250 passing yards/100 rushing yards same player

Randy Moss- 15hrs playing time

Clint Portis- 2000yrd caree rushing

David Carr- 25 career sacks

60-yd TD run Team Player Poster C, 2k1 Intro movie

350 rush yds Player Standee D, ESPN commercial #2 400 rush yds Corey Dillon bobbler, Sdtk SEGA #3 (Daytooona)

Bobble Heads:

After you unlock a bobble head doll you can go to the case and use the left analog stick to turn it and the right analog stick to bobble the head

Get Paper Football Game for Crib:

Finish the game one time using First Person Mode

Get Big Head Mode:

Make a custom player to unlock it

Get Kickin or Stickin Cheat:

Play for 3 hours using the same user name

Insane kick cheat:

To get the insane kick cheat you must get a 99 yard kick or punt return


ESPN Winter X Games



Chad's board in L.A.:

After finishing the first arcade mode go to the next one and go to L.A., then go to the ramp that leads to the mansion look behind the wall and you'll find it



<~ F ~>

F1 2001



Get 2001 Review Video:

Get Custom GP Championship Trophy

Get Full Championship trophy

Get Domination Trophy

Win all 17 trophies in single GP mode


Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel



Unlockable Characters:

To unlock characters, complete the criteria listed:

Patty: Beat the first chapter.

Rhombus: Beat the second chapter.

Vault Dweller: Beat the game.


Fatal Frame



Get Battle Mode, Sound Test, Ghost List & Spec Functions: Finish the game one time

Get Nightmare Mode: Finish Battle Mode one time

Get a different Ending: Finish Nightmare Mode

Get Chapter Select Option:

Finish the game on the Nightmare difficulty setting. A "Chapter" option will be unlocked in Story Mode


Fifa 2002



Find Ronaldo:

You will find Ronaldo in the Inter Milan reserve team. His name will be #19.


Fifa 2003



Get Seoul Stadium: Win the International Cup

Win a stadium:

All you have to do is win the championship club with a club and you will get a new stadium


FIFA 2004



Easy win:

Choose a side to play on. Then during a game, press Start and choose "Select

Sides". Move your controller under the opponent's side and resume the game. Then, score as many goals as desired (while under the opponent's side), then just switch back to your side again. This way you will have a big point lead, depending on how many goals you scored. This trick also works better when you switch back to your side near the end of the second half.

Fancy footwork:

At any time during play, hold Black and move the Right Analog-stick to execute moves. Side to side does a stepover, back pulls the ball back, and rotating it in a circle does a maradona.

Ball catch effect:

When shooting, press the Right Analog-stick slightly sooner.

Getting good players:

Go to the options menu then to "Player Swaps". Swap all the good players desired onto the team you want to play as, then save that as a squad. Call it whatever desired. Then go to "New Season" and select "Current Squads" and play your team. This is useful for a third division team. This team now has all the good players.

Buying players:

If you want to buy a player, bid for them about 1 or 2 million above the asking price. This ensures you of signing that player. Players that are worth buying include:

Thierry Henry


David Beckham

Ronaldo (either)

Tim Howard

Roberto Carlos

Alexandre Del Piero

David Bellion

Ruud Van Nistelrooy

Hernan Crespo

In the first year, it is almost impossible (unless you bid over 5 million above the asking price) to buy Thiery Henry, David Becham, Ronaldo, and Del Piero.

Recommended team:

Create a team with the following players:


Tim Howard

Iker Casillas Defenders

Rio Ferdinand

Paulo Maldini

Alexandre Nesta

Roberto Carlos

Lilian Thuram

Sol Campbell Midfielders

David Beckham

Zinedine Zidane

Cristiano Ronaldo

Luis Figo


Edgar Davids

David Bellion Forwards

Thierry Henry

Ruud Van Nistelrooy


Del Piero


Adrian Mutu

Hernan Crespo

Create a team with the following players. Note: The players are expensive so you might have to sell some of your best players first. The subs are up to you.


RB: Michel Salgado (Real Madrid)

LCB: Fabio Cannavaro (Inter Milan)

RCB: Alessandro Nesta (AC Milan)

LB: Roberto Carlos (Real Madrid)


LM: Zinedine Zidane (Real Madrid)

RM: David Beckham (Real Madrid)

CAM: Ronaldiniho (Barcelona)


LF: Ronaldo (Real Madrid)

RF: Theirry Henry (Arsenal)

EA Sports Fight Night 2004

Cheat: Big Tigger Character:

Select "My Corner" from the main menu and then look at the record books. View the "Most Wins - Boxer" screen and press UP twice. Tigger is a middleweight fighter.

Cheat: Midget Mode:

From the main menu, enter LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT

Cheat: Open All Arenas:

From the "My Corner" menu, enter LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT,


Unlockable: Ring Girls, Trucks, and More:

To unlock extras such as ring girls, bonus trucks, special punches, new entrance music, and more, simply copmlete in the Career mode and win fights.

Hint: Uppercut Without Total Control:

To perform an uppercut with Total Control Punching disabled, press Jab + Hook together.

Hint: Wake Up From Knock Downs:

To stand up after getting knocked down--not knocked out--use the Left and Right Analog Sticks to match up the three blurry images of the ref. Find a focal point, such as the EA logo on the ref's shirt, and move the two images to match the one that stays still.


Finding Nemo



A - Boost:

If you press and hold the A button you will get an extra boost of speed.


Freaky Flyers



Unlock Island Jack:

In adventure mode go to danger island. when you get to the jungle go below the trees. when you see a giant snake wrapped around a tree branch near the end on the left side of the jungle shoot it and you will get island jack

unlock prof. gutenburg:

Go to adventure mode and go to torpedo run there will be three subs on yor radar one of them is a yellow sub with prof. gutenburg on the front shoot two torpedoes at it and you will unlock prof. gutenburg

Andre LaToilette:

In Bigfoot Mt., when you start in the beginning of the level you will see a house on a hill. In

front of that house is a snowman, shoot the the snowman and if you shoot enough it will say you have unlocked Andre LaToilette.

Get Sheik Abdoul (the Arabian man with the rocket powered flying carpet):

In the Cave of Blunders, you start above a Arabian city; in the center of town there is a small area (with pillars) where Sheik is being bullied by a palace guard.

Kill the guard to get Sheik Abdoul.

Cactus Rose:

In the beginning of Coyote Canyon on your right will be a town.In that town there will be a girl being hanged. Free her by shooting her and it will say you've unlocked Cactus Rose.

Unlock Sammy Wasabe:

Go to monster isle. Shoot a ninja by the shrine in the middle of the jungle. If you did it right it the guy will say "you unlocked sammy wasabe.

Usefull plane tricks.:

When you hold the triangle button and flick (or hold) the analog stick/directional pad up, down, left or right. (regular plane controls) You get...

triangle + up = "Dive Bomb" (pull up to stop the dive bomb when you desire)

triangle + down = "Somersault" (you use this in the mini game "Torpedo Run". You can't cancel out of the somersault when it's going. When you are accelerating you do a big one and a small one when not accelerating)

triangle + left = "Left Barrel Roll" (it will make your selected character do two rolls when you do this. When you hold the analog stick longer the left, you do a longer barrel roll. You'll automatically stop at a certain time when you can not barrel roll any more. It sort of works when you want to stop doing a dive bomb except that you continue going for one or two rolls then stop.) triangle + right = "Right Barrel Roll" -see "Left Barrel Roll" description-

When you hold the L1 or R1 or both buttons and turn in the direction you want (left or right); you'll make sharper turns.

L1/R1 or both + triangle + down = "About Face" You turn around and fly in the other direction you were flying.

This is good to use if you accidentally go the wrong way. Holding

L1+triangle+down makes a slow "About Face" You stay in that one spot and turn slowly (which wastes time) if not in Torpedo Run.

Holding R1 plus the other buttons make a fast "About Face" but it still takes longer.

Using L1/R1 plus the other buttons will make the best "About Face" you can do.

So I recommend doing L1 & R1 + triangle + down combo.


Freedom Fighters




While playing a game, press Up, Down, Black, White. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Submachine gun, miscellaneous items:

While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B, Y, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Sniper, miscellaneous items:

While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B, Y, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Rocket launcher, miscellaneous items:

While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B, Y, Left. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Heavy machine gun, miscellaneous items:

While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B, Y, Down. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Shotgun, miscellaneous items:

While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B(2), Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Nail gun:

While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B, A, Left. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Infinite ammunition:

While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B, A, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Cycle through spawn points:

While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B, A, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Maximum charisma:

While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B, A, Down. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.


While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B(2), Left. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Slow-motion mode:

While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B(2), Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Fast motion mode:

While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B(2), Down. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Flymo ragdolls:

While playing a game, press Y, A, X, B, X, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Invincibility (PAL version):

While playing a game, Y, A, X, B, X, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear at the top of the screen. Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Bonus level:

Successfully complete the game to unlock the Liberty Island level.

High definition television glitch:

If you have a HDTV and have selected to turn on the "Video" features of 480, 720, 1080 through the XBOX dashboard, it will cause the video to be blank even though you can hear the audio. To make the game work, go into the "Video" options through the XBOX dashboard and turn off all the video options. Restart the game and the video should work


Freestyle Metal X



All levels and events:

Enter "universe" as case-sensitive code to unlock all levels and events.

All riders and bikes:

Enter "dudemaster" as case-sensitive code to unlock all riders and bikes.

All bike parts:

Enter "garageking" as case-sensitive code to unlock all bike parts.

All special stunts:

Enter "fleximan" as case-sensitive code to unlock all special stunts.

All costumes:

Enter "johnnye" as case-sensitive code to unlock all costumes.

All photos and posters in gallery:

Enter "seeall" as case-sensitive code to unlock all photos and posters in the gallery.

All songs:

Enter "hearall" as case-sensitive code to unlock all songs.

All FMV sequences:

Enter "watchall" as case-sensitive code to unlock all FMV sequences.


Enter "sugardaddy" as case-sensitive code.


Frogger Beyond



Level Select:

To select levels from the beginning, enter LEVELS4ME as your name.

Unlimited Lives:

Highlight the lives option and press L, R, UP + A.


Fusion Frenzy



Get Turbo:

While in one of the mini games like Twisted System, pause the game and hold

Down and the left trigger and press Y, A, A, Y






In old New York City, the second part of it, there is a fridge or a radiator thing on the ground on its side. jump up and grab onto its side and then jump across and you'll find a nibbler $70 and loads of items, hope this helps


Freedom Fighters.webp


<~ G ~>

Gauntlet: Dark Legacy



Cheat Codes:

Enter the following as your name:

INVULN - Infinite Life

PURPLE - Infinite Turbo

ALLFUL - Infinite Potions and Keys

MENAGE - Permanent Triple Shot

REFLEX - Permanent Reflect Shot

1ANGEL - Permanent Anti-Death Halo and Levitation

SSHOTS - Permanent Super Shot

EGG911 - Permanent Pojo

XSPEED - Extra Speed

QCKSHT - Faster Shots


Genma Onimusha



Get Bishamon Sword:

Fight through all 20 levels of the Dark Realm. Kill all of the monsters on the 20th level, then open the treasure box here to discover the Bishamon Ocarina. Then, in the area just beyond the second Marcellus boss fight, use the Ocarina on the bone door here to open it. Then head inside and claim the prize, a sword with unlimited magic which will kill any non-boss character in a single swipe. A powerful ally, indeed.

Unlock Difficult Mode:

Defeat the game in under three hours to unlock Difficult Mode.

Second Costume:

To unlock Kaede's second costume, a sort of demon dress, collect all 30 Flourites.

submitted by IGN Guides

Unlock Oni Spirits Mini Game:

To unlock the Oni Spirits mini game, collect 20-29 pieces of Flourite. A new minigame will be available at the start menu.

Unlock Samanosuke's Second Costume:

To unlock Samanosuke's second costume, beat the game once on Difficult.

submitted by IGN Guides

What's Your Grade?:

Genma Onimusha allows you the opportunity to rate your progress, based on a series of points. The perfect score is 30, meaning you have to score all available points in three categories: Time taken to complete

Up to 3 Hours= 10 points

3-4 Hours= 7 points

4-5 Hours= 5 points

5 or more Hours=3 points

Number of demons killed

0-399= 3 points

400-499= 5 points

500-599= 7 points

600 or more= 10 points

Number of souls collected by the gauntlet

0-34,999= 3 points

35,000-44,999= 5 points

45,000-54,999= 7 points

55,000 or more= 10 points

The points add up as follows:

0-9= D

10-17= C

18-24= B

25-29= A

30= S


Ghost Recon



Unlock Cheat Mode:

To unlock Cheat Mode, finish all objectives in the single player missions. Once Cheat Mode is unlocked, the cheats will be made available.

Fat Players:

Hold BACK and press B, B, Y, X, X, A.

Team God Mode:

Unlock Cheat Mode, then press and hold BACK, and press B, A, Y, Y, B, A, X, X, X. You will not be able to complete the game with this cheat enabled.

Big Heads:

Hold BACK and press A, X, B, Y, A during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Bunker Brush Glitch:

In multi-player map number 8 (the POW camp) head into one of the bunkers you need to duck to go into. Occasionally, if you stand up you will be able to see and fire though the bunker's walls. This makes you almost invulnerable to return fire.

Chicken Heads:

Hold BACK and press X, X, Y, A, B during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Flat Characters:

Hold BACK and press B, A, X, Y, A during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

God Mode:

Unlock Cheat Mode, then press and hold BACK, and press X, X, A, B, A. You will not be able to complete the game with this cheat enabled.

Helium Mode:

Hold BACK and press X, A, Y, B, X during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Hit A High Note:

Hold BACK and press X, A, Y, B, X during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Medal Requirements:

Purple Heart - Get wounded or killed in action (preferably just wounded).

Bronze Star - Accomplish 15 kills.

Silver Star - Accomplish 20 kills.

Distinguished Service Cross - Accomplish 25 kills.

Congressional Medal Of Honor - Accomplish 30 kills.

Slow Motion:

Hold BACK and press Y, Y, B, X, A during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.


Ghost Recon: Island Thunder



Cheat List:

You must first Finish all mission objectives in the single player game before the cheats become available. Then, during gameplay, press BACK, then press the following buttons to activate the corresponding cheat:

Big Heads: A,X,B,Y,A

Big Bodies: B,B,Y,X,X,A

Chicken Explosives: X,X,Y,A,B

Paper Mode: B,A,X,Y,A

Slow Mo: Y,Y,B,X,A

High Pitched Voices:X,A,Y,B,X

Unlock Characters:

W. Jacobs - Finish Special Objective in Campaign Mission 1 on any difficulty

H. Ramirez - Finish Special Objective in Campaign Mission 2 on any difficulty

K. Henkel - Finish Special Objective in Campaign Mission 3 on any difficulty

J. Stone - Finish Special Objective in Campaign Mission 4 on any difficulty

S. Grey - Finish Special Objective in Campaign Mission 5 on any difficulty

B. Gordon - Finish Special Objective in Campaign Mission 6 on any difficulty

A. Galinsky - Finish Special Objective in Campaign Mission 1 on Recruit during a

Quick Mission in Mission Mode

D. Munz - Finish Special Objective in Campaign Mission 2 on Veteran during a

Quick Mission in Mission Mode

N. Tunny - Finish Special Objective in Campaign Mission 3 on Elite during a Quick

Mission in Mission Mode

L. Cohen - Finish Special Objective in Campaign Mission 4 on Recruit during a

Quick Mission in Mission Mode

G. Osadze - Finish Special Objective in Campaign Mission 5 on Veteran during a

Quick Mission in Mission Mode

S. Ibrahim - Finish Special Objective in Campaign Mission 6 on Elite during a Quick Mission in Mission Mode


Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance



Collect all of the Special Item Collectables and place them in their required pillar to unlock certain special Challenges in the game.

Axe Extender Challenge 4 - Collect all Priest's Amulets

Gauntlet Extender Challenge 4 - Collect all Emperor's Coins

Sword Extender Challenge 4 - Collect all Titan Tablets

Sword, Axe, Gauntlet Challenge 4 (Choose your Ultimate Weapon) - Have All Special Item Collectables collected





Camera Control:

Pause the game during combat then tap UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, UP, UP, UP, UP. Use the joysticks, R and BLACK to control the camera.

No Limit Equipment:

Press START in the school's menu. Then enter RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, Y, Y, Y. This allows any equipment to used by anyone.

Unlock Harder Enemies:

Pause the game in the league office then enter RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, UP, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, UP, UP, UP. Repeat the code to augment the difficulty.

Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde

Cheat mode:

Hold R + L + Y + Down for three seconds to toggle the following cheats on and off.

God mode:

Press R(3), L(3), R, L, Y, R.


Press R(2), L(3), R(2), Y(3).

Level select:

Press Y(3), L, R, L(2), R, L, R(2), L, R, L(2), R, L, R, L(2), R, L(2), R, L, R(2), Y(3) to unlock the "Bling" profile with all levels unlocked.

Fog of war:

Press R, L, R(2), L(2), Y(2), L, R.

Decrease speed by 50%:

Press L(5), Y(4), R.

Increase speed by 200%:

Press R(5), L, Y, R(3).

Additional 100 Gold:

Press L, R(4), L, Y, L(3).

Additional 100 souls:

Press R, L(4), R, Y, R(3).

1000 Gold and Souls:

Press R(2), L, R(2), Y(3), L(2).


Godzilla Destroy All Monsters Melee



Cheat List:

At the main menu, highlight Versus Mode. Then, in order, press and hold these buttons: L, B, R. Once holding them release them in this order to bring up cheat mode: B, R, L. Enter the following codes to unlock the corresponding monster:

All cities and monsters: 863768

All monsters: 209697

Black and white mode: 860475

Boxing Level: 440499

Extra Military Damage: 970432

Godzilla 2000: 637522

Regenerate health: 597378

Unlock Destroyah:

To unlock Destoroyah, beat Adventure mode with Godzilla 2000.

Unlock Gigan:

To unlock Gigan, beat Adventure mode with Aguirus.

Unlock Godzilla 2000:

To unlock Godzilla 2000, complete the Adventure mode with Godzilla 90's.

Unlock King Ghidorah:

To unlock King Ghidorah, beat Adventure mode with Megalon.

Unlock Mecha Godzilla:

To unlock Mecha Godzilla, beat the Adventure mode with Destoroyah, Rodan and

Mecha-King Ghidorah

Unlock Mecha Godzilla 2:

To unlock Mecha Godzilla 2, beat adventure mode with all monsters, then beat it again with Mecha King Ghidrah.

Unlock Mecha Godzilla 3:

To unlock Mecha Godzilla 3, beat adventure mode with Orga on Hard.

Unlock Mecha-King Ghidora:

To unlock Mecha-King Ghidorah, beat Adventure mode with King Ghidorah.

Unlock Mothership Level:

To unlock the Mothership level, beat the game on adventure mode with Mecha Godzilla.

Unlock Orga:

To unlock Orga, beat Adventure mode with all the characters, then beat the mode once more on medium difficulty with Godzilla 2000. Orga will now be selectable from the monsters menu.

Unlock Rodan:

To unlock Rodan, complete Adventure mode with Gigan.

Unlock Vortaak Level:

Beat adventure mode with Mecha Godzilla 3 on Medium.


Grabbed by the Ghoulies




For every five "Rare books" that you find, you will unlock a bonus mini-game at the mini-game screen. There are 100 "Rare books" in the game, which unlock a total of twenty bonus mini-games. There is one "Rare book" in every room of the mansion.

Concept art:

Get a Platinum Medal in Challenges #1, #3, #5, and #7 to unlock concept art pages.

Hidden FMV sequences:

Complete Challenge #21 to unlock the "Original Promo Movie" and "Deleted Scene - Crivens Gives The Chair" options in the replay storybook.


Successfully complete the game, and you can view the staff credits at the "Features" menu of the game.

Extra health:

Enter the options screen and enable the "Butler's Brew" option. Now if you fall in any room, you will be given an option upon re-starting that room if you want Coffee and Waffles. Press A to select "Yes" and you will have double health.

Banjo-Kazooie references:

You can see various pictures and statues of Banjo-Kazooie's "Mumbo Jumbo" in the rooms of the mansion. Also, whenever you fight a "Ghoulie", listen. They often sound like creatures from Banjo-Kazooie. Additionally, every time you enter the kitchen where Ma Soupswill is located, look on the billboard near one of the kitchen's doors. You will see a picture of Banjo and Kazooie.

Rare and Microsoft references:

When you start a new game, look at the three books that are shown. One says

"Rare" and the other says "Microsoft". If you look closely, you can see that when

"Rare" books pages are turned, there are pictures of Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong Country. In the "Microsoft" book, you can see an Xbox, an Xbox Live microphone, and other Xbox items.

Gravity Games: Bike, Street, Dirt and Vert

Unlock Everything:

When you start the game go to the options menu. Select cheat codes. Enter the code LOTACRAP. If you entered it correctly you will see a note that says you unlocked everything.

Get gravity games street competition:

When you start the game go to the options menu. Select cheat codes. Enter the code pavement

Fuzzy Halls backyard:

When you start the game go to the options menu. Select cheat codes. Enter the code fuzy dirt.


Group S Challenge



Dirt mode:

Successfully complete all the championships to unlock dirt mode in arcade mode.

In dirt mode, all tracks are dirt based.


GTA 3 Double Pack



GTA3 Cheat Codes:

During gameplay, press the following:







Decrease wanted level - BLACK, BLACK, L, BLACK, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP,


Pedestrians riot - BLACK, R, Y, A, WHITE, L, UP, DOWN

Pedestrians attack you - DOWN, UP, LEFT, UP, A, R, BLACK, L, WHITE

Enable gore - X, L, B, DOWN, L, R, Y, RIGHT, L, A

Improve car handling - R, L, BLACK, L, LEFT, R, R, Y (then press LEFT STICK to jump when inside a vehicle) Invisible cars - L, L, X, BLACK, Y, L, Y

Get Rhino tank - B, B, B, B, B, B, R, WHITE, L, Y, B, Y

Clear weather - L, WHITE, R, BLACK, BLACK, R, WHITE, Y

Cloudy weather - L, WHITE, R, BLACK, BLACK, R, WHITE, X

Foggy weather - L, WHITE, R, BLACK, BLACK, R, WHITE, A

Rainy weather - L, WHITE, R, BLACK, BLACK, R, WHITE, B


GTA: Vice City Codes:

During gameplay, press the following:



Get weapons set #2 - R, BLACK, L, BLACK, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT,


Get weapons set #3 - R, BLACK, L, BLACK, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT,



Increase wanted level - R, R, B, BLACK, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT

Decrease wanted level - R, R, B, BLACK, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN

Display media level - BLACK, B, UP, L, RIGHT, R, RIGHT, UP, X, Y

Police get revived - B, L, DOWN, WHITE, LEFT, A, R, L, RIGHT, A

Attract ladies - B, A, L, L, BLACK, A, A, B, Y

Pedestrians riot - DOWN, LEFT, UP, LEFT, A, BLACK, R, WHITE, L

Pedestrians attack you - DOWN, UP, UP, UP, A, BLACK, R, WHITE, WHITE Pedestrians get weapons - BLACK, R, A, Y, A, Y, UP, DOWN

Bikini sluts get weapons - RIGHT, L, B, WHITE, LEFT, A, R, L, L, A



Change car tire size - R, A, Y, RIGHT, BLACK, X, UP, DOWN, X

Improve car handling - Y, R, R, LEFT, R, L, BLACK, L (then press LEFT STICK to jump when inside a vehicle)

Increase car top speed - RIGHT, R, UP, WHITE, WHITE, LEFT, R, L, R, R

Cars float on water - RIGHT, BLACK, B, R, WHITE, X, R, BLACK

Cars have low gravity - RIGHT, BLACK, B, R, WHITE, DOWN, L, R (press UP while accelerating to make the car float)

Destroy car - WHITE, BLACK, L, R, WHITE, BLACK, Y, X, B, Y, WHITE, L

Destroy all cars nearby - BLACK, WHITE, R, L, WHITE, BLACK, X, Y, X, Y, BLACK, L

Pink cars - B, L, DOWN, WHITE, LEFT, A, R, L, RIGHT, A

Aggressive traffic - BLACK, B, R, WHITE, LEFT, R, L, BLACK, WHITE

Get Bloodring Banger - UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, L, RIGHT, UP, X, WHITE

Get Bloodring Racer - DOWN, R, B, BLACK, BLACK, A, R, L, LEFT, LEFT

Get Hotring Racer #1 - R, B, BLACK, RIGHT, L, WHITE, A, A, B, R (alternate code - R, B, Black, Right, L, White, A, A, X, R)

Get Hotring Racer #2 - BLACK, L, B, RIGHT, L, R, RIGHT, UP, B, BLACK

Get golf cart - B, L, UP, R, WHITE, A, R, L, B, A

Get Love Fist's limo - BLACK, UP, WHITE, LEFT, LEFT, R, L, B, RIGHT

Get Romero's hearse - DOWN, BLACK, DOWN, R, WHITE, LEFT, R, L, LEFT, RIGHT


Get Trashmaster garbage truck - B, R, B, R, LEFT, LEFT, R, L, B, RIGHT

Get Rhino tank- B, B, L, B, B, B, L, WHITE, R, Y, B, Y

Look like Lance Vance - B, WHITE, LEFT, A, R, L, A, L

Look like Ken Rosenberg - RIGHT, L, UP, WHITE, L, RIGHT, R, L, A, R

Look like Mercedes - BLACK, L, UP, L, RIGHT, R, RIGHT, UP, B, Y

Look like Candy Suxxx - B, BLACK, DOWN, R, LEFT, RIGHT, R, L, A, WHITE

Look like Phil Cassady - RIGHT, R, UP, BLACK, L, RIGHT, R, L ,RIGHT, B

Look like Hilary King - R, B, BLACK, L, RIGHT, R, L, A, BLACK

Look like Love Fist Guy #1 - DOWN, L, DOWN, WHITE, LEFT, A, R, L, A, A

Look like Love Fist Guy #2 - R, WHITE, BLACK, L, RIGHT, BLACK, LEFT, A, X, L

Look like Ricardo Diaz - L, WHITE, R, BLACK, DOWN, L, BLACK, WHITE

Look like Sonny Forelli - B, L, B, WHITE, LEFT, A, R, L, A, A

Speed up time - B, B, L, X, L, X, X, X, L, Y, B, Y (alternate code - B, B, B, X, X, X, X, X, L, Y, B, Y)

Slow motion - Y, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, X, BLACK, R (alternate code - Y, UP, RIGHT,


Fast motion - Y, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, X, L, WHITE

Clear weather - BLACK, A, L, L, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, DOWN

Cloudy weather - BLACK, A, L, L, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, Y

Very cloudy weather - BLACK, A, L, L, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, X

Foggy weather - BLACK, A, L, L, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, A

Stormy weather - BLACK, A, L, L, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, B

Scarface Easter Egg:

In Vice City, there's a Scarface easter egg in the form of a bloody bathroom and a chainsaw weapon.

Go to the Pay N' Spray at Ocean beach, then go south and take the first left. On your left, you'll see a two story apartment with two sets of stairs on the second floor.

Head up the stairs to the right and you'll see a black doorway. Check out the bathroom in apartment 3c and compare it to the movie.





Cheat Mode:

Go to the mission select screen and press Left Analog Stick, Black, R, Right Analog Stick, White, L

Finish Current Mission:

During gameplay press Left Analog Stick, White, White, Black, Right Analog Stick, White

Change Music:

Go to the Front End and press Left Analog stick, Left Analog stick, Right Analog stick, Right Analog stick, L, R

Spoof Mission Briefing:

Go to the armory screen just before launching a mission and press L, L, R, R, Left Analog-stick, Right Analog-stick. ONLY works on missions 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 or 14

Easier Control:

Use Hybrid control for easier control. This may seem awkward at first if you're used to using the 'Classic' control scheme. Trust me I went from Classic to Hybrid. This really helps. The controls for the Gunmetal Mech is the same. The Jet controls are different though. This is easier because the brake and thrust is the Left and Right Triggers. So you don't have to take your finger off of the Right Stick (Classic Mode) to press barrel roll (B button in Classic Mode). Try to practice with Hybrid Controls and play through beginning of the levels to the current level your at till you finally feel comfortable. (This makes dodging rockets easier and also the Right Stick on Hybrid is a quick weapon select which is very handy so you won't have to press A constantly if you use Classic Controls





Unlock Challenge Mode:

To unlock Challenge Mode, which allows you to go through and select any level you've played, beat the game once (a feat which is more difficult than it sounds).



<~ H ~>




Secret Cave:

There is in level 5 a secret cave at the button of the map entrance. It comes out on the side where they are not expecting a side attack from that side and it shall be easier.

Get New Ending Sequence:

Finish the game using legendary difficulty setting in Campaign Mode

Carry 3 Weapons:

OK to carry 3 weapons u have to beat the game (i beat it on easy) then when ur done u can carry 3 weapons

Battling flood:

Using a combination of assault, Shotgun, and grenades works best...

Warning: Only use the [sticky] grenades at a far distance, especially for the little ones.

Shot gun- use on big floods, and little floods.

When those little guys, that jump up at you, are all grouped together use the shot gun, it shoots out a lot of bullets at a time (you can see this if you shoot at a smooth wall, or the ground...you can see all the marks it makes). Also close to medium range range to the big guys.

Use Assault rifle if the guy is standing still, if he or you are moving too much it screws your aim very badly and you waste bullets and have to re load more often and then they have a clear shot.

For the grenades use them when you know something is behind a wall, or when you see a lot of flood coming at you from a safe distance.

for sticky grenades you MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER to use them at a safe distance because if you shoot it on one of those little guys that follow you you will get hurt bad too because of the blast that they brought with them, same with the big guys; I have learned this because the the Master Chief doesn't run to fast so he cant out run a lot of the flood.

Don't use your grenades all at once..They are to important, and sometimes rarest when you need them.

Battling the flood 2:

When you fight the flood it is best to use a combo of the Assault Rifle (For the little dudes) And the Shotgun (For the big ones).

When the flood that look like humans come at you try to aim for their big arm. they will die instantly if you shoot it off. it is best to do this at close to medium range with the shotgun. but if you have to you can also use the Assault Rifle.

If you use Grenades try not to use the Plasma Grenades. try to use the Fragmentation grenades because if the flood run at you with the sticky grenade on them you are in trouble.

Also in order to get more check points try to kill all enemies in the area and the comp will generally give you a check point.

Against the big flood just put a shotgun to their chest a pull the trigger it works best that way.

Bloody Warthog:

To start things off lets just beat the game first!Now since the game is beat you should have a little fun.Now go to any level that lets you use the warthog.Now for the good part.When you see an enemy run over him.But it isn't that simple!If your enemy jumps out of the way do a donut and you should get him!Another cool thing is to take a rocket launcher and blast the warthog towards them and it might hit them and they will die!Now I have a great recipe for chicken noodle sallad,just kidding!

Battling easier:

This is how to battle The BAD GUYS.


[M6D Pistol][Slow rate of fire and small clip size make this weapon ineffective against the fast moving Elites]

[MA5B Assault rifle][At minimum,prepare to extend an entire clip to bring one down{more,if your aim isn't sure}]

[S2 AM Sniper Rifle][If youve got it,use it.It will tear through the Elites shielding.A head shot will take them down instantly] [M90 Shotgun][The closer you are,the faster they fall]

[Fragmentation/Plasma Grenades][The will dodge most grenades throw at them.Use grenades only if they are cornered]

[M19SSM Rocket Launcher][A waste of Rockets. Use smaller arms.]

[Plasma Pistol][Resist the urge to fire a power shot;an Elite will most likely dodge it.Instead,fire continuous bursts to bring them down more quickly than with the pistol or assualt rifle]

[Plasma Rifle][Very effective if your aim is true.If not,the overheat can leave you vulnerable to a charging and angry Elite]

[Needler][Highly Effective.Empty a clip at the elite,and the needles will home in on it,piercing its shield and quickly dispatching it.]


[Pistol][One or two shots should put a grunt to rest.]

[Assault Rifle][Highly Effective against one or many.]

[S2 AM Sniper Rifle][Can we say overkill?Obviously effective,but use it on bigger threats before grunts]

[M90 Shotgun][Can take down multiple Grunts with a single shot.] [Grenades]Grunts are slow to respond to a grenade,so more than one can be taken out per throw.]

[Rocket Launcher][Akin to using an axe to cut better.It'll work but what a mess.] [Plasma Pital...oops *Pistol][Charge it up and take them out.For single shots M6D pistol is more leathal]

Plasma Rifle][You short bursts to avoid overheating.This is the weapon of choice against the grunts.]

[Needler][Great from a distance.Up close,however,you will take a lot of damage as you wait for the needles to find there target and explode]

Battle easier 2:


[M6D Pistol][Utilize its scope for effective long range [aim for its neck or back]if you hit the orange flesh right on you can take one out with a single shot] [MA5B Assault Rifle][Really only effective if you shoot them in the back]

[S2 AM Sniper Rifle][Aim for the neck or back]

[M90 Shotgun][Like the pistol one shot to the back should do it]

[Fragmentation/Plasma Grenade][Will only aggrivate them,unless its detonates behing them]

[M19SSM Rocket Launcher][They should nickname the Rocket Launcher "Hunter


[Plasma Pistol][Ineffective.Don't use the pop-gun unless you want a fuel rod chaser]

[Plasma Rifle][Go for the orange flesh,but human weapons seem more effective]

[Needler][The needles will bounce harmlessly off there exoskeleton armor]


[Pistol][Fire a shot at the hole in the sheild]

[Assaualt Rifle][Aim for the hole and unload]

[Sniper Rifle][Aim for the hole and its over]

[Shotgun][If your close enough it should knock them back,second shot will kill 'em.]

[Grenades][Jackals usualy ignore them so throw 'em if you got 'em]

[Rocket Launcher][This will do the trick]

[Plasma Pistol]One charged shot will kill the sheild second shot on em is death]

[Plasma Rifle][Will knock the shield away,leaving the Jackals body]

[Needler][Ineefective,Will not penetrate shield]


Melee attack will penetrate shield and kill them first time.

Plasma Grenade:

If your going to use a plasma grenade, try throwing the grenade on the alien where it sticks onto them. It will blow up on them making sure it will kill the alien. Also the aliens can do this to you if you don't move.

Description of Weapons& Best Times to use Them + Vehicles:


Pistol- Has scope capabilitys, grwat for picking off Covenenat at semi-long ranges. NOTE- good for level three

Sniper Rifle-Armor and shield pericing rounds, Good for cloaked Eletes ant semilong ranges (u will see elete's camofluage shimmer slightly)

Rocket Launcher-Basic Covenenat-killer, Great for masses of grunts, hunters (can be a 2 for 1 deal)and espercaily Flood

Assult Rifle-Speedy, great for masses but not for sniping, OK with flood, and good with grunts


NOTE-Cannot reload (must get new)

Plasma Rifle-Great for masses and elete's, use in short bursts to avout overheating (drains power quickly)

Plasma Pistol- Good for eletes when cornered, Great for hunters when shot in back VEHICLES

Warthog-fastest human vehicle, good for hunters (machine gun on back)

Tank-The best for masses, and spectacular for hunters. Real messy however

(turnes most covvant into mush and wreckes covenent vehicles

Ghost-Quick, hovering, OK shot but bad defence make this vehicle quite a dish, be careful howver u can get blasted easily

Banshee-only thing that can fly but the best damn thing for just about everything

Silent Level Shortcut:

This will help if your annoyed by always having to go back because the yellow dude locks the door. First find a warthhog and get some people inside. Go where the place where there are lots of guys and where kortana says the covenant are putting up a real fight. Go down completely with your warthhog and go at full speed directly where the yellow dude is. If you did it right then your warthhog will be half way through. Press forward and get out. Then pass the level like you usually do and come back where the warthog is stuck. You may think it is impossible to get out but just press back and then get out. You will be in back of it and now you're done the hard part!

Master sniping technique:

Heres a cheap sniping tactic to aggravate your friends with next time your in a deathmatch.

turn on all vehicles, weapons on normal, and play on the sidewinder level.

grab a sniper rifle and a tank, drive it up to the outer cliff on the blue light side where the rocket launcher is located, drive the tank around the cliff past the rocket launcher towards the outside of the portal.

now back it up the hill next to the portals outside door, the tank should be facing straight at the tree out in the middle of the level.

soon as it's been back up that it cant go any farther (enough that you could get under it) go get a ghost and go off the tank like a ramp.

this is a very stressing trick, it will take a while but you'll know you have gotten in the sniping spot when you fly off the tank out beyond the boundaries of the level.

now you can walk around the whole level and pop out whenever you want and snipe your friends and then pop back out so they cant hit you. (it looks like your flying and sometimes you can keep the ghost up there.


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets



Win Broomstick:

On the second day of school it tells you to go to the Quidditch practice, so go there. Now. Complete the training and get a B or higher, and the captain guy gives you a free Nimbus 2000 flying broomstick! You can fly anywhere around the school, only in day-light. You can't land anywhere except where you took off from. (Note: You can't fly in the school!)

Unlimited Bertie Blotts Every flavour beans:

Ok so when you get to Hogwarts you'll need Berty blotts every flavour beans. So collect as many as you can before goin to hogwarts. try to get 50 because you need it. When you get to Hogwarts buy the Beans Bag so it can hold 100 beans. When you go out of the gryffindor tower you'll see a thing in the corner. Hit it with Flipendo and 3 beans will come out. Hit it again and no beans will come out. Now go around the corner (3 steps after the corner) then come back. Hit the thing again and then 3 beans will come out. Repeat the process and then u will be able to get Alahamora ^_^

Another way of quick beans:

When you get your Nimbus 2000 you can fly above hogwarts and go through rings. A blue ring is 10 beans a yellow ring is 1 bean and a red ring is 3 and a green ring is 2.

Quick Wizard Cards:

You can find fast wizard cards in the Burrow and Diagon Ally. Look for chests. And a very fast way is doin Neville's games. Mostly Broom racing. It costs beans for Racing and Gnome Tossing but it doesn't for Gnome Dunking.

Beat Proffeser Quirrel:

After you've gotten past Fluffy, The Devil's Snare, The Winged Keys, Beat the Giant Chess set and gotten Past the moving potions. When proffeser Quirrel is standing on the balcony go into the door and let him talk when he is finished talking enter the super jump code get the four chocolate frogs and go into the next room.

Beating level 2(getting out of blourish and botts:

To get out of level two you must get the spell lumos and then go to the spot where you were you were hiding go until it gets dark then use "LUMOS" and push open the seceret door and fight the imp and then go and put them in their cages climb on one of the imp's cages and the up on the wall. Now go to the light and call for Hedwig. Now climb up the ladder and use your "LUMOS" to find the trap's in the floor and the go out the little door and when you get out go down the stairs and when you get down, there is a little gap between the boxs and the wall get close to the wall and walk along it that go down to the box grab it and pull it back, the push the button and go back to the stairs go through the opening push the button and go back to the first button that I told you about and go through the door and you just beat the level!!!

Extra treasure chests:

After you learned the incendio spell, and you have got your nimbus 2000, go up in the sky, and the turn down. you will see a big open space in the middle of the castle. fly down to is then land on it. it should have all candles on it. light all of the candles with your incendio spell, and a treasure chest will appear with a famous witch or wizards card inside. you can do his numerous times on the roof of the castle! I have found 3 sets of chests on the roof in different spots. this code really works!!!!!!!

Unlimited Lives:

In the chamber of secrets destroy paintings on the wall and you will open the painting and you get unlimited lives and 100 points for Gryffindor


Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup



Team moves:

Keep collecting Quidditch cards for your team until your receive the Quidditch Card for its special move. Note: Look at the locked cards to find out their unlock requirements. You must get enough cards to do the team's special move. A message under your team score will appear when you are able to do the team special move. Play well during a match to increase your Snitch power bar until the message appears.

World Cup:

Defeat all three other teams with one team to play in the World Cup. Note: At the Quidditch Cup for Hogwarts and the Quidditch World Cup, it is best to replay any matches that you have lost to keep your score up.

Queerditch Marsh:

Win the Quidditch World Cup with any country to play in the place where they first invented Quidditch, called Queerditch Marsh. You can play multi-player or against the CPU.

Get Snitch gauge up:

To get your Snitch gauge up, whenever you pass to another player hold L + R to make a combo pass. After that, you must score to get your gauge up. The more combo passes you make, the more your Snitch gauge increases. If you do a lot of passes with combos and the other team steals the Quaffle, you must do more combo passes to get your Snitch gauge up.

Easy scoring:

At the beginning of a match, hold the Left Analog-stick Up/Right to start out with possession of the Quaffle, making it easier for the first score. Usually making the first score assures that you will win the match as long as you follow the other scoring tips.

More Quidditch Cards:

Play the Challenges and beat the Team Record to get more Quidditch Cards.

Better items:

To acquire almost anything, you must first collect Quidditch Cards. To unlock the best broomstick, the Firebolt, you must collect 50 Quidditch Cards.

Recommended team:

The best team to pick for Hogwarts is the Ravenclaw team. The Ravenclaw team has a Team Special Move that allows to get 30 points.

Faster brooms:

If you want a really fast broom and play dirty team specials, choose Slytherin. They have Nimbus 2001 brooms and their special gets you 20 points. Japan has Firebolts, but does not have a strong team.

House Challenges:

For the Passing challenge, when a ring turns white, it is about to change to either yellow or green. Use that to see who to shoot it to.

For the Tackle and Shoot, it is best to tackle as soon as you can. When you shoot, look carefully for an open ring. Hold Shoot, then launch.

For the Seeker, hold A until you get close enough. Note: It may be difficult to steer.

For the Beaters and Bludgers, the best way to avoid the Bludgers is to stay either ahead of it or to the side of it so the Beaters can whack it away.

For the Special Moves, use a similar strategy from Tackle and Shoot, except with a Special move.

For the Combos challenge, hold L + R down and keep pressing A as fast as possible to do up to eight combos. Watch out for the Keeper.


Haunted Mansion



Invincibility Code:

Hold RIGHT and then press X, B, B, B, X, B, Y, A.

Weapon Code:

Hold RIGHT and then press X, X, Y, Y, B, B, B, A.

Play as Skeleton Zeke:

To play as Skeleton Zeke, press and hold down the following button combos when the game's "legal screen" appears (the one with all the copyrights, etc): A, B, X, Y.

Level select:

While playing a game, hold Right, then press B(2), X, Y(2), X, B, A.


Hitman 2



Cheat List:

Enter these button presses while playing:

God Mode: R, L, UP, DOWN, A, R, L, BLACK, WHITE

All Weapons - R, L, UP, DOWN, A, UP, X, A

Unlimited Ammo - R, L, A, UP, DOWN, B, X, R, R

Slomotion - R, L, UP, DOWN, A, UP, L

Full Heal - R, L, UP, DOWN, A, UP, DOWN

Punch Mode - R, L, UP, DOWN, A, UP, UP

Gravity - R, L, UP, DOWN, A, L, L

Lethal Charge - R, L, UP, DOWN, A, BLACK, BLACK

Bomb Mode - R, L, UP, DOWN, A, UP, WHITE

Megaforce - R, L, UP, DOWN, A, R, R

Nailgun Mode R, L, UP, DOWN, A, WHITE, WHITE

Level Select - (input on main menu) Press R, L, UP, DOWN, X, Y, B

Skip to Next Level - R, L, UP, DOWN, A, X, click left stick, B, A, B, A

Gain SMG & 9mm - L, R, UP, DOWN, A, UP, R, R

The Meeting:

If you're having trouble figuring out who you have to kill at the St.Petersbourgh stakeout what you should do is get to the building as quick as you can kill the guards out front silently. Then run up the stairs ,turn left if they are still in the room, kill the guy on the opposite side of the table. If they are running down the flight of stairs the first guy will be wearing a red leather jacket, kill the guy behind him and run as fast as you can to the train station without being killed.

All weapons:


Get Silenced Ballers:

Get a Silent Assassin Rank in any mission

Get Sawed Off Shotgun:

Get a Silent Assassin Rank in any 2 missions


Hobbit, The




The Sting is located in the troll treasure cave at the end of the third level.

Throwing Rocks:

The Throwing Rocks are located in a grove of apple trees on a hill in the first level.

Walking Stick:

The Walking Stick is located in a chest in Bag End in the first level.

Overhill and Underhill scroll:

The Overhill and Underhill scroll is directly in front of the firewood hanging on the cliff.

Troll Hole scroll:

The Troll Hole scroll is located down the path after the FMV sequence


House of the Dead 3



Unlock House of The Dead 2:

Beat the game once on House of The Dead 3 to unlock House of The Dead 2 .

Free play mode:

Beat the game on time attack mode, then go to options and switch the number of credits to free play mode.

New Blood Color:

Finish the game in original mode and a new option will be on the option menu


Hulk, The



Code Input Screen Cheats:

Enter these cheats at the code input screen in the Options menu:

Double Health for Enemies: BRNGITN

Double Health for Hulk: HLTHDSE

Half Enemies' HP: MMMYHLP

High Score reset: NMBTHIH

Invincibility: GMMSKIN

Level Select: TRUBLVR

Regenerator: FLSHWND

Unlimited Continues: GRNCHTR

Code Terminal Cheats:

Enter these cheats at a code terminal in the game:

Play as Gray Hulk: JANITOR

Unlock Desert Battle art: FIFTEEN

Unlock Hulk Movie FMV art: NANOMED

Unlock Hulk Transformed art: SANFRAN

Unlock Hulk vs. Hulk Dogs art: PITBULL

Full Rage Meter Cheat:

Enter ANGMNGT on the Code Input menu to unlock this cheat. This causes the rage meter to constantly remain full.

Puzzle Solved Cheat:

Enter BRCESTN on the Code Input menu to unlock this cheat. This causes puzzles to be automatically solved.

Wicked Punch Cheat:

Enter FSTOFRY on the Code Input menu to unlock this cheat. This lets Hulk kill bad guys with one hit.

Hint: Half-Life Halved:

To kill Half-Life faster, knock him into the generators.


Hunter: The Reckoning



Weapons Cheat:

To receive some free weapons be in gameplay,have ur range weapon selected (ex: Martyrs dual handguns) and QUICKLY hit B, Up, Left, Down, Right, B, B. If you do this with a loaded game you will probably only receive the rocket launcher. If you start a new game you will receive a rocket launcher, a shotgun, a nice automatic, a chainsaw with no battery, and a flamethrower. It works, you must do it quickly and you can not do it with the analog stick, only the D-Pad.

Sound Check:

During gameplay press Left, Left, B or Right, Right, B

More Damage:

Use the d-pad and press down,down,y,b,down,down

Get Nightmare Mode:

Finish the game 1 time and it will be available in the special features menu

Get New Hunter Mode:

Finish the game 1 time and it will be available in the special features menu

Get the 'good' ending:

Save at least 50 innocents during the game

Easiest way to beat slow bosses!:

The best way to beat slow bosses like the teddy bear and the big monster with four legs is to use high fire power. They usually have help like monsters and ghosts, so get rid of them first. When they are gone equip a special weapon that is a gun. Run backwards and fire. To run backwards is to set the stick that is used to move the character back and the the aiming stick towards the boss. Keep firing the special weapons until its gone then use the basic fire arm that is unlimited. keep making it chase you while you shoot the crap out of it. Also keep your distance, the use a shockwave the can wrech you up.

Beating the Warden for the Second time:

OK, for those of you who can't figure out how to kill the Warden for the final battle listen up. The key to killing him is to not try and defeat him, but instead take out the window that he starts by. The light is what will kill him eventually. I suggest using the rocket launcher until you don't have anymore rounds and then switch to either your chain saw or some other type of weapon. Good Luck!

Beat the Teddy Bear:

The easiest way to beat the big teddy bear is with the chain saw. Just switch to the chain saw at the beginning of the boss level - and let 'er rip. Don't run or try to kill the other spirits first, just kill the bear. Chain saw does about triple the damage of any other weapon.

Get the accuracy power up:

When you get to the prison yard look to left there is a broken walkway jump up and follow the walkway to the rooftop there's a accuracy power(plus you get the rocket launcher there

Get the strength power upWhen you get to the mansion go to the door turn 90 degrees to the left go straight you'll see a gap in the wall. the strength power up is there. (lots of dobermans!!)

To get keys for doors:

Whenever you need a key for a door go right and kill all the zombies(or whatever those things are)and one should have have the key it will drop it then go to the door.

Get through the beginning of MeatHill1 simple:

"Tip: Have 3 or 4 Players"

When you start the level, run to the stairs in front, not on right. Then kill those 2 dead guards quick then go in the middle of the stair way, then fire at the dead teens, dogs, and guards that are around you. Do the same thing with the other stairs to your right, but before that, get the shotgun and machine gun to the left. Then go into the kitchen, go to the right, jump on the table right next to the right wall, then jump on the big oven so they can't hurt you. After that go through the single door way in front to get the key, waste those zombies quick for no damage then get back in the room. Then in the other room, fight like crazy with your sword/knife/axe at those guys who shoot those poison darts at you. Well, that's how you get pass the beginning of Meathill1, good luck on the rest.

Hint to fighting carpenter:

For those who can't find a way to kill carpenter, because when you get him down to a millimeter of health, he heals to a bit more health. Read the computer in the office place that has the conviction healer (Looks like and E) Once you've read the comp, you'll have a big hint but if you don't know how, the electrocution chair he was standing on at the beginning of the cut scene must be destroyed before he can die.


Hunter: The Reckoning Redeemer



Cheat List:

Enter these codes while playing. The cheat effects last for the stage, so if you load a game or load a new map (i.e., go into the next stage), enter the cheat again.

99 COnviction - Y, Y, Y, Y, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN

Infinite Ammo - X, X, X, X, UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN

God Mode - R, R, A, A, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN

All Weapons - A, A, A, A, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN

Weapons Do Insane Damage - B, B, B, B, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN

All Special Weapons - B, A, B, A, B, A, BLACK, WHITE

Restock Ammo For Selected Weapon - A, B, WHITE, BLACK, B

Melee Attacks Do More Damage - X, X, Y, Y, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN

Earn All Edges - Y, Y, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN

Edges Use Zero Conviction - L, L, A, A, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN


Restore Health - B, B, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE

Play Nightmare Difficulty - BLACK, BLACK, UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN

Unlock All Bonus Material:

While playing the game, press X, B, X, B, UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN.

Unlock Extra Characters:

Carpenter - reach melee level 99 with any hunter

Vincent - reach ranged level 99 with any hunter

Werewolf - reach conviction level 99 with any hunter

Joshua - let 250 innocents die




<~ I ~>




Unlock Battle Arena:

To Unlock Battle Arena, earn all the Grades, Then you should get the Master Grade. The Battle Arena Will be open at Robot Beach.


Indian Jones and the Emperor's Tomb



All Artifact locations At Ceylon:

Idol Of Ramba Vihara=Gates Of The Lost City

Mahavatu Mask=The Hunter's camp

Port Negombo Relic=The Palace Of Forgotten Kings


Indycar Series



All Trading Cards:

Enter "aLLcARDS" (case-sensitive) as your name.

Start in Pole Position:

Enter "pOLE" (case-sensitive) as your name.


Inside Pitch 2003



Unlock Maize Stadium:

Get a .400 average after 300 at bats

Unlock a new Stadium:

To unlock this Stadium, get 12 TEAM strikeouts in a season game, and at the game points total it will say that you have unlock a stadium called Syunara or something like that.

International Superstar Soccer 2

How to unlock Big Heads:

Press Down, Right, Up, Left, A, B, Y, X, White, Black, Start + Back at the title screen

How to unlock 2D Players:

Press Click Left Analog-stick, Left Analog-stick, Right Analog-stick, Right Analogstick, press L, R, Black, White, B, A, Back + Start at the title screen


Italian Job, The



All challenges:

At the main menu, press Square(2), Triangle, Circle(2), Square, Triangle, Circle to unlock all challenges.

All checkpoints:

At the main menu, press Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, Circle to unlock all checkpoints.

All destructors:

At the main menu, press Triangle, Square(2), Triangle, Square(2), Triangle, Circle(3) to unlock all destructors.

All free rides and Lamborghini Miura:

At the main menu, press Square, Triangle, Square, Circle(3), Triangle, Circle to unlock all free rides and the Lamborghini Miura.

Cheat mode:

At the main menu, press Triangle(2), Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square,

Triangle, Square, Triangle to unlock all cheat options. Lamborghini Miura Successfully complete the game to unlock the Lamborghini Miura in free ride mode.



<~ J ~>

James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing



Cheat: Golden Gun:

At the pause screen, enter B, Y, A, B, Y

Submitted by - suntansuperman

Unlockable: Arena Mode

Play through the cooperative missions and acquire multiplayer points by completing the optional objectives.

Unlockable: Characters and Bonus Arenas:

Unlock the following by earning the appropriate number of multi player points, earned by completing objectives in co-op mode.

Agent 003: 290 points

Baron Samedi: 50 points

Burn Chamber arena: 370 points

Arena Mode, and Cistern arena: 30 points

Diayato Moscow: 400 points

Egypt Commander: 90 points

Egypt Guard: 180 points

Hezmet Guard: 110 points

Katya Jumpsuit: 320 points

Le Rogue: 260 points

Miss Nagai: 450 points

Moscow Guard: 230 points

Mya: 130 points

Odd Job: 70 points

Serena: 350 points

Serena: 430 points

South Commander: 210 points

Test Lab arena: 160 points

Unlockable: Cheats:

Unlock the following by earning the appropriate number of Platinum Medals, earned by completing objectives in single player mode.

All Weapons: 17 Platinum Medals

Cloak: 13 Platinum Medals

Double Ammo: 7 Platinum Medals

Double Damage: 9 Platinum Medals

Full Ammo: 11 Platinum Medals

Full Battery: 15 Platinum Medals

Golden Gun: 1 Platinum Medal

Improved Battery: 5 Platinum Medals

Improved Traction: 3 Platinum Medals

Platinum Gun: 27 Platinum Medals

Slow Motion Driving: 25 Platinum Medals

Unlimited Ammo: 23 Platinum Medals

Unlimited Battery: 19 Platinum Medals


Hint: Loads of Tips:

  1. Crouching raises the chance of you not getting hit significantly.

  2. Always look for available cover at all times.

  3. The Q Spider can unlock secret areas and items by crawling through open spaces and scouting.

  4. Never charge into a open space without an automatic gun and a lot of ammo. 5) Missiles are very easy to waste and can't be replenished so use them very sparingly.

  1. Don't rely on hand-to-hand combat.

  2. Always keep your P99 in reserve in case of emergencies.

  3. You are a spy which means you need to be silent, crouch, walk, and silently disable men.


Hint: No Medals With Cheats:

If you activate a cheat, such as the Golden Gun, you will not be awarded a medal for completing the mission, no matter how well you do.


Hint: Regain Health:

Crouch to slowly refill your health.


Hint: Train Chase Dirt Bike:

At the beginning of the "Train Chase" mission, instead of taking a left to Bond's Porsche, turn right into a small room. Inside, you'll find a dirtbike and a slightly different path through the level.


James Bond 007: Nightfire



Pick level: Put in the code PASSPORT

Get Demolition Mode: Put in the code TNT

Get protect Mode: Put in the code GUARDIAN

Get Uplink Mode:

Put in the code TRANSMIT

Unlock Explosive Scenery: Put in the code BOOM

Get Teamwork Koth Mode: Put in the code TEAMWORK

Goldeneye Strike:

Put in the code Orbit

Assassination Mode: Put in the code SCOPE

Get Equinox Level: Put in the code VACUUM

Get Faster Laser:

Put in the code PHOTON

Unlock Max Zorin for Multiplayer: Put in the code BLIMP

Unlock Oddjob for Multiplayer: Put in the code BOWLER

Unlock Goldfinger for Multiplayer: Put in the code MIDAS

Unlock Christmas Jones for Multiplayer: Put in the code NUCLEAR

Unlock Miss Galore for Multiplayer:

Put in the code CIRCUS

Unlock Jaws for Multiplayer: Put in the code DENTAL

Unlock SCARAMANGA for Multiplayer:

Put in the code ASSASSIN

Unlock Baron Samedi for Multiplayer:

Put in the code VOODOO

Unlock Xenia for Multiplayer:

Put in the code JANUS

Unlock Tuxedo for Multiplayer:

Put in the code BLACKTIE

Unlock Stronger Tranquilizers: Put in the code SLEEPY

Unlock Sniper Level: Put in the code MELTDOWN

Unlock Golden Gun:

Put in the code TARGET

All multiplayer Characters: Put in the code Party

Larger Sniper Rifle Clip:

Put in the code MAGAZINE

Unlock Countdown Level:

Put in the code BLASTOFF

Larger Sniper Rifle Clip:

Put in the code MAGAZINE

Unlock Renard for Multiplayer: Put in the code HEADCASE

Unlock Golden P2K:

Put in the code Q LAB (Must have the space)

Unlimited PP7 ammo:

When you are playing level 12 on 1 player get a gold medal with all 007 icons.

Use Shelby Cobra on the Vanquished Level:

On the Vanquished level pause the game and HOLD L1 and press Right, Right, Left, left, Up


Jet Set Radio Future



Unlock Characters:

Boogie - Find her at Kibogaoka Hill

Garam - Finish all Garam's challenges

Beat - Defeat him on street race

Combo - Finish Combo's Challenges

Rhyth - Find her at the top of the Poison Jam warehouse in Rokkaku-dai Heights.

Then find her 2 more times in the game


Jurassic Park: Operation Genises



Site B:

To unlock Site B you have to beat all of the missions, it's cool because you make the dinosaurs and watch them run wild on your little island paradise.



<~ K ~>

Kabuki Warriors



New Outfits:

While selecting a fighter press L at the character select screen.


Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer



Mega Cheat

Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.714 555 8092

Trippy mode(disco lights):

Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.818 555 1447

Max Out Stats:

Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.2125551776

Get 1st person View:

Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.8775553825

Get High Jumps:

Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.2175550217

Get Perfect balance:

Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.8775553825

Get All tricks:

Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.6265556043

Get All levels:

Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.3285554497

Get All Beaches:

Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.7145558092

Get All Surfers:

Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.9495556799

Get All Surfer Outfits:

Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.7025552918

Get More Surfers:

Go to extras. Go to cheat (At the cellphone) and press these numbers.

Freak: 3105556217

Rainbow: 8185555555

Tiki God: 8885554506

Tony Hawk: 3235559787

Travis Pastrana: 8005556292


Kill Switch



Infinite Ammo:

Pause the game and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, X, X. When done correctly you'll hear a sound.

Level select:

Successfully complete the game on the normal or hard difficulty setting to unlock an option that will allow you to pick any level in the game.


When on any level and there are two enemies talking to each other, throw a grenade (for example at the beginning of the Think Like A Gun level). They will not even look to see what it was because they will be distracted.


Kung Fu Chaos



Easier Win On Final Boss:

To win easily against Shao Ting simply press X, Y, B, repeatedly* until you have a Super attack then use it on him to gain double points. You will be treated to an ending movie featuring the character you defeated him with.

*=When Shao Ting gets close to your character start to do this.



<~ L ~>

Legacy of Kain: Defiance



Cheat List:

Pause the game and enter the following cheats to activate them:


All Dark Chronicles: R, DOWN, BLACK, L, RIGHT, BLACK, Y, DOWN, L.

All power-ups: LEFT, LEFT, UP, UP, L, BLACK, B, DOWN, Y.


Cartoon mode: UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, R, BLACK, DOWN, B, Y.

Infinite reaver charge: DOWN, DOWN, UP, LEFT, R, BLACK, DOWN, Y, B.

Invincibility: UP, DOWN, RIGHT, DOWN, R, BLACK, DOWN, Y, L.

Refill health: LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, R, L, B, Y, DOWN.


Turn off textures: L, DOWN, BLACK, RIGHT, BLACK, UP, Y, L, DOWN. Wireframe mode: L, DOWN, L, UP, R, WHITE, L, DOWN, Y.

Unlock Bonus Material:

When you beat the game, you unlock everything in the Bonus Material section, as well as all the story cutscenes in the Dark Chronicle. The Bonus Material section comprises a variety of extras, such as voice-over sessions, 3D renders, sketches of enemies, and more. The Dark Chronicle is a complete collection of all of the game's cutscenes, viewable in the order they appeared, giving gamers the story in full without the action.


Legends of Wrestling 2



Get British Bulldog:

In career mode pick Dynamite Kid and finish career mode to get British Bulldog in the shop

Get John Studd:

In career mode pick any wrestler and Beat John Studd to unlock him in the shop

Get Owen Hart:

In career mode pick Bret Hart and finish career mode to unlock Owen in the shop

Get Bruno Samartino:

In career mode pick Hulk Hogan and finish career mode to unlock Bruno in the shop

Get Andy Kaufman:

In career mode pick Jerry Lawler and defeat Andy Kaufman to unlock Andy in the shop

Get Unlimited Green Coins:

Finish career mode using all wrestlers


Links 2004



All courses:

Hold L + R and press X + Y at the main menu. All courses will be unlocked until the Xbox is powered off.

Full skill points:

Enter SafariTK as a case-sensitive profile name to have full skill points in single player mode. Note: This has no effect on Xbox Live games.


LMA Manager 2004




Enter the following at the Enter Name section when starting a new game, then activate or deactivate them by selecting yes or no in the Bonus Codes area of the Options section.

Password - Effect:

LMA2004B - Stops players aging in human teams.

LMA2004A - The pace of the players in human teams will be set to maximum


Loons: The Fight for Fame



Big Head Mode:

Pause the game, hold Down, A and push B(4).


Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings



Infinite ring use,ammo,health:

Infinite Ring:YBABYX

Infinite Ammo:XBYAXB

Infinite Health:YAXBAY


When you reach the door of Moria,as gandalf, hit X against the door. it will ask which chant gandalf can say. pick "Mellon".

Walk fast while blocking:

To move fast while blocking, franticly press the B button. Yeah, sure it looks weird but on certain levels its a good idea

Getting past the 21st Hall:

To get past the 21st Hall in Moria, go to the platforms in the middle of the room. Stand on one of them then save the game. After you're done saving, load the game and walk off the platform. You'll see it stays down. Just do it again and again for each one and you can leave the level.

Get past Black Riders:

To get past the riders sneak past the ones that are off horses by using the ring and the ones on horses hide behind rock or something nearby.

Note: save Ring power, also when using the infinite ring,ammo,health cheats do you go to the start screen or something to type in those cheats.

Basic strategy:

In the beginning horde the honey combs. They are an extremely powerful strength booster. You will need them starting a few levels later in the game. Also you don't have to kill every spider

you come across. For the most part you can outrun them and move faster then they can. Which means you can run circles around them and get your items from cracking open the little mounds of dirt that the spiders are always hanging around.

Basic strategy 2 and 1st boss:

Don't waste your firecrackers or apples either. you will need them later on harder enemies.

OK presuming you made it out on your journey you will come across a big tree who wants to eat your friends. You will have to beat the tentacles a few times that are popping out of the ground. Then the tree animates itself and will try to smash you with its main branches. That's the ticket,, hit his hands when they are resting on the ground. After a few good whacks a jolly weird guy steps in and sings the tree to sleep. Fight is over.

Basic strategy 3 and second boss:

Try not to use the ring or steal your neighbors stuff. All of which drops your humanity. The second main boss you actually have to fight is in a cave that you have to bust some rocks out of the way to get in.

I wasted all my ammo and then realized I had a note in my inventory that was from the guy who sang the tree to sleep(read basic strategy 2). OK here's what to do.

Use your dagger only and you will have to hit him about 4 times before he disappears in the dirt. Do this sequence a few times and then Froto will say he needs help. Then read the letter by pressing the black button when you have it pulled up in your right inv. window.,, boss beaten. For extra goodies try to get the chest open that is sitting up on the ramp BEFORE you read the letter.

Spiders and Lillies:

Ok if you don't like spiders you will not like this round. 12 lillies is what you need. For the first lillie and some cool weapons stay to the left after you leave the tree that you just defeated. You will come across a big Rock with spiders on the left of it.

Run right up to the rock and you will see a ledge, climb it and make your way to the top of the rock mass. Thats your first flower but before you get down look at the closest tree and you will see a sparkle up in the leaves. Throw a few rocks at it and it will drop some steal balls used for throwing. They land on the ground.

Jump down carefully and get them.

Outrun the spiders except when you run across some bees wich means a hive in a tree and honey comb. You need that honeycomb so do whatever it takes to get it. The rest of the lillies are up to you to find. the first one was the hardest to find.

Get better walking stick:

Go to the place where you find the thing that rings the bell. The man asks you to get him some ingredients for a pie. He wants a honeycomb and an egg. On your way from Bag end you'll see a building with a ladder next to it. There is a cram on top of the building. Climb the ladder. Then throw a rock at the wind pane. If you do this the guy will give you an egg. In order to get the honeycomb, just go to a beehive and start throwing rocks at it. A honeycomb will fall out of it. Take the egg and the honeycomb to the guy and he will give you a choice between ointment and a walking stick. If I were you, I would choose the walking stick because it is a useful weapon in the beginning of your journey.


Lord of the Rings: Return of the King



Cheats List:

First, beat the game to make these work. During gameplay, pause, hold both trigger buttons (L and R), and then press the following:

Invulnerability - BLUE, RED, BLUE, UP

Restore Health - BLUE, BLUE, RED, RED

All Upgrades - UP, DOWN, YELLOW, BLUE

Infinite Missles - BLUE, BLUE, DOWN, RED


Always Devastating - YELLOW, UP, YELLOW, DOWN

Targeting Indicator Mode - DOWN, RED, UP, BLUE

Unlock Four-Hit Combo For Aragorn - UP, BLUE, YELLOW, DOWN

Share XP (co-op) - RED, GREEN, GREEN, GREEN

Share health (co-op) - YELLOW, UP, GREEN, GREEN

Unlimited respawns (co-op) - RED, BLUE, UP, RED

All interviews - GREEN, BLUE, GREEN, UP

End Bonuses:

Beat the game to unlock the following:

Palantir of Saruman / Palantir of Sauron

Billy Boyd interview

Dom Monaghan interview

Andy Serkis interview

David Menham interview

Gameplay Cheats For Aragorn:

Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, BLUE, YELLOW, GREEN

All special abilities - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, RED, YELLOW, YELLOW

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, YELLOW, GREEN, YELLOW

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, BLUE, RED, BLUE

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, YELLOW, BLUE, BLUE

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, BLUE, YELLOW, UP

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, BLUE, BLUE, YELLOW

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, DOWN, RED, UP.

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, BLUE, YELLOW, DOWN

Gameplay Cheats For Faramir:

Play as Faramir - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GRREN, GREEN, YELLOW, YELLOW.

Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, YELLOW, UP, BLUE

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, BLUE, GREEN, DOWN

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, GREEN, BLUE, BLUE

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, GREEN, DOWN, RED

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, UP, GREEN, GREEN

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, YELLOW, UP, YELLOW

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, BLUE, UP, GREEN

Gameplay Cheats For Frodo:

Play as Frodo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, RED, RED, RED

Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, YELLOW, UP, DOWN

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, UP, DOWN, RED

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, UP, RED, DOWN

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, DOWN, GREEN, YELLOW

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, RED, DOWN,DOWN

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, YELLOW, YELLOW, RED

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, DOWN, YELLOW, BLUE

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, BLUE, DOWN, RED

Gameplay Cheats For Gandalf:

Gains 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, YELLOW, UP, DOWN.

All special abilities - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, DOWN, YELLOW, RED.

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, YELLOW, GREEN, YELLOW.

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, UP, BLUE, GREEN.

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, YELLOW, GREEN, UP.

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, BLUE, DOWN, DOWN.

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, DOWN, GREEN, BLUE.

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, GREEN, YELLOW, DOWN.

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, YELLOW, UP, RED.

Gameplay Cheats For Gimli:

Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, RED, YELLOW, GREEN

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, RED, BLUE, BLUE

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, BLUE, DOWN, UP

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, YELLOW, DOWN, BLUE

eARN level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, RED, DOWN, BLUE

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, RED, RED, GREEN

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, BLUE, RED, BLUE

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, BLUE, UP, GREEN

Gameplay Cheats For Legolas:

Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, YELLOW, UP, GREEN

All special abilities - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, RED, GREEN, RED

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, BLUE, RED, BLUE

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, DOWN, GREEN, GREEN

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, RED, UP, DOWN

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, UP, UP, DOWN

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, YELLOW, YELLOW, DOWN

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, YELLOW, YELLOW, DOWN

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, RED, YELLOW, BLUE

Gameplay Cheats For Merry:

Play as Merry - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, DOWN, DOWN, GREEN

Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, RED, BLUE, GREEN

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, DOWN, BLUE, BLUE

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, GREEN, RED, DOWN

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, DOWN, BLUE, YELLOW

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, RED, RED, YELLOW

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, GREEN, UP, YELLOW

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, BLUE

Gameplay Cheats For Pippin:

Play as Pippin - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, RED, BLUE, DOWN

Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, GREEN

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, GREEN, DOWN, UP

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, YELLOW, RED, YELLOW

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, UP, UP, RED

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, RED, RED, BLUE

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, UP, BLUE, RED

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, GREEN, DOWN, RED

Gameplay Cheats For Sam:

Gain 1000 XP - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter YELLOW, GREEN, DOWN, GREEN

Earn level 2 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, GREEN, RED, YELLOW

Earn level 4 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, DOWN, BLUE, GREEN

Earn level 6 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP

Earn level 8 skills - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter RED, RED, YELLOW, YELLOW

Restore missiles - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter GREEN, GREEN, RED, GREEN

Earn three-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter BLUE, GREEN, RED, BLUE

Earn four-hit combo - Pause the game, hold L + R and enter UP, DOWN, YELLOW, YELLOW

Unlock Secret Characters:

Beat the game to unlock Pippen, Merry and Faramir.






<~ M ~>

 Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter



Skip Level:

Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, A, B, B, X, B.. Must be a game in progress to work

Be Invincible:

Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right

Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B, B, A, X, Y

Pick Level:

Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, A, B, B, X, X.

Unlimited Ammo:

Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B, B, A, X, X.

Deal out 2X Damage:

Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B, B, A, Y, Y

Kill With one Hit:

Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B, B, A, A, A

Get Floating Camera View:

Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B, B, A, Y, X

Auto Focus On Enemies:

Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B, B, A, B, A

Get Big Heads:

Pick the Electro-Cosh on the Weapons Select screen and press Left Trigger, Right

Trigger, Left Trigger, Right Trigger, A, B, B, A, B, B


Mad Dash Racing



Get Hex Character:

Finish the game with Sid, Chops & Zero-G

Get Tek 9 Glider:

Finish the game using any character

Get All characters:

After pausing the game Hold L and press X, B, Left, Y, Right, Right

Never Get Hit:

After pausing the game Hold L and press X, B, B, Left, Left, Y, B

Get Fruit for entire race:

After pausing the game Hold R and press B, X, Left, Left, Y

Get 50 Balls:

After pausing the game Hold L and press Up, X, B, Y, Left, left

Unlock Tremmel King, Roscoe, Hex, Gex, Tek-9, and Sydner:

To unlock Tremmel King get all 3 shortcut medals in all of the 8 levels. To unlock Roscoe get 20 Hex Bux in all 8 levels. To unlock Tek - 9 beat the game with any character. To unlock Sydner beat all the levels in the time challenge. To unlock Hex you must beat the game with all 3 original characters (Chops, Zero - G, and Sid). To unlock Gex you must get all the status decals.

Easy Win (Alpine Cup):

You know how your always in last?Well, if you are in last here's what you do,right about at the end of the race, when you'r in the ice area, you should see a slope with ice covering most of it, climb it.(Note that you have to be a tribrid or a real glider)once your about to jump of the edge,jump right and glide to the right.You should reach the finish line before the computers do!

Pit of death glitch:

On Mt.Magma, Jump to the end of the spinning stones. Then, jump into the lava on your right until you find yourself under the the track-that's right, UNDER the track.the floor is invisible and the speed boosts and items are floating in mid-air. It's pretty funny to see the tremmels walking around on nothing, too. When you jump over the lava under the track, you should see the path ending. After jump down into the pit, you will fall forever, until you restart the race. This code makes you lose, but it's funny to see a character falling forever.

Sparkling characters:

Bash or dash until you get onto a ladder and your character will remain sparkling until his or her feet toch the ground.NOTE:gliding doesn't work!


Madden NFL 2002




How to get JOHN MADDEN #298 every time you buy a pack of Madden Cards. First you need all 329 Madden Cards. Then pick a Madden Card you don't want, like CHEERLEADER CARD and sell all the cards you have for it till you have zero for that card. Then start buying Madden Cards, each time you buy a pack of Madden card you will receive a JOHN MADDEN #298. Once you have 15 JOHN MADDEN #298, Then sell back 14 of them. If you keep buying cards after 15. It will put you back to zero JOHN MADDEN #298.

Special Madden Comment:

Play Madden 2002 on a holiday (holiday on your system calendar) and Madden will comment about it.

Ex. On Thanksgiving he says, "Happy Turkey Day!"


Madden NFL 2003



Unlock Mummies Team:

Use a Playstation 2 Memory card that has a saved game file from a EA Sports Racing Game

Unlock Dodge City Stadium:

Use a Playstation 2 Memory card that has a saved game file from a EA Sports Football Game

Unlock Marshals Team:

Use a Playstation 2 Memory card that has a saved game file from a EA Sports Football Game

Unlock Nile High Stadium:

Use a Playstation 2 Memory card that has a saved game file from a EA Sports Racing Game


Easy way to Get Multiples of cards

First of all you have to star a profile and play games to get tokens. Then buy packs of cards. Now start another profile and do the same. Then save all the data. Now go to the trade screen and trade which card you want from the second profile to the first. Its best to trade three cards for one and then save the first profile but don't save the second profile. Now turn the power off. And turn it back on.

All Players Overall 99: message: When you go to the roster option clck view roster. Click on any player and a little screen will pop up. Go to attributes and you can put every stat up to 99. Now you'll dominate!!

Christmas Greeting:

On your playstation 2 system settings,set the date to 12/25/02(dosn't matter what year), when you start a Game John Madden Greets you By saying "Merry Christmas to all, and we are ready for t great match up between The Titans and Rams"EX., and what ever stadium you are at, it will be filled with Christmas decorations.

More cap room in franchise mode:

To have more cap room what you do is release players who make to much money. Next you singn them as free agents. This works with the rams Grant Wistrom and Lenard Little.

Change song:

Go to main menu hold L1 then press square

All history players:

First you have to play 100 full nfl games and get all the cards then go to free agency and the historic players will be there.

Kevin Butler:

Get a gold rank in Coffin Corner Punt on All-Madden level.

Barry Sanders:

Get a gold rank in Ground Attack in mini-camp on All-Madden level.

Deion Sanders:

Get a gold rank in the DB swat drill in mini-camp mode on All-Madden level.

Jan Stenerud:

Get a gold rank in Clutch Kicking Drill in mini-camp mode on All-Madden level.

John Elway:

Get a gold rank in QB Pocket Presence on All-Madden level.


Madden NFL 2004



Earn Madden Cards With EA Bio:

Gain levels in your EA Bio by completing specific challenges and playing other EA Sports title to unlock Madden Cards. Unlockable Cards include:

Level 2: #204 Bingo! Cheat

Level 4: #246 1990 Eagles Classic Team

Level 6: #186 Steve Spurrier Coach


Free Advertising:

At the beginning of each week, check a game later than yours time-wise (Monday night being the best choice so after you play your game, the week doesn't end). Before playing your game, go to Owner's Box and max out money on all advertising. Play your game and you'll receive the attendence for the max advertising. When your game is over, go back to Owner's Box and drop all advertising to $0. Go back to Play Week, uncheck the checked game and simulate the rest of the week. When you go back to Owner's Box and check your balance sheet, the amount of overall spending for attendance will stay the same, but you'll recieve the attendance boost.


Name Your Tune:

Hold X and press L or R to change the menu song.


Play Football 101 to Earn Easy Tokens:

One place to garner quick Tokens is Football 101. Run through all of the plays in your playbook to get a substantial helping of Tokens, which you can use to purchase Madden Cards.


Unlock Cheerleader/Pump Up Crowd Madden Cards:

To unlock the Cheerleader/Pump Up Crowd Madden Cards, beat the Game Situation in Mini-Camp. The team who you complete the challenge with is the Cheerleader/Pump Up Card you will unlock.


Unlock Madden Cards in Mini-Camp:

Get Gold in Mini-Camp challenges to unlock Madden Cards. Cards directly relate to the challenges you complete. For instance, getting a Gold in the Ground Attack challenge will yield a Priest Holmes Card. Be sure to get Golds on all of the difficulty levels to collect all of the cards!


Avoid The Cap:

The salary cap is pretty easy to manipulate. If you don't like a player for whatever reason, than re-negotiate his contract so that he doesn't get a signing bonus. Than work out a trade with another team and you won't take a hit against the salary cap for trading him.


Cheap but Strong Players:

If you create a player in franchise mode, make his attributes really low and then sign him for 7 years very cheap. As soon as you do, go back into create a player mode, and change all of your player's attributes to 99. His wage won't increase until his contract is up, but he will kick ass on the field.


Players Become Coaches:

Great players that retire in franchise mode can return to be coaches. Wait a couple years after you favorite star retires, and he will show up in the coaching free agent list to be signed as an assisant coach or an head coach.


Trade for Any Player:

In Franchise Mode, Create a player (or 3, or 20) and set all of his attributes low so that his overall rating is 12. Sign him as a free agent for cheap then return to Create-A-Player and max out his stats. You can now trade this player to any team for the very best players in the NFL.





Unlockable: Bigfoot Truck:

To unlock the Bigfoot vehicle in Free Ride, get first place in all of the races in Racing Championship mode with any difficulty setting, and with damage either on or off.

Unlockable: Free Ride Options:

Car Selections: Learn to break into cars during missions to use it in a new Free Ride game.

Locale Selections: Run through the game's story mode to unlock more cities that can be used in a new Free Ride game.

Time of Day: Run through the story mode to open night and daylight options for Free Ride game areas.


Unlockable: More Cars for Free Ride:

After completing a mission, the game sometimes instructs you to return to the bar or go to Lucas' Body Shop. Complete a mission for him and he will show where to get a car--once you get the car, it will be unlocked in freeride.


Hint: Ditch the cops, fast!:

Get inside of a trolley, a rail station, or an elevated rail station and wait until your wanted level subsides.


Hint: Easy Money:

Kill the gangsters to earn $500 a pop. They wear all black suits with black hats. You can also drive taxis to earn cash, and blow up vehicles for an extra $100 each.

Hit 130MPH to earn quick cash. (Sorry for the pun.)


Hint: Killing gangsters:

The best way to kill the men in black is to walk behind them and shoot them with a shotgun.


Hint: Make Traffic Vanish:

To clear up the roads ahead of you, you can make traffic vanish by simply looking in your rear-view mirror--hold DOWN on the right analog stick. This works best with cars at a distance and on the connecting bridges and tunnels.


Hint: Shoot off tires:

Best with a Tommy gun--aim at the center of wheels, at the lugnuts, and fire away.


Magic: The Gathering Battlegrounds



Unlock Mishra:

To unlock Mishra, beat Quest Mode using a preset duelist and deck.


Unlock Other Duellists:

Play arcade mode and beat it as each of the duelists; each time you win, you unlock the next highest duelist of that color. For example, win as Kuldan unlock Volita, then win as Volita to unlock Maraxus and win as Maraxus to be able to play Maraxus.


Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX 2



Unlock Cities for Road Trip Mode:

Go to the Press Start Screen and enter the following QUICKLY

Boston - Y, Up, Down, Down, Up, Y

Chicago - Y, Up, B, Up, B, Y

Las Vegas - Y, R, Left, L, Right, Y

L.A. - Y, Left, B, B, Left, Y

New Orleans - Y, Down, Right, Up, Left, Y

Portland - Y, A, A, B, B, Y

Unlock Riders:

Go to the Press Start Screen and enter the following QUICKLY

Big Foot - B, Right, Up, Right, Up, Y

The Mime - B, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left

Volcano - B, Up, Up, A, Up, Up, A

Day Smith- B, Up, Down, Up, Down, Y Vanessa- B, Down, Left, Left, Down, Y

Unlock Rider Videos:

Go to the Press Start Screen and enter the following QUICKLY

Cory Nastazio - R-Trigger, Y, X, X, Y, Y, Y, R-Trigger

Seth Kimbrough - R-Trigger, Up, Up, X, X, X, R-Trigger

Reuben Alcantara - R-Trigger, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right-Trigger

Nate Wessel - R-Trigger, Down, B, X, Down, B, X, R-Trigger

Big Ramp - R-Trigger, Up, Down, Left, A, A, A, R-Trigger

Day - R-Trigger, X, Left, Left, Y, Right, Right, R-Trigger

Mat Hoffman- R-Trigger, Left, X, Left, X, Left, R-Trigger

Joe Kowalski- R-Trigger, Up, A, B, Down, R-Trigger

Rick Thorne- R-Trigger, L-Trigger, Right,R-Trigger, Left, R-Trigger

Mike Escamilla- R-Trigger, X, A, A, X, A, A, R-Trigger

Simon Tabron- R-Trigger, L-Trigger, L-Trigger, R-Trigger, L-Trigger, L-Trigger, R-


Kevin Robinson- R-Trigger, A, B, Down, Up, R-Trigger

Unlock Road Trip Videos:

Go to the Press Start Screen and enter the following QUICKLY

Boston - Y, Up, Down, Down, Up, Y

Chicago- Y, Up, B, Up, B, Y

New Orleans- Y, Down, Right, Up, Left, Y

Las Vegas- Y, R-Trigger, L, L-Trigger, Right, Y

LA- Y, Left, B, B, Left, Y Portland- Y, A, A, B, B, Y

Get New outfits:

Go to the Press Start Screen and enter the following QUICKLY

Elvis- X, L-Trigger, L-Trigger, Up, Up BMX- X, B, Left, Right, Left, X

Get Vanessa Character:

Go to LA and look for the Girl sitting Down on top of a brick building. You must do a 20,000 point adrenaline trick in front of her. You can manual inbetween tricks so you don't have to pull off a single trick

Get Volcano Character:

Finish the game using any character and FINISH ALL objectives

Get Day Smith Character:

Go to OK city. Now go to the ramp that is put there with the fork lift and into the secret garage. Now you must grind on that black box and it will open into a vert ramp. Use that ramp and grind on the bullhorns and jump into the small room and you unlock Smith!


Max Payne



Infinite health and ammo:

  • press and hold right and left trigger

  • then press left and right thumbstick and hold

  • quickly press white, black,black, white, white, black

This code can be entered at any time during gameplay,just hit the back button which will take you back to the menu screen then enter code next there will be an option "cheat"

This may take some practice to get fingering right

**important** you must already have at least a few painkillers to refill them / max 8 per refill ammo doesn't matter,it can be empty and it will be refilled.

Get all weapons:

Complete game in easy or hard mode

you will then get two more difficulty settings and in "cheats" menu you will have get all weapons option.


Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne



Unlock Modes:

Finish the game on Detective Mode to unlock Hard-Boiled Mode, New York Minute Mode, Dead Man Walking Mode, and the Jump to Chapter option. Finish the game on Hard-Boiled Mode to unlock Dead on Arrival Mode.


Special ending:

Successfully complete the game in Dead On Arrival mode.


Maximum Chase



Black and white mode:

Enter "9DE5" as a cheat at the "Code Entry" screen under the options menu.

High contrast black and white mode:

Enter "A8D7" as a cheat at the "Code Entry" screen under the options menu.

Saturation and hue mode:

Enter "B6FC" as a cheat at the "Code Entry" screen under the options menu


Mech Assault



How to unlock Ragnarok for Multi Player Mode:

Finish the game one time to unlock him for local play in multi player

Get New Mechs:

To get new mechs all you have to do is beat game on campaign mode. More mechs are as follows...

Easy:2 new mechs.

Medium:1 more new mech.

Hard:1 more new mech. Difficult:2 more mechs.

Get Ymir:

You get Ymir the same way as getting Ragnarok,by beating the entire game. Ymir has different weapon choices that some may prefer in battle.

Beat "Size Matters" Easily:

If you've made it to Size Maters, the second part, you know that at the end, there are about 9 or 10 mechs. If you try to fight them, kill the one in the middle so that it kills the others in the explosion. If you want to beat the mission, run past them to the mansion. Put a chaff on it to attract the missiles, the start shooting. Try to get other mechs by it so it hurts them when it falls. Otherwise, choose to make the helicopters crash on the mechs. Hopefully you make it.

Instant Enemy Deaths:

This code instantly destroys your enemy, as long as they are in the right place.

Wht you do is:

1. Make sure that your enemy is under, or RIGHT, IMMEDIATELY NEXT TO a bridge, or a building.

2.Use your weapons, cycling thruogh them, to shoot, bomb, or just DESTROY the bridge/building.

3.If your enemy was under or close enough to the now blown-up structure, than the enemy mech will blow up, and be dead.

*This works for YOU, too. If you are on/near/under the structure when it is destroyed, you will be... gone.

**If you are in multiplayer Grinder, this works, also.

***You can also weaken bridges beforehand, too. If you shoot the bridge enough, it will smoke, first at the far end, then middle, then close to you. Once it does this, a couple of shots will blow it!


Medal Gear Solid: Substance



Get Stealth & Bandanna:

Finish the tanker missions 3 different times using 3 different difficulty settings on the same save file

Get Stealth & Wig:

Finish the plant missions 3 different times using 3 different difficulty settings on the same save file

Get Ninja Raiden:

Finish 50% of the VR Missions as Raiden

Get Pliskin:

Finish 50% of the VR Missions as Snake

Get Raiden X:

Finish 100% of the VR Missions as Raiden & ninja Raiden

Get Tuxedo Snake:

Finish 100% of the VR Missions as Pliskin

Get Boss Survival Mode:

Finish Sons of Liberty using any difficulty setting

Get European Extreme Difficulty: Finish the game using normal difficulty setting

Get Sunglasses for Snake & Raiden: Finish the game two times

Get Casting Theatre Option:

Finish Sons of Liberty using any difficulty setting

Get Metal gear Solid 1 Snake:

Finish 100% of missions using Pliskin, Snake, Tuxedo Snake, Raiden X, Raiden & Ninja Raiden

Title Screen Fun:

Press WHITE to hear a gunshot & press Right Analog stick to change colors

Get Digital Camera:

Finish the game one time and start a new game. The digital camera is locate in Strut E Shell 1. Go to the bottom of the screen and locate the platform with three red lights on it. Climb up onto it and equip the Z.O.E. Box. When the conveyor stops, press Action to climb on. You will be taken to another room. Press Action again to get off and retrieve the Digital Camera. Exit the room in the same fashion.


Medal of Honor: Frontline



Finish previous Mission With Gold Star:

Go to the Enigma machine and put in SALMON for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

Get A Storm in the Port Mission 2:

Go to the Enigma machine and put in BASS for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

Get Needle in a Haystack Mission 3:

Go to the Enigma machine and put in STURGEON for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

Get Several Bridges Too far Mission 4:

Go to the Enigma machine and put in PIKE for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

Get Rolling Thunder Mission 5:

Go to the Enigma machine and put in TROUT for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

Get Horten's Nest Mission 6:

Go to the Enigma machine and put in CATFISH for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

Get Bullet Shield:

Go to the Enigma machine and put in NOHITSFORU for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

Get Paintball FMV:

Go to the Enigma machine and put in COTOBREATH for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

Get Animation Reel:

Go to the Enigma machine and put in FLIPBOOK for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

Secret in the golden lion:

when you get to the golden lion in needle in a haystack tip the piano player but dont go upstairs. go behind the bar wall where the bartender stands then go to the door where the guards stand next to then press sqaure. the guard will tap dance and the the guy who shouts out drink over here will go bananas.

Gold Medal hint:

To get gold at the end of a level have 75% or more health and kill 95% or more of the enemy

Medals Awarded:

Finish game with gold in every mission: EA LA Medal of Valor

D-Day mission: Army Distinguished Service Medal.

Storm In The Port mission: Army Commendation Medal

Needle In A Haystack mission: Soldiers Medal

Several Bridges Too Far mission: Dutch WWII Commemorative Cross

Rolling Thunder mission: Legion of Merit - Complete

The Horten's Nest mission: Distinguished Service Flying Cross Understand Germans

Turn on subtitles in the options menu to translate the German's


Medal of Honor: Rising Sun



Cheat Codes:

Enter these on the passcode screen:

TUSKFISH - Unlock All Missions

BANNER - Invincibility

WRASSE - Bullet Shield

JAWFISH - Unlimited Ammo

BATFISH - Silver Bullet

CARDINAL - Achilles Head

BOXFISH - All Replay Items

PARROT - Invisible Soldiers

DOTTYBACK - Men With Hats

BETTA - Rubber Grenades


Mercedes Benz World Racing



How to unlock Multiplayer Vehicles & Tracks: Put in the user name FULL HOUSE

How to unlock One Player Vehicles & Tracks: Put in the user name ALLUCANGET

How to Move Camera:

During single play races press L + R + Back + White. Now use the analog stick to move the camera. Press White to drop your car


Metal Arms: Glitch in the System



Unlock Concept Movie:

Beat story mode to unlock this feature.


Unlock General Corrosive for Multiplayer:

To unlock General Corrosive for multiplayer, collect all of the speed chips in the game.


Fighting the Zombiebot King:

In order to beat the Zombiebot King just wear him down using rockets until he pauses (doesn't move). Toss a grenade (coring charge) into its mouth. On Normal, it takes five grenades to kill him and after the 3rd and 4th grenades there are regular zombiebots that swarm the arena.


Metal Dungeon



More cash:

At the registry make the computer create characters. Continue doing this until you have reached the maximum allowed and delte the characters made by the computer. Then go to where you store you items and the delted characters will be there. If you sell them you can make money.


Midnight Club 2



Cheat List:

Highlight Options on the main menu then highlight Options: (Name of Player). Press LEFT or RIGHT on that selection to access the Cheat Code menu. Press A to start entering cheats, and R to copy/paste cheat to/from the Xbox clipboard.

hotwired - unlocks all cars. Only works while logged into Xbox Live. theworldismine - unlocks all arcade locations. zooomzoom4 - inlimited nitro. greasemonkey - all car abilities bigbrother - unlocks most dedicated status.

howfastcanitbe0-9 - set game speed (0 is low, 9 is fast) howhardcanitbe0-9 - set game difficulty (0 is easy, 9 is hard)

Change Difficulty Level:

If the game is too hard and you cant beat this race then go to options & find the cheat menu then enter howhardcanitbe(0-9) 9 is the hardest & 0 will be the easiest.

howhardcanitbe0 howhardcanitbe1 howhardcanitbe2 howhardcanitbe3 howhardcanitbe4 howhardcanitbe5 howhardcanitbe6 howhardcanitbe7 howhardcanitbe8 howhardcanitbe9

No Rider:

Ok first get a bike. Then crash the bike and make your rider fall off. Once the rider is off, hit start. Then unpause it. You will have no rider on your bike! May take a couple tries.

Get Motorcycle:

Beat 5 motorcycles in a long race

LAPD cop car:

beat all 5 L.A. arcade circuit races

Paris cop car:

beat all 6 Paris arcade circuit races

Tokyo cop car:

beat all 7 Tokyo arcade circuit races

Rocket car(batman's car):

100% game completion - fastest car in the game

More Cars:

Once you enable the Get all Cars code go to the editor mode to use 4 other cars. These cars are the 3 cop cars from Tokyo, Paris and LA and also a rocket car called the SLF450X. It has 5 shots of nitrous and tops out at 249.

Best Car:

To get the best car in the game you have to beat the world champ in all the different tracks to unlock the Veloci.

Best Car:

Easy way to the best car (SFL450x) is to go to the cheats screen and type howhardcanitbe0 exactly like I wrote it Then beat career mode and all the arcade circuit tracks to unlock the Best car in the game Note: Looks like the BATMAN car you won't be disappointed

Get The Two Wheel Drive:

First start the career and beat all the levels until you get to the level in Cal. or L.A. and then when you VS. DICE and after you beat him you will unlock 2 wheel drive.

2 Wheel Drive is mostly used to squeeze between 2 cars. How to control it is to hold L1 and on the analog stick press left or right. Let go of L1 and you'll drop

NOS boost: Push the up button

Cop cars:

Beat all circuit races in arcade mode

( beat all circuit races in L.A., you get the L.A. cop car, so on with Paris and Tokyo

Get Cop Cars The Easy Way:

To get the cop, you have to go to arcade mode and change it to circuit. After that you pick a track for circuit (LA will give you thee LA cop Paris Will give you the Paris cop and Tokyo will give you the Tokyo cop. The Tokyo cop is the best.) After you have picked the track beat circuit races 1-5 for LA 1-6 for Paris and 1-7 for Tokyo. If you want it to be easier put in the codes to make it the easiest and the code to get the guns and rockets so you can blow up the racers.

Get Your First motor cycle:

Beat Gina 3 times in career mode. you'll get it your first motor cycle. That is how you get your first motor cycle.


Midtown Madness 3



Find Secret Cars:

To find secret cars, search for the paint cans marked with ????. Going through the can will unlock the car.


Pencil-Drawn Mode:

In Paris, go to the Musee du Louvre and drive up to one of the glass pyramids. Press up on the right analog stick to look at it. Hold your stare for 30 seconds and the screen will have a textured look, and everything will look like it's sketched on.


Super Sonic Mode:

When in Washington DC find the Lincoln Memorial and pull up to his feet. Using the right thumb stick, look up at him and hold it there for 20-30 seconds. The screen should go black and white. Drive away and you will notice that you are in super sonic speed mode.


Unlock New Cars:

Fulfill the criteria listed below to unlock the indicated vehicle:

Paris Bus: Win the first three checkpoint races in Paris.

Washington Bus: Win the first three checkpoint races in Washington.

Fire Truck: Win the first six checkpoint races in Paris.

Cement Truck: Win the first six checkpoint races in Washington.

Armored Car: Complete the Paris security guard job.

Freightliner Century Class S/T: Complete the first six blitz races in Washington.

Hummer H2 SUV: Complete the Washington Salesman job.

FLE: Complete the Paris Delivery Guy job.

Limousine: Complete the Paris chauffeur job.

Cadillac Escalade: Complete the Washington Limo Driver job.

Ambulance: Complete the Paris Paramedic job.

Taxi: Complete the Paris Taxi Driver job.

Paris Police: Complete the Paris Police Officer job.

Washington Police: Complete the Washington Police Officer job.

Chrysler PT Turbo: Complete the Washington Rental Car Driver job.

1959 Eldorado Seville: Complete the Washington Pizza Deliverer job.

Mini Cooper S: Complete the first three blitz races in Paris.

Chevrolet SSR: Complete the first three blitz races in Washington.

Saab 9-3 Turbo: Win the tenth checkpoint race in Paris.

Audi TT: Complete the Paris Special Agent job.

Chrysler Crossfire: Win the tenth blitz race in Washington.

Audi S4 Avant: Complete the first six blitz races in Paris.

1967 Ford Mustang 2+2 Fastback: Complete the Washington Stunt Car Driver job.

Chevrolet Corvette Z06: Win the tenth checkpoint race in Washington.

Lotus Esprit V8: Win the tenth Paris Blitz race.

Dodge Viper SRT-10: Complete the Washington Private Eye job.

Koenigsegg CC: Complete it ALL


Minority Report



Get Max Ammo:

Go to the code menu and put in MRJUAREZ for a code

Be Invincible:

Go to the code menu and put in LRGARMS for a code

More Health:

Go to the code menu and put in BUTTERUP for a code

Get All Weapons:

Go to the code menu and put in STRAPPED for a code

Skip Level:

Go to the code menu and put in QUITER for a code

Slomotion Button:

Go to the code menu and put in SLIZOMIZO for a code

Bouncy Men:

Go to the code menu and put in BOUNZMEN for a code

Level Warp All:

Go to the code menu and put in PASSKEY for a code

Do not select:

Go to the code menu and put in DONOTSEL for a code

Get Clown Hero:

Go to the code menu and put in SCARYCLOWN for a code

Get SuperJohn Hero:

Go to the code menu and put in SUPERJOHN for a code

Get GI John Hero:

Go to the code menu and put in GNRLINFANTRY for a code

Get Nara Hero:

Go to the code menu and put in WEIGHTGAIN for a code

Get Nikki Hero:

Go to the code menu and put in HAIRLOSS for a code

Get Moseley Hero:

Go to the code menu and put in BIGLIPS for a code

Get Convict Hero:

Go to the code menu and put in JAILBREAK for a code

Get Robot Hero:

Go to the code menu and put in MRROBOTO for a code

Get Zombie Hero:

Go to the code menu and put in IAMSODEAD for a code

Get Lizard Hero:

Go to the code menu and put in HISSSS for a code

Dramatic Finish:

Go to the code menu and put in STYLIN for a code

Clutter the Place Up:

Go to the code menu and put in CLUTZ for a code

Get Max Damage:

Go to the code menu and put in SPINACH for a code

Get Ending scene:

Go to the code menu and put in WIMP for a code

Get Armor:

Go to the code menu and put in STEELUP for a code

Get Rag doll:

Go to the code menu and put in CLUMSY for a code

Unlock all movies:

Go to the code menu and put in DIRECTOR for a code

Unlock all combos:

Go to the code menu and put in NINJA for a code

Get Baseball Bat:

Go to the code menu and put in SLUGGER for a code

Unlock Pain Arenas:

Go to the code menu and put in MAXIMUMHURT for a code

Get Free aim:

Go to the code menu and put in FPSSTYLE for a code

Unlock Concept Art:

Go to the code menu and put in SKETCHPAD for a code


Mission Impossible: Operation Surma



Avoiding turrets:

When the turrets are shooting you, roll all the way and do not run.


MLB Slugfest 2004



Cheat List:

On the match-up screen, press X, Y and B the required amount of times to change the icons on the screen. Then press the D-Pad in the direction indicated to lock in the code. For instance, a code listed as 1-2-1 LEFT will require you to press X once, Y twice and B once, then press LEFT to lock in the code.

1, 1, 1, DOWN: Cheats Disabled

4, 4, 4, DOWN: Unlimited Turbo

2, 4, 2, DOWN: 16' Softball

0, 0, 4, RIGHT: Whiffle Bat

2, 0, 0, RIGHT: Big Head

0, 0, 4, UP: Log Bat

0, 0, 3, UP: Ice Bat

0, 0, 2, UP: Blade Bat 0, 0, 5, UP: Spike Bat

0, 0, 1, UP: Bone Bat

3, 3, 3, UP: Coliseum Stadium

3, 2, 1, UP: Rocket Park Stadium

3, 3, 3, DOWN: Monument Stadium

3, 2, 1, DOWN: Midway Park Stadium

3, 2, 1, RIGHT: Empire Park Stadium

3, 3, 3, LEFT: Forbidden City Stadium

3, 2, 1, LEFT: Atlantis Stadium

2, 4, 2, UP: Rubber Ball

0, 0, 4, LEFT: Mace Bat

2, 0, 0, LEFT: Tiny Head

3, 0, 0, LEFT: Max Batting

0, 3, 0, LEFT: Max Power

0, 0, 3, LEFT: Max Speed

2, 1, 0, RIGHT: Pinto Team

2, 1, 1, RIGHT: Horse Team

2, 1, 2, RIGHT: Eagle Team

2, 2, 0, RIGHT: Lion Team

3, 3, 3, RIGHT: Team Terry Fitzgerald 2, 2, 2, RIGHT: Team Todd McFarlane

1, 0, 3, DOWN: Dwarf Team

1, 1, 3, DOWN: Gladiator Team

1, 3, 3, DOWN: Bobble Head Team

1, 0, 2, DOWN: Dolphin Team

1, 1, 2, DOWN: Scorpion Team

1, 3, 2, DOWN: Rodeo Clown

1, 0, 1 DOWN: Little League

1, 1, 0, DOWN: Minotaur Team

2, 2, 2, DOWN: Olshan Team

2, 2, 2, UP: Rivera Team

2, 3, 2, DOWN: Napalitano Team

2, 1, 1, DOWN: Evil Clown Team

2, 3, 1, DOWN: Alien Team

2, 3, 3, DOWN: Casey Team

3, 0, 3, UP: Extended Time For Codes





Miniature golf game:

Successfully complete the game in single player mode.

Extra balls:

Get all the Bonus Infusers in any level on any world.

Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance


Note, 1,2,3,4 represent the attack buttons

Bo Rai Cho: Belly Flop

Back, Back, Back, Down, 4

Johnny Cage: Brain Ripper

Back, Forward, Forward, Down, 2

Kano: Open Heart Surgery Forward, Up, Up, Down, 1

Kenshi: Telekinetic Crush

Forward, Back, Forward, Down, 3

Kung Lao:Splitting Headache Down, Up, Back, 3

Li Mei: Super Crush Kick

Forward, Forward, Down, Forward, 4

Mavado: Kick Thrust

Back, Back, Up, Up, 1

Quan Chi: Neck Stretcher

Back, Back, Forward, Back, 3

Scorpion:Spear Head

Back, Back, Down, Back , 4

Shang Tsung: Soul Steal Up, Down, Up, Down, 2

Sonya: Kiss of Death

Back, Forward, Forward, Down, 2

Sub-Zero: Skeleton Rip

Back, Forward, Forward, Down, 3

CyraX:Claw Smasher

Forward, Forward, Up, 2

Drahmin: Iron Bash

Back, Forward, Forward, Down, 3

Frost: Freeze Shatter

Forward, Back, Up, Down, 1

Hsu Hao: Laser Slicer

Forward, Back, Down, Down, 2

JaX: Head Stomp

Down, Forward, Forward, Down, 2

Kitana: Kiss of Doom

Down, Up, Forward, Forward, 2

Nitara: Blood Thirst Up, Up, Forward, 1

Raiden: Electrocution

Back, Forward, Forward, Forward, 3

Reptile: Acid Shower

Up, Up, Up, Forward, 3


Krypt Koffers:

Krypt Description of Contents Cost and Kurrency

AA Quan Chi 1556 Gold Koins

AB Kung Lao Sketch 186 Gold Koins

AC Li Mei 424 Platinum Koins

AD Moloch Sketches 96 Sapphire Koins

AE MK2 Cabinet Security Panels 118 Onyx Koins

AF RO: Rip Off!!! 313 Platinum Koins

AG Deadly Alliance is Born 258 Sapphire Koins

AH Shang Tsung Sketch 66 Gold Koins

AI Quan Chi's Tattoos 277 Onyx Koins

AJ 38 Gold Koins 26 Jade Koins

AK Moloch Promo Render 432 Gold Koins

AL Shang Tsung's Palace 287 Ruby Koins

AM Mavado Coat Concepts 192 Platinum Koins

AN PD: Pay Day!!! 52 Gold Koins

AO 57 Sapphire Koins 105 Onyx Koins

AP Quan Chi's Throne 154 Onyx Koins

AQ Scorpion Concept Sketch 226 Ruby Koins

AR Alternate Outfit: Nitara 2206 Jade Koins

AS Palace Exterior Sketch 66 Jade Koins

AT Swamplands Sketch 269 Ruby Koins

AU Shang Tsung 463 Gold Koins

AV Senate of the Elder Gods Test 497 Ruby Koins

AW 88 Ruby Koins 76 Gold Koins

AX Quan Chi's Inner Sanctum 337 Gold Koins

AY Concept Characters 258 Platinum Koins

AZ Test Your Sight Concept 442 Ruby Koins

BA Lin Kuei Temple Concept 264 Onyx Koins

BB Sub-Zero's Medallion 326 Ruby Koins

BC Giant Drummer Detail 452 Gold Koins

BD Alternate Outfit: Kano 1520 Sapphire Koins

BE Swamplands Sketch 67 Gold Koins

BF 120 Jade Koins 263 Platinum Koins

BG Baphomet Sketch 217 Sapphire Koins

BH Ultimate MK3 Arcade Marquee 116 Jade Koins

BI Sonya Concept Sletch 167 Jade Koins

BJ Ghost Ship 178 Platinum Koins

BK Drum Arena Details 136 Sapphire Koins

BL Portal Sphere 145 Jade Koins

BM Character Concepts 207 Onyx Koins

BN The Grid: Guest Stars 720 Onyx Koins

BO The Grid: Noob Saibot 305 Platinum Koins

BP The Grid: MK Ninjas 426 Gold Koins

BQ Alternate Outfit: Kitana 1327 Gold Koins

BR Hint: FK: Fly Killer 451 Onyx Koins

BS Mavado Sketches 253 Sapphire Koins

BT Blood Energy Drink 291 Sapphire Koins

BU Reptile Skin Lotion 336 Platinum Koins

BV Backstage: MK4 Commercial 371 Sapphire Koins

BW Backstage: MK4 Commercial 329 Onyx Koins

BX Backstage: MK4 Commercial 212 Platinum Koins

BY MK Gold Logo 183 Gold Koins

BZ MK4: Sonya and Tanya 381 Platinum Koins

CA Shang Tsung's Palace Sketch 218 Onyx Koins

CB Octo Garden Sketch 252 Sapphire Koins

CC Book of Destiny 376 Jade Koins

CD Shang Tsungs Soul Concept 261 Jade Koins

CE Great Dragon Egg 174 Jade Koins

CF Female Character Concepts 268 Onyx Koins CG Hint: JT: Johnny's Tapes 75 Sapphire Koins

CH 92 Sapphire Koins 48 Jade Koins

CI Test Your Sight Concept 271 Jade Koins

CJ Quan Chi Sketches 272 Ruby Koins

CK Wu Shi Academy 556 Jade Koins

CL 492 Onyx Koins 332 Gold Koins

CM House of Pekara Concept 244 Gold Koins

CN Secret Character: Cyrax 3003 Platinum Koins

CO Kano's Cereal 192 Ruby Koins

CP Carlos Pesina 172 Ruby Koins

CQ Senate of Elder Gods Concept 272 Gold Koins

CR Raiden Sketch 294 Platinum Koins

CS 143 Ruby Koins 89 Sapphire Koins

CT Dragonfly Story 588 Ruby Koins

CU Swamplands Sketch 257 Sapphire Koins

CV 71 Jade Koins 121 Sapphire Koins

CW Academy Promo Render 226 Ruby Koins

CX Scorpion Goes Back to Hell 203 Gold Koins

CY Soul Cage Concept 116 Ruby Koins

CZ Hsu Hao Concepts 362 Onyx Koins

DA 18 Sapphire Koins 72 Ruby Koins

DB Soul Chamber Concept 257 Sapphire Koins

DC MK3: Kung Lao vs Jax 838 Onyx Koins

DD Lifeguard Sonya 355 Gold Koins

DE Character Concepts 126 Gold Koins

DF Dan 'Toasty' Forden 286 Platinum Koins

DG Sonya Blade 57 Jade Koins

DH Shokan Warriors 199 Gold Koins

DI Quan Chi on the Sax 254 Sapphire Koins

DJ 98 Ruby Koins 186 Platinum Koins

DK Alternate Outfit: Johhny Cage 1460 Ruby Koins

DL Scorpion Cloth Test 230 Platinum Koins

DM Acid Bath 428 Onyx Koins

DN 18 Jade Koins 234 Sapphire Koins

DO 221 Onyx Koins 39 Gold Koins

DP Mortal Kombat 2 Print Ad 224 Jade Koins

DQ Hint: SF: Smelly Feet 656 Platinum Koins

DR Mavado Sketches 273 Sapphire Koins

DS Secret Arena: Nethership 1472 Ruby Koins

DT Li Mei Sketch 332 Ruby Koins

DU MK3 Behind the Scenes 368 Onyx Koins

DV Empty 257 Ruby Koins

DW Cave Arena Concept 157 Ruby Koins

DX 579 Ruby Koins 292 Jade Koins

DY Hint: SS: Sword Sale 94 Gold Koins

DZ Empty 258 Onyx Koins

EA The Lost Tomb 258 Sapphire Koins

EB Ed Boon 237 Ruby Koins

EC Swamplands Sketch 248 Sapphire Koins

ED 949 Platinum Koins 633 Platinum Koins

EE Mythologies Home Verion 1200 Platinum Koins

EF Quality Assurance: Chicago 267 Gold Koins

EG MK3 Arcade Marquee 74 Platinum Koins

EH Reptile Sketch 253 Onyx Koins

EI Action Figures 512 Sapphire Koins

EJ Action Figures 547 Jade Koins

EK Action Figures 424 Ruby Koins

EL Action Figures 434 Platinum Koins

EM Action Figures 405 Gold Koins

EN Action Figures 246 Onyx Koins

EO Action Figures 289 Sapphire Koins

EP Action Figures 166 Jade Koins

EQ Action Figure Vehicles 256 Sapphire Koins

ER Bo' Rai Cho 527 Platinum Koins

ES Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate Print Ad 167 Platinum Koins

ET Quan Chi's Face Texture 86 Onyx Koins

EU Dairou Drawings 262 Ruby Koins

EV Drum Arena 356 Ruby Koins

EW Quan Chi's Chest Armor 286 Platinum Koins

EX Hint: ST: Sarna Test 243 Onyx Koins

EY Cyrax Sketch 254 Platinum

EZ Blood Stone Mine Concept 412 Platinum

FA Cyrax Test Render 263 Gold Koins

FB A Long Time Ago (Smash TV) 248 Ruby Koins

FC A Softer Side to Cyrax 310 Sapphire Koins

FD Portal Story 156 Onyx Koins

FE Li Mei Sketch 242 Gold Koins

FF MK1: Sub-Zero vs. Scorpion 1199 Gold Koins

FG Dragonfly Concept Render 291 Gold Koins

FH House of Pekara Concept 215 Ruby Koins

FI Deadly Alliance Koins 262 Platinum Koins

FJ MK3 Arcade Cabinet 179 Ruby Koins FK Bug Blaster 520 Platinum

FL Early MKDA Promo 264 Sapphire Koins

FM Palace Exterior Sketch 76 Sapphire Koins

FN 1800 Jade Koins 93 Jade Koins FO MK2 Characters 76 Ruby Koins

FP Palace Exterior Sketch 46 Gold Koins

FQ MK T-shirts 283 Platinum

FR MK Youth Clothing 401 Gold Koins

FS MK Sweatshirts 389 Onyx Koins

FT MK T-shirts 126 Sapphire Koins

FU Empty 20 Onyx Koins

FV 243 Platinum Koins 83 Platinum Koins

FW Hint: Unleash Hell (UH) 666 Ruby Koins

FX Comic Book Art: 1 of 41 492 Sapphire Koins

FY Comic Book Art: 2 of 41 27 Ruby Koins

FZ Comic Book Art: 3 of 41 136 Onyx Koins

GA Comic Book Art: 4 of 41 572 Gold Koins GB Comic Book Art: 5 of 41 458 Jade Koins

GC Comic Book Art: 6 of 41 412 Gold Koins

GD Comic Book Art: 7 of 41 74 Sapphire Koins

GE Comic Book Art: 8 of 41 277 Ruby Koins

GF Comic Book Art: 9 of 41 124 Platinum Koins

GG Comic Book Art: 10 of 41 63 Jade Koins

GH Comic Book Art: 11 of 41 418 Platinum Koins

GI Comic Book Art: 12 of 41 100 Sapphire Koins

GJ Comic Book Art: 13 of 41 326 Platinum Koins

GK Comic Book Art: 14 of 41 379 Platinum Koins

GL Comic Book Art: 15 of 41 128 Ruby Koins

GM Comic Book Art: 16 of 41 555 Onyx Koins

GN Comic Book Art: 17 of 41 91 Gold Koins

GO Comic Book Art: 18 of 41 422 Sapphire Koins

GP Comic Book Art: 19 of 41 58 Jade Koins

GQ Comic Book Art: 20 of 41 532 Jade Koins

GR Comic Book Art: 21 of 41 599 Onyx Koins

GS Comic Book Art: 22 of 41 185 Gold Koins

GT Comic Book Art: 23 of 41 307 Ruby Koins

GU Comic Book Art: 24 of 41 134 Sapphire Koins

GV Comic Book Art: 25 of 41 507 Platinum Koins

GW Comic Book Art: 26 of 41 264 Ruby Koins

GX Comic Book Art: 27 of 41 88 Onyx Koins

GY Comic Book Art: 28 of 41 351 Platinum Koins

GZ Comic Book Art: 29 of 41 575 Ruby Koins HA Comic Book Art: 30 of 41 62 Gold Koins

HB Comic Book Art: 31 of 41 626 Ruby Koins

HC Comic Book Art: 32 of 41 215 Onyx Koins

HD Comic Book Art: 33 of 41 176 Sapphire Koins

HE Comic Book Art: 34 of 41 478 Jade Koins

HF Comic Book Art: 35 of 41 203 Onyx Koins

HG Comic Book Art: 36 of 41 555 Gold Koins

HH Comic Book Art: 37 of 41 222 Platinum Koins

HI Comic Book Art: 38 of 41 225 Jade Koins

HJ Comic Book Art: 39 of 41 637 Onyx Koins

HK Comic Book Art: 40 of 41 138 Gold Koins

HL Comic Book Art: 41 of 41 145 Sapphire Koins

HM Bank Interior Sketch 217 Onyx Koins

HN Lung Hai Temple Sketch 382 Jade Koins

HO Scorpion Preliminary Model 402 Jade Koins

HP Secret Arena: House of Pekara 2093 Onyx Koins

HQ Sektor's Helmet 192 Onyx Koins

HR Konquest Mode Concepts 187 Jade Koins

HS Herman Sanchez 272 Jade Koins

HT Ice Palace Test 462 Jade Koins

HU MK Pinball 435 Ruby Koins

HV MK Gold Print Ad 306 Jade Koins

HW Fire Well Concept 56 Ruby Koins

HX 38 Jade Koins 238 Onyx Koins

HY Kenshi's Sword 408 Sapphire Koins

HZ Shang Tsung's Soulnado 526 Onyx Koins

IA MK4 Logo 37 Ruby Koins

IB Forest Sketch 275 Platinum Koins

IC MK Rock 'Em Sock 'Em 326 Platinum Koins

ID Sub-Zero's Coffee Mug 340 Jade Koins

IE 32 Pack of Adult Diapers 653 Sapphire Koins

IF River Front Concept 195 Ruby Koins

IG Lava Shrine Exterior Concept 208 Gold Koins

IH Hint: IV: Icy Vixen 567 Jade Koins

II Secret Arena: Lava Shrine 1843 Gold Koins

IJ Quan Chi's Amulet 314 Ruby Koins

IK Lava Shrine Priests 503 Platinum Koins

IL Hint: DK: Dressed to Kill 207 Gold Koins

IM Church Concept 227 Gold Koins

IN 57 Gold Koins 37 Sapphire Koins

IO Hint: PH: Phat! 244 Onyx Koins

IP Halloween Masks 257 Onyx Koins

IQ Fortress Exterior Sketches 257 Gold Koins

IR 91 Sapphire Koins 55 Jade Koins

IS Sub-Zero's Blade 244 Ruby Koins

IT Character Concepts 269 Ruby Koins

IU Dairou Sketch 342 Jade Koins

IV Secret Character: Frost 208 Ruby Koins

IW Hint: CN: Cyber Ninja 198 Platinum Koins

IX MKDA Merchandise 265 Sapphire Koins

IY MK Gold Endings 281 Onyx Koins

IZ Jax Renderings 201 Onyx Koins

JA Stage: Kuatan Palace 105 Gold Koins

JB Programmers 392 Sapphire Koins

JC Frost Sketches 287 Gold Koins

JD Swamplands Test Render 305 Jade Koins

JE 59 Ruby Koins 82 Platinum Koins

JF Drum Arena Sketch 332 Ruby Koins

JG Jon Greenberg 272 Jade Koins

JH Hsu Hao Sketches 271 Gold Koins

JI MK4 Print Ad 266 Jade Koins

JJ 772 Sapphire Koins 402 Gold Koins

JK Li Mei Sketch 291 Jade Koins

JL 92 Gold Koins 168 Onyx Koins

JM Shang Tsung Drawings 218 Sapphire Koins

JN John Nocher 252 Jade Koins

JO MK2 Arcade Board 161 Onyx Koins

JP John Podlasek 169 Gold Koins

JQ Kitana Sketches 237 Ruby Koins

JR Alternate Outfit: Raiden 1685 Ruby Koins

JS Dragonfly Render 294 Ruby Koins

JT Johnny Cage Videos 259 Platinum Koins

JU Palace Interior Sketch 266 Platinum Koins </