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Snes9xbox v6b08

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About This File

SNES9XBox Super Nintendo Emulator for XBox.

User Guide:

 - Excellent compatibility - ported from SNES9X v1.43

 - All the usual XPort features ( ZIP support, save states, rewind, autofire,
   cheat codes, fast forward, graphic filters, etc, etc.)

 - If you leave rewind on it will crash after a few minutes.
   Best to just turn it on when you need it.




X-port for porting a great collection of emu's over to the xbox, releasing the source code, and answering my stupid questions.

Atariage (Albert in particular) - For providing a place for me to ramble on. For encouragement in general.

Wimpy & Perr - For providing me even a better place for me to ramble on.

Surreal CE team - Just because they are cool!

Gilou9999 for a new COLOUR and "blue night" skin, synopsis, suggestions, rumble codes, etc.

Mega Man (?) for rumble codes, lots of behind the scenes work and for AR and GG cheat codes.

Bombloke for scripts to convert AR and GG codes into a format I can use.

Guybird for the "Button List" concept/idea and waal for the "Popup Action List" idea.

Bigby, gilou9999, cbagy, waal, mega man (?), neil222, weinersch, butanebob, dominater1, XtecuterX73, darknoir, yougottabecrazy, brandonheat8, silverjag4, excelsis, nobodyhere, philexile, makkusu, xcalibur, keropi, jamallego, elconejotres, yougottabecrazy, xtra-radical, destronger, Movax  and scorp316 for some beta testing and feedback.

Shoutout to the Wii Snes9x-GX team.

Comments of support from various interested parties.

If I missed anybody shoot me an email and I'll update this file.


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