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How to Compile ISO Kernel Patcher to enable EvoX M8+ launch game in ISO mode.


So, our box already have EvoX M8+ and don't want or can't install CerBios but want its xiso launch capability. What's chance?

Worry not, we can use ISO Kernel Patcher to create virtual CD/DVD device by patching kernel in memory. Just set default dashboard to load, compile the patcher, and then put it into the path where BIOS would load (usually in C:)



  • Download and extract "ISO Kernel Patcher.7z"

Here's the extracted files structure:

ISO Kernel Patcher/
├── CDROM modchip
│   ├── cdromimagedrv.asm
│   ├── diskcdromdef.inc
│   ├── footer.asm
│   ├── header.asm
│   ├── kexports.inc
│   ├── make_with_listing.bat
│   ├── My Setup
│   │   ├── Build & Sign xbe.bat
│   │   ├── src
│   │   │   ├── cdromimagedrv.asm
│   │   │   ├── diskcdromdef.inc
│   │   │   ├── footer.asm
│   │   │   ├── header.asm
│   │   │   ├── kexports.inc
│   │   │   ├── xbe path.asm
│   │   │   └── xboxapp.asm
│   │   └── tools
│   │       ├── nasm.exe
│   │       └── xbedump.exe
│   ├── nasm.exe
│   ├── xboxapp.asm
│   └── XBOX HDD
│       ├── apps
│       │   ├── detacher
│       │   │   └── default.xbe
│       │   ├── isoripper
│       │   │   ├── backup.cfg
│       │   │   ├── default.xbe
│       │   │   └── only use this ripper if a created ISO don't work
│       │   └── Kernel patcher
│       │       └── default.xbe
│       └── games
│           └── test_game
│               ├── default.xbe
│               └── put any game ISO here
└── README.txt
  • In the root of "CDROM modchip" folder are source files of ISO Kernel Patcher.

But we will use Rocky's "My Setup" folder for an easier dash setup and also Habibi signing.

  • Go to "My Setup" and then "src" folder, then edit "xbe path.asm" file to set the main dashboard path.

I usually keep my UnleashX dashboard folder in C:\ and the UnleashX binary itself is named unleashx.xbe. So, for example lets put C:\UnleashX\unleashx.xbe as the main dashboard to boot.

Change this line, from:

%define DASH_PATH '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2\Ind-Bios\Dashloader.xbe'


%define DASH_PATH '\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2\UnleashX\unleashx.xbe'

Note: Partition1 is E, and Partition2 is C.

  • Go back to "My Setup" root directory and run "Build & Sign xbe.bat" script.
  • We will then get Patcher.xbe generated. This is the ISO Kernel Patcher.
  • Rename Patcher.xbe to evoxdash.xbe as most modchip will look for this file.

You can use another name if have a custom BIOS configuration.

  • Send this evoxdash.xbe to our Xbox. To the path where BIOS would find. Usually in C:\.
  • Done.

When Xbox is booted, instead of launch a dashboard now the BIOS will launch ISO Kernel Patcher that create a virtual CD/DVD device. After that, it will then boot the dashboard set in build config.

To launch game in iso mode, we need an "attacher" to attach/mount the iso to the virtual CD/DVD device.
Use DVD2Xbox in ISO Mode, Repackinator, redump2x, etc to manage games that can be launched in ISO mode.

ISO Kernel Patcher.7z

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